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  • 书号:9787030318176
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  • 页数:329
  • 出版社:科学出版社
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  • 目录
    第一章 氧化还原状况 1
    一、土壤氧化还原状况的特征 1
    (一)强度因素与数量因素的关系 1
    (二)不均一性 3
    (三)变异范围宽 4
    (四)变异可逆性大 5
    (五)带谱分异 6
    二、影响因素 8
    (一)有机物质 8
    (二)水分状况 9
    (三)酸度 10
    (四)分解时间 10
    (五)土壤类型 11
    三、动态变化 11
    (一)数量 11
    (二)速度 12
    (三)强还原性物质和弱还原性物质的消长 13
    (四)氧化还原电位 14
    四、不同类型土壤的氧化还原状况 15
    (一)自然土壤 15
    (二)农用旱作土壤 16
    (三)水稻土 18
    五、土壤氧化还原状况的研究方法 20
    (一)氧化还原电位的测定 20
    (二)还原性物质的测定 24
    (三)pH的测定 29
    (四)硫化物的测定 29
    (五)正、负电荷有机还原性物质的测定 29
    参考文献 30
    第二章 铵的氧化——硝化反应 31
    一、硝化反应和硝化微生物 31
    (一)物化学反应方程式 31
    (二)微生物类群 32
    二、不同土壤中的硝化反应 33
    (一)硝化微生物的数量 33
    (二)硝化硝化活性 34
    (三)硝化速率 35
    三、影响因素 35
    (一)pH 35
    (二)Eh 37
    (三)水分 37
    (四)有机肥料 39
    (五)质地 40
    (六)利用方式 41
    (七)±壤肥力 43
    四、硝化过程中氧化亚氮的形成和条件 45
    五、动力学特征 47
    (一)Michaelis-Menten反应动A学 48
    (二)基质降解动力学 50
    (三)Logistic生长曲线(自然生长方程)动力学 53
    六、硝化反应的抑制 56
    (一)机理 56
    (二)抑制剂的种类及选用原则 56
    (三)抑制剂的躲 57
    七、土壤硝化反应的研究方法 60
    (―)土壤硝化活性的测定[NH4+-N和(NO2-+NO3-)-N的Zn-FeS04还原连续蒸馏法] 62
    (三)根际土壤的硝化活性(根际微域模拟培养及15N示踪法) 65
    (五)味精废水中铵态氮的微生物氧化法 71
    参考文献 73
    第三章 硝酸盐的还原——反硝化反应 76
    一、反硝化反应和反硝化微生物 76
    (一)反硝化反应的生物还原作用 76
    (二)微生物类群及其生存条件 77
    二、影响因素 83
    (一)氧含量和水分状况 83
    (二)有机质含量和可利用碳源 84
    (三)根系 84
    (四)耕作 89
    (五)利用方式 90
    三、水稻土中氮素损失的机理 91
    (一)耕层水土界面的氧化还原 92
    (二)水稻根际、非根际的氧化还原 93
    (三)无定形铁、锰氧化物作为铵氧化的电子受体导致氮素损失 95
    四、不同土壤的反硝化反应 98
    (一)不同水分类型土壤的反硝化酶活性 98
    (二)不同母质来源土壤的反硝化酶活性 99
    五、水稻-土壤系统中氧化亚氮的通量 99
    六、土壤反硝化反应的研究方法 100
    (一)反硝化细菌数量的测定 100
    (二)纖鉴定 101
    (三)土壤和菌株硝酸还原酶系活性的测定 101
    (四)水稻土氮素损失机理实验 104
    (五)水稻-土壤系统氧化亚氮通量的测定(密闭体系) 107
    参考文献 108
    第四章 有机还原性物质 111
    一、组分的区分 111
    (一)化学区分 ill
    (二)电化学区分 112
    二、主要特性 114
    (一)表观相对分子质量 114
    (二)电荷 115
    (三)等电点 117
    (四)功能团 118
    (五)酚的还原性 119
    三、动态变化 120
    (一)pH 120
    (二)Eh 120
    (三)伏安行为 121
    (四)强有机还原性物质和弱有机还原性物质数量 122
    (五)与土壤中无机还原性物质的消长 122
    四、影响因素 123
    (一)pH 123
    (二)Eh 123
    (三)俯时间 124
    (四)植物物料种类 125
    (五)土壤类型 125
    五、与氧化铁、锰和土壤的相互作用 126
    (一)与针铁矿的反应 126
    (二)与二氧化键的反应 127
    (三)与土壤的相互作用 128
    六、土壤中有机还原性物质的研究方法 131
    (一)示差脉冲伏安行为 131
    (二)级分和利用相对肝质量 137
    (三)等电点 137
    (四)功能团酰胺基和羧基 137
    (五)电荷区分 138
    (六)酚类和非酚类物质 138
    (七)强有机还原性物质和弱有机还原性物质 138
    (八)有机还原性物质的化学法测定 138
    (九)铁、锰氧化物的制备 139
    参考文献 140
    第五章 铁 142
    —、基本性质 142
    (一)溶度 142
    (二)氧化还原 143
    (三)与02和C02分压的关系 143
    二、铁的活动性 144
    (一)游离氧化铁和活性氧化铁 144
    (二)易还原性氧化铁和酸溶性氧化铁 145
    三、氧化铁的还原和亚铁离子的化学表现 147
    (一)氧化铁的还原 147
    (二)与液相有机物质的螯合 148
    (三)与固相有机物质的络合 153
    (四)与钙离子的交换吸附 155
    四、亚铁的存在形态和影响因素 156
    (一)存在縣 156
    (二)影响因素 157
    五、土壤中铁的状况 161
    (一)表层的水溶态、交换态亚铁 161
    (二)剖面的亚铁、氧化铁总量 162
    (三)离子态、螯合态亚铁的动态 163
    六、土壤中铁的研究方法 164
    (一)亚铁形态的区分和测定 164
