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  • Surgery
  • 书号:7030096762
    作者:Helen Sweetland
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  • 装帧:
  • 页数:280
  • 出版社:科学出版社
  • 所属分类:R99 毒物学(毒理学)
  • 定价: ¥39.00元
    售价: ¥30.81元
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  • Preface
    PartⅠ:The Patient Presents With
    1.Acute Abdominal Pain
    Differential diagnosis of acute abdominal pain
    History to focus on the differential diagnosis of acute abdominal pain
    Examination of patients who have acute abdominal pain
    Investigation of patients who have acute abdominal pain
    Differential diagnosis of dyspepsia
    History to focus on the differential diagnosis of dyspepsia
    Examination of patients who have dyspepsia
    Investigation of patients who have dyspepsia
    3.Vomiting,Haematemesis,and Melaena
    Differential diagnosis of vomiting,haematemesis,and melaena
    History to focus on the differential diagnosis of vomiting ,haematemesis,and melaena
    Examination of patients who have vomiting,haematemesis,and melaena
    Investigation of patients who have vomiting,haematemesis,and melaena
    4.Change in Bowel Habit
    Differential diagnosis of a change in bowel habit
    History to focus on the differential diagnosis of a change in bowel habit
    Examination of patients who have a change in bowel habit
    Investigation of patients who have a change in bowel habit
    5.Abdominal Mass and Distension
    Differential diagnosis of abdominal mass or distension
    History to focus on the differential diagnosis of abdominal mass or distension
    Examination of patients who have abdominal mass or distension
    Investigation of patients who have abdominal mass or distension
    6.Rectal Bleeding
    Differential diagnosis of rectal bleeding
    History to focus on the differential diagnosis of rectal bleeding
    Examination of patients who have rectal bleeding
    Investigation of patients who have rectal bleeding
    7.Anorectal Pain
    Differential diagnosis of anorectal pain
    History to focus on the differential diagnosis of anorectal pain
    Examination of patients who have anorectal pain
    Investigation of patients who have anorectal pain
    Differential diagnosis of jaundice
    History to focus on the differential diagnosis of jaundice
    Examination of patients who have jaundice
    Investigation of patients who have jaundice
    Differential diagnosis of dysphagia
    History to focus on the differential diagnosis of dysphagia
    Examination of patients who have dysphagia
    Investigation of patients who have dysphagia
    10.Breast Lump
    Differential diagnosis of a breast lump
    History to focus on the differential diagnosis of a breast lump
    Examination of patients who have a breast lump
    Investigation of patients who have a breast lump
    11.Neck Lump
    Differential diagnosis of a neck lump
    History to focus on the differential diagnosis of a neck lump
    Examination of patients who have a neck lump
    Investigation of patients who have a neck lump
    12.Ischaemic Limb
    Differential diagnosis of an ischaemic limb
    History to focus on the differential diagnosis of an ischaemic limb
    Examination of patients who have an ischaemic limb
    Investigon of patients who have an ischaemic limb
    13.Leg Ulcer
    Differential diagnosis of a leg ulcer
    History to focus on the differential diagnosis of a leg ulcer
    Examination of patients who have a leg ulcer
    Investigation of patients who have a leg ulcer
    14.Groin Swelling
    Differential diagnosis of a groin swelling
    History to focus on the differential diagnosis of a groin Swelling
    Examination of patients who have a groin swelling
    Investigation of patients who have a groin swelling
    15.Scrotal Swelling
    Differential diagnosis of a scrotal swelling
    History to focus on the differential diagnosis of a scrotal swelling
    Examination of patients who have a scrotal swelling
    Investigation of patients who have a scrotal swelling
    Differential diagnosis of haematuria
    History to focus on the differential diagnosis of haematuria
    Examination of patients who have haematuria
    Investigation of patients who have haematuria
    17.Urinary Difficulty
    Differential diagnosis of difficulty
    History to focus on the differential diagnosis of urinary difficulty
    Examination of patients who have urinary difficulty
    Investigation of patients who have urinary difficulty
    18.Skin lesion
    Differential diagnosis of a skin lesion
    History to focus on the differential diagnosis of a skin lesion
    Examination of patients who have a skin lesion
    Investigation of patients who have a skin lesion
    Differential diagnosis of a anaemia
    History to focus on the differential diagnosis of a anaemia
    Examination of patients who have a anaemia
    Investigation of patients who have a anaemia
    20.Postoperative Pyrexia
    Differential diagnosis of postoperative pyrexia
    History to focus on the differential diagnosis of postoperative pyrexia
    Examination of patients who have postoperative pyrexia
    Investigation of patients who have postoperative pyrexia
    PartⅡ:History,Examination,and Common Investigations
    21.Clerking a Surgical Patient
    Influence of coexisting disease on operative intervention
    Important medical conditions
    Common presenting symptoms
    22.Examination of a Surgical Patient
    Examination of specific surgical conditions
    General examination of the patient
    Examination of the breast
    Examination of the neck and thyroid
    Examination of the abdomen
    Examination of a hernia
    Examination of a scrotal swelling
    Examination of peripheral vasculature
    Examination of varicose veins
    Examination of a patient who has multiple injuries
    23.Writing Up a Surgical Clerking
    Sample clerking
    24.Investigation of a Surgical Patient
    Assessment before general anaesthesia
    Investigation of the gastrointestinal tract
    Investigation of breast problems
    Investigation of thyroid disease
    Vascular investigations
    Urological investigations
    PartⅢ:Background Information and Management Plans
    25.Oesophageal Disorders
    Gastro-oesophageal reflux
    Benign tumours of the oesophagus
    Oesophageal cancer
    Pharyngeal pouch
    Plummer-Vinson syndrome
    Perforation of the oesophagus
    26.Gastric and