    (二)亚铁(水溶态、交换态和沉淀态亚铁总量)的测定 166
    (三)游离氧化铁的分离 166
    (四)活性氧化铁的分离 167
    (五)易还原性氧化铁的测定 168
    (六)酸溶性氧化铁的测定 168
    (七)室内土柱模拟实验 168
    参考文献 169
    第六章 锰 170
    —、基本性质 170
    (一)溶度积 170
    (二)标准电位(EΘ) 170
    (三)与pe和pH的关系 172
    (四)与O2和CO2分压的关系 172
    二、锰的活动性 173
    (一)游离氧化锰和活性氧化锰 173
    (二)易还原性氧化锰和酸溶性氧化锰 174
    三、亚锸离子的化学行为 177
    (一)与液相有机物质的螯合 177
    (二)与固相有机物质的络合 179
    (三)与钾、钙离子的交换吸附 180
    四、亚锰形态的区分和影响因素 183
    (一)存在形态 183
    (二)影响因素 184
    五、土壤中锰的状况 187
    (一)数量 187
    (二)剖面分布 188
    (三)动态变化 189
    六、土壤中锰的研究方法 190
    (一)不同形态锰的区分和测定 190
    (二)游离氧化锰的分离和测定 191
    (三)活性氧化锰的分离和测定 191
    (四)易还原性氧化键的提取和测定 192
    (五)酸溶性氧化锰的提取和测定 192
    (六)亚锰离子与钾、钙、铝离子交换吸附的测定 192
    (七)稳定常数的测定 194
    (八)氧化锰-紫云英体系的峰电流、峰电位测定 195
    (九)水溶态亚锰的动态测定 195
    参考文献 195
    第七章 硫 197
    一、硫的形态、含量和分布 197
    二、有机硫的种类和矿化 199
    (一)有机硫的种类 199
    (二)有机硫的矿化 202
    三、无机硫陳化还原 203
    (一)无机硫的氧化 203
    (二)无机硫的还原 206
    四、水稻土中的硫 209
    (一)土壤淹水后的变化 209
    (二)淹水土壤的不均一性 209
    (三)水稻的根系效应 209
    (四)水稻土中硫的循环 210
    (五)土壤淹水后硫酸根的去向 212
    五、硫氧化还原的生态学意义 213
    (一)土壤氧化还原对硫循环的影响 214
    (二)气态硫化合物的形成及其对生态环境的影响 214
    (三)对氮循环的影响 214
    (四)对土壤环境和植物生长的影响 214
    六、土壤硫的研究方法 215
    (一)全硫酬 215
    (二)无机硫的提取 216
    (三)提取液中硫酸根的测定 216
    (四)无机还原性硫化物的测定 217
    (五)有机硫的测定 218
    参考文献 218
    第八章 砷的氧化还原反应 221
    一、土壤中的砷 221
    (一)基本性质和危害 221
    (二)来源 222
    (三)存在形态 223
    二、三价砷陳化反应 224
    (一)氧化锰对三价砷的氧化 224
    (二)三价砷的光催化氧化反应 229
    三、砷的还原反应 238
    四、土壤中三价砷氧化反应的研究方法 239
    (一)氧化锰对三价砷的氧化反应测定 239
    (二)三价砷的光催化氧化反应测定 240
    参考文献 241
    第九章 氧化锰与酚类化合物的氧化还原 244
    一、土壤中的氧化锰和酸类化合物 244
    (一)氧化锰 244
    (二)酚类化合物 244
    二、氧化锰与酸类化合物的反应 245
    (一)酸类化合物对氧化锰的还原溶解 245
    (二)影响氧化铺还原溶解的因素 246
    (三)酚类化合物的氧化产物 248
    三、酸类化合物与氧化锰的氧化还原反应动力学 251
    (一)氧化锰的还原溶解动力学 251
    (二)氢醌的氧化反应动力学 255
    四、氧化锰与酸类化合物氧化还原反应的机理 257
    五、氧化锰在酸类化合物降解中的作用 258
    六、土壤中氧化锰与酚类化合物氧化还原的研究方法 259
    (一)酚类化合物对氧化锰的还原溶解反应 259
    (二)氢醌和邻苯二酚氧化反应的定性分析 259
    (三)氧化键的还原溶解动力学 260
    (四)氢酿的氧化反应动力学 260
    参考文献 261
    第十章 铁、锰的有效性与氧化还原状况 263
    一、铁、锰的生物有效性 263
    (一)有效性的化学评估 263
    (二)生物有效性 266
    二、有效性与氧化还原状况 268
    (一)与硫化物的相互作用 269
    (二)微生物的作用 270
    (三)植物种类与根系分泌物 270
    三、诱发植物匮缺铁、锰或其过量的土壤因素 271
    (一)石灰性土壤的缺铁失绿症 272
    (二)植物缺锰的原因 272
    (三)酸性土壤的锰毒 272
    四、土壤中铁、锰生物有效性的研究方法 273
    (一)根际原位显色法 273
    (二)根际土壤中麦根酸类物质的浸提和测定 273
    (三)数学模拟法 273
    参考文献 274
    第十一章 稻根和钾与还原性物质的相互作用 276
    一、稻根氧化力的来源 276
    (一)分子氧的释放与根表酶促氧化作用 276
    (二)生长条件的影响 277
    二、稻根的排铁作用 278
    (一)亚铁离子在根际的氧化及其意义 278
    (二)稻根表面氧化铁/氢氧化铁的积聚 278
    (四)稻根表面的黑色硫化物 279
    三、植物钾素营养对根际土壤氧化还原状况的影响 280
    (一)钾与土壤中的还原性物质 280
    (二)钾和稻根的氧化力与根的氧化还原电位 282
    (三)水稻品种的影响 284
    (四)水稻钾素营养对土壤氧化还原状况影响的原因分析 285
    四、根际土壤氧化还原状况的研究方法 285
    (一)微销与微氧电极法 285
    (二)模拟培养和冰冻切片法 285
    (三)数学模拟法 286
    参考文献 288
    第十二章 氧化还原过程与土壤发生 289
    一、土壤物质的溶解 289
    (一)溶解度 289
    (二)还原溶解 291
    (三)络合溶解 292
    二、影响溶解的因素 294
    (一)Eh 294
    (二)pH 295
    (三)有机质 295
    (四)铁、锰的“老化” 296
    三、溶解作用引起的土壤变化 297
    (一)矿物的分解 297
    (二)元素的迁移 300
    (三)机械组成的改变 302
    四、土壤中几种方式的物质溶解和迁移 304
    (一)灰化过程 304
    (二)白浆化过程 305
    (三)沼泽化过程 306
    (三)潜育化过程 307
    五、土壤物质溶解的研究方法 308
    (一)铁、锰还原的伏安测定 308
    (二)铁、锰络合的伏安测定 308
    (三)阳离子交换量、交换性盐基的测定 308
    (四)胶体机械组成的测定 309
    (五)胶体缓冲性能的测定 309
    (六)铁、锰全量的测定 309
    (七)铁、锰与EDTA络合的测定 310
    参考文献 310
    第十三章 氧化还原反应与环境污染 312
    一、氧化还原反应与重金属的化学行为和生物有效性 312
    (一)铁、锰的还原溶解与重金属的释放 312
    (-)硫的形态变化与重金属的沉淀-溶解平衡 313
    (三)水稻根表的铁膜与重金属的生物有效性 314
    二、氧化还原反应与无机变价污染元素的化学行为 315
    (一)砷的形态转化 315
    (二)铬的形态转化 316
    (三)束的形态转化 317
    三、氧化还原反应与有机污染物的M 317
    四、氧化还原反应与土壤酸化 319
    (一)铁、锰的氧化还原对土壤酸度的影响 319
    (二)硝化-反硝化与土壤酸化 320
    (三)酸性硫酸盐土中铁和硫的氧化还原反应与土壤酸化 322
    五、氧化还原反应与地表水体的富营养化 323
    (一)土壤磷的释放 323
    (二)氮的形态转化和迁移 324
    (三)湖泊底泥中磷的释放 325
    六、氧化还原反应与温室效应气体的排放 325
    参考文献 327
    Chapter 1 Oxidation-Reduction Regimes 1
    1.1 Characteristics of oxidation-reduction regimes in soils 1
    1.1.1 Relationship between intensity factor and capacity factor 1
    1.1.2 Heterogeneity 3
    1.1.3 Wider range of variation 4
    1.1.4 Higher reversibility of variation 5
    1.1.5 Pattern variation 6
    1.2 Affecting factors 8
    1.2.1 Organic materials 8
    1.2.2 Water status 9
    1.2.3 Acidity 10
    1.2.4 Decomposition time 10
    1.2.5 Soil type 11
    1.3 Dynamics 11
    1.3.1 Amount 11
    1.3.2 Speed 12
    1.3.3 Changes in strongly reducing substances and weekly reducing substances 13
    1.3.4 Oxidation-reduction potential 14
    1.4 Oxidation-reduction regimes in different type soils 15
    1.4.1 Natural soils 15
    1.4.2 Agricultural upland soils 16
    1.4.3 Paddy soils 18
    1.5 Research methods of oxidation-reduction regimes in soils 20
    1.5.1 Determination of oxidation-reduction regimes 20
    1.5.2 Determination of reducing substances 24
    1.5.3 Determination of pH 29
    1.5.4 Determination of sulfides 29
    1.5.5 Determination of positively and negatively charged organic reducing substances 29
    References 30
    Chapter 2 Oxidation of Ammonium~~Nitrification Reaction 31
    2.1 Nitrification reaction and nitrifying microbes 31
    2.1.1 Equation of biochemical reaction 31
    2.1.2 Bacterial group 32
    2.2 Nitrification reactions in different soils 33
    2.2.1 Number of nitrifying bacteria 33
    2.2.2 Nitrifying activity 34
    2.2.3 Nitrifying rate 35
    2.3 Affecting factors 35
    2.3.1 pH 35
    2.3.2 Eh 37
    2.3.3 Moisture 37
    2.3.4 Organic manure 39
    2.3.5 Texture 40
    2.3.6 Use pattern 41
    2.3.7 Soil fertility 43
    2.4 Formation of nitrous oxide and its conditions during nitrification .45
    2.5 Characteristics of kinetics 47
    2.5.1 Kinetics of Michaelis-Menten reaction 48
    2.5.2 Kinetics of substrate degradation 50
    2.5.3 Kinetics of logistic growing curve (Natural growing equation) 53
    2.6 Inhibition of nitrification reaction 56
    2.6.1 Mechanism 56
    2.6.2 Kinds of inhibitor and selective principles 56
    2.6.3 Effect of inhibitor 57
    2.7 Research methods of nitrification reaction in soils 60
    2.7.1 Determination of number of nitrifying bacteria(MPN method) 60
    2.7.2 Determioation of nitrifying activity 62
    2.7.3 Nitrifying activity of rhizosphere soil (Simulating incubation in rhizosphere microenvironment and 15N tracer method) 65
    2.7.4 Determination of nitrous oxide during nitrification(Gas chromatography) 67
    2.7.5 Determination of ammonium with microbial oxidation method in gourmet powder waste water 71
    References 73
    Chapter 3 Reduction of Nitrate~Denitrification 76
    3.1 Denitrification reaction and denitrifying microbes 76
    3.1.1 Biological reduction in denitrification reaction 76
    3.1.2 Species of bacteria and their ecological conditions 77
    3.2 Affecting factors 83
    3.2.1 Oxygen and moisture content 83
    3.2.2 Organic matter and available carbon 84
    3.2.3 Plant root 84
    3.2.4 Tillage 89
    3.2.5 Use pattern 90
    3.3 Mechanism of nitrogen loss from paddy soils 91
    3.3.1 Oxidation-reduction near interface between water and soil in plowed layer 92
    3.3.2 Oxidation-reduction of rice rhizosphere and non-rhizosphere 93
    3.3.3 Amorphous iron and manganese oxides as electron acceptors for oxidation of ammonium 95
    3.4 Denitrification reaction in different soils 98
    3.4.1 Denitrifying enzyme activity in soils with different moistures 98
    3.4.2 Denitrifying enzyme activity in soils from different parent materials 99
    3.5 Flux of nitrous oxide in rice-soil system 99
    3.6 Research methods of denitrification reaction in soils 100
    3.6.1 Determination of number of denitrifying bacteria 100
    3.6.2 Identification of bacteria 101
    3.6.3 Determination of nitrate reductase activity in soils and strains 101
    3.6.4 Mechanism experiment of nitrogen loss in paddy soils 104
    3.6.5 Determination of flux of nitrous oxide in rice-soil system(Closed system) 107
    References 108
    Chapter 4 Organic Reducing Substances 111
    4.1 Differentiation of components 111
    4.1.1 Chemical differentiation 111
    4.1.2 Electrochemical differentiation 112
    4.2 Principal characteristics 114
    4.2.1 Apparent molecular weight 114
    4.2.2 Charge 115
    4.2.3 Isoelectric point 117
    4.2.4 Function group 118
    4.2.5 Reducing force of phenol 119
    4.3 Dynamics 120
    4.3.1 pH 120
    4.3.2 Eh 120
    4.3.3 Voltarometric behavior 121
    4.3.4 Amount of strongly and weakly organic reducing substances 122
    4.3.5 Changes in percentage of organic and inorganic reducing substances in soils 122
    4.4 Affecting factors 123
    4.4.1 pH 123
    4.4.2 Eh 123
    4.4.3 Decomposition time 124
    4.4.4 Kinds of plant materials 125
    4.4.5 Types of soil 125
    4.5 Reaction in relation to organic reducing substances with iron, manganese oxide and soil 126
    4.5.1 Reaction with goethite 126
    4.5.2 Reaction with manganese oxide 127
    4.5.3 Reaction with soil 128
    4.6 Research methods of organic reducing substances in soils 131
    4.6.1 Differential pulse voltammetric behavior 131
    4.6.2 Fraction and apparent molecular weight 137
    4.6.3 Isoelectric point 137
    4.6.4 Amide and carboxyl fimction group 137
    4.6.5 Differentiation of charges 138
    4.6.6 Phenolic and non-phenolic substances 138
    4.6.7 Strongly and weakly organic reducing substances 138
    4.6.8 Determination of organic reducing substances with chemical method 138
    4.6.9 Preparation of iron and manganese oxide 139
    References 140
    Chapter 5 Iron 142
    5.1 Basic characteristics 142
    5.1.1 Solubility product 142
    5.1.2 Oxidation-reduction 143
    5.1.3 Relation to 02 and C02 partial pressure 143
    5.2 Activity of iron 144
    5.2.1 Free iron oxide and active iron oxide 144
    5.2.2 Easily reducible iron oxide and acid-soluble iron oxide 145
    5.3 Reduction of iron oxide and chemical action of ferrous ion 147
    5.3.1 Reduction of iron oxide 147
    5.3.2 Chelation with organic material in solution 148
    5.3.3 Complexation with organic material on solid phase 153
    5.3.4 Exchange-adsorption with calcium ion 155
    5.4 Forms of ferrous iron and affecting factors 156
    5.4.1 Forms 156
    5.4.2 Affecting factors 157
    5.5 Status of iron in soils 161
    5.5.1 Water-soluble and exchangeable ferrous iron in surface layer 161
    5.5.2 Total amount of ferrous iron and iron oxide in soil profile 162
    5.5.3 Dynamics of ionic and chelated ferrous iron 163
    5.6 Research methods of iron in soils 164
    5.6.1 Form differentiation and determination of ferrous iron 164
    5.6.2 Determination of ferrous iron (Total amount of water-soluble, exchangeable and precipitated forms) 166
    5.6.3 Separation of free iron oxide 166
    5.6.4 Separation of active iron oxide 167
    5.6.5 Determination of easily reducible iron oxide 168
    5.6.6 Determination of acid-soluble iron oxide 168
    5.6.7 Simulating experiment of soils column in laboratory 168
    References 169
    Chapter 6 Manganese 170
    6.1 Basic characteristics 170
    6.1.1 Solubility product 170
    6.1.2 Standard potential 170
    6.1.3 Relation to pe and pH 172
    6.1.4 Relation to 02 and C02 partial pressure 172
    6.2 Activity of manganese 173
    6.2.1 Free manganese oxide and active manganese oxide 173
    6.2.2 Easily reducible manganese oxide and acid-soluble manganese oxide 174
    6.3 Chemical action of manganous ion 177
    6.3.1 Chelation with organic material in solution 177
    6.3.2 Complexation with organic material on solid phase 179
    6.3.3 Exchange-adsorption with potassium and calcium ion 180
    6.4 Form differentiation of manganous manganese and affecting factors 183
    6.4.1 Forms 183
    6.4.2 Affecting factors 184
    6.5 Status of manganese in soils 187
    6.5.1 Amount 187
    6.5.2 Distribution in profile 188
    6.5.3 Dynamics 189
    6.6 Research methods of manganese in soils 190
    6.6.1 Differentiation and determination of different forms of manganese 190
    6.6.2 Separation and determination of free manganese oxide 191
    6.6.3 Extraction and determination of active manganese oxide 191
    6.6.4 Separation and determination of easily reducible manganese oxide 192
    6.6.5 Extraction and determination of water-soluble manganese oxide 192
    6.6.6 Determination of exchange-adsorption of manganous ion with potassium,calcium and aluminum ion 192
    6.6.7 Determination of stability constant 194
    6.6.8 Determination of peak current and peak potential in manganeseoxide-astragalus system 195
    6.6.9 Determination of dynamics of water-soluble manganous manganese 195
    References 195
    Chapter 7 Sulfur 197
    7.1 Forms, content and distribution of sulfiir 197
    7.2 Kinds and mineralization of organic sulfiir 199
    7.2.1 Kinds of organic sulfur 199
    7.2.2 Mineralization of organic sulfur 202
    7.3 Oxidation-reduction of inorganic sulfior 203
    7.3.1 Oxidation of inorganic sulfur 203
    7.3.2 Reduction of inorganic sulfur 206
    7.4 Sulfur in paddy soils 209
    7.4.1 Variation after submergence 209
    7.4.2 Heterogeneity in submerged soils 209
    7.4.3 Effect of rice roots 209
    7.4.4 Circuit of sulfur in paddy soils 210
    7.4.5 Fate of SO4- after submergence 212
    7.5 Significance of oxidation-reduction of sulfur in ecology 213
    7.5.1 Effect of oxidation-reduction on circuit of sulfur 214
    7.5.2 Formation of gaseous sulfide and its effect on ecological environment 214
    7.5.3 Effect on circuit of nitrogen 214
    7.5.4 Effect on soil environment and plant growth 214
    7.6 Research methods of sulfur in soils 215
    7.6.1 Determination of total sulfur 215
    7.6.2 Extraction of inorganic sulfur 216
    7.6.3 Determination of SO乏-in extracting solution 216
    7.6.4 Determination of inorganic reducing sulfide 217
    7.6.5 Determination of organic sulfur 218
    References 218
    Chapter 8 Oxidation-Reduction Reactions of Arsenic 221
    8.1 Arsenic in soils 221
    8.1.1 Basic properties and harm of arsenic 221
    8.1.2 Sources of arsenic 222
    8.1.3 Forms of arsenic 223
    8.2 Oxidation of As(III) 224
    8.2.1 Oxidation of As(III) by manganese oxide 224
    8.2.2 Photocatalytic oxidation of As(III) 229
    8.3 Reductive reaction of arsenic 238
    8.4 Research methods of oxidation of As(III) in soils 239
    8.4.1 Determination of oxidation of As(III) by manganese oxide 239
    8.4.2 Determination of photocatalyzed oxidation of As(III) 240
    References 241
    Chapter 9 Oxidation-Reduction Reactions Between Phenolic Compounds and Manganese Oxide 244
    9.1 Manganese oxide and phenolic compounds in soils 244
    9.1.1 Manganese oxide 244
    9.1.2 Phenolic compounds 244
    9.2 Reactions between manganese oxide and phenolic compounds 245
    9.2.1 Reductive dissolution of manganese oxide by phenolic compounds .245
    9.2.2 Factors affecting reductive dissolution of manganese oxide 246
    9.2.3 Oxidized products of phenolic compounds 248
    9.3 Kinetics of oxidation-reduction reactions between phenolic compounds and manganese oxide 251
    9.3.1 Kinetics of reductive dissolution of manganese oxide 251
    9.3.2 Kinetics of oxidative reaction of hydroquinone 255
    9.4 Mechanism of reactions between manganese oxide and phenolic compounds 257
    9.5 Role of manganese oxide in degradation of phenolic compounds 258
    9.6 Research methods for oxidation-reduction reactions between mang-anese oxide and phenolic compounds 259
    9.6.1 Reductive dissolution of manganese oxide by phenolic compounds .259
    9.6.2 Qualitative analysis for oxidation of hydroquinone and catechol 259
    9.6.3 Kinetics of reductive dissolution of manganese oxide 260
    9.6.4 Kinetics of oxidative reaction for hydroquinone 260
    References 261
    Chapter 10 Availability of Iron, Manganese in Relation to Oxidation-Reduc-tion Status 263
    10.1 Biological availability of iron and manganese 263
    10.1.1 Chemical evaluation of availability 263
    10.1.2 Biological availability 266
    10.2 Availability in relation to oxidation-reduction status 268
    10.2.1 Reaction with sulfide 269
    10.2.2 Role of microbe 270
    10.2.3 Plant species and root excretion 270
    10.3 Soil factors inducing deficiency or excess of iron and manganese to plant 271
    10.3.1 Iron chlorosis in calcareous soils 272
    10.3.2 Cause of manganese deficiency of plant 272
    10.3.3 Manganese toxicity in acid soils 272
    10.4 Research methods of biological availability of iron and manganese in soils 273
    10.4.1 In-situ showing color method of rhizosphere 273
    10.4.2 Extraction and determination of mugineic acid (MA3) in rhizosphere soil 273
    10.4.3 Mathematical simulation method 273
    References 274
    Chapter 11 Interaction Between Rice Root,Potassium and Reducing Substances 276
    11.1 Source of oxidizing force of rice roots 276
    11.1.1 Liberation of molecular oxygen and enzymatic oxidation on root surface 276
    11.1.2 Effect of growing condition 277
    11.2 Excreting iron from rice root 278
    11.2.1 Oxidation of ferrous ion in rhizosphere and its significance 278
    11.2.2 Accumulation of iron oxide/ironic hydroxide on rice root surface 278
    11.2.3 Excreting iron force of rice root 279
    11.2.4 Black sulfide on rice root surface 279
    11.3 Effect of plant potassium nutrient on oxidation-reduction status in rhizosphere soil 280
    11.3.1 Relation of potassium to reducing substances in soil 280
    11.3.2 Relation of oxidizing force of potassium and rice root to oxidation-reduc-tion potential of root 282
    11.3.3 Effect of rice species 284
    11.3.4 Cause analysis of rice potassium nutrient in relation to effect on soil oxidation-reduction status 285
    11.4 Research methods of oxidation-reduction status in rhizosphere soil 285
    11.4.1 Microplatinum electrode and microoxygen electrode methods 285
    11.4.2 Simulating incubation and freezing cutting methods 285
    11.4.3 Mathematical simulation method 286
    References 288
    Chapter 12 Oxidation-Reduction Processes in Relation to Soil Genesis 289
    12.1 Solution of soil materials 289
    12.1.1 Solubility 289
    12.1.2 Reduction solution 291
    12.1.3 Complexation solution 292
    12.2 Factors affecting solution 294
    12.2.1 Eh 294
    12.2.2 pH 295
    12.2.3 Organic matter 295
    12.2.4 Ageiog(dehydration) of iron and manganese 296
    12.3 Changes in soil resulting from solution 297
    12.3.1 Decomposition of minerals 297
    12.3.2 Migration of elements 300
    12.3.3 Change in mechanical composition 302
    12.4 Several patterns of material solution and migration 304
    12.4.1 Podzolic process 304
    12.4.2 Hytromorphous bleaching process 305
    12.4.3 Boggy process 306
    12.4.4 Gleying process 307
    12.5 Research methods of material solution in soils 308
    12.5.1 Voltammetiy determining reduction of iron and manganese 308
    12.5.2 Voltammetry determining complexation of iron and manganese .308
    12.5.3 Determination of cation exchange capacity and exchangeable base 308
    12.5.4 Determination of mechanic composition of soil colloid 309
    12.5.5 Determination of buffering power of soil colloid 309
    12.5.6 Determination of total iron and manganese 309
    12.5.7 Determination of complexation of iron and manganese with EDTA 310
    References 310
    Chapter 13 Oxidation-Reduction Reactions in Relation to Environmental Pollutions 312
    13.1 Effect of oxidation-reduction reactions on chemical behaviors and biological availability of heavy metals 312
    13.1.1 Reductive dissolution of iron and manganese oxides in relation to release of heavy metals from soils 312
    13.1.2 Transformation of sulfur species in relation to precipitation-dissolution equilibrium of heavy metals in soils 313
    13.1.3 Iron plaque of rice roots in relation to biological availability of heavy metals 314
    13.2 Oxidation-reduction reactions in relation to chemical behaviors of inorganic polluted elements 315
    13.2.1 Form transformation of arsenic 315
    13.2.2 Form transformation of chromium 316
    13.2.3 Form transformation of mercury 317
    13.3 Effect of oxidation-reduction reactions on degradation of organic pollutants 317
    13.4 Oxidation-reduction reactions in relation to soil acidification 319
    13.4.1 Effect of oxidation-reduction reaction of iron and manganese on soil acidity 319
    13.4.2 Effect of nitrification and denitrification on soil acidification 320
    13.4.3 Effect of oxidation-reduction reactions of iron and sulfur on soil acidification in acid sulfate soils 322
    13.5 Oxidation-reduction reactions in relation to eutrophication of surface waters 323
    13.5.1 Release of phosphorus in soils 323
    13.5.2 Form transformation and migration of nitrogen 324
    13.5.3 Phosphorus release from lake sediments 325
    13.6 Oxidation-reduction reactions in relation to emission of greenhouse gases 325
    References 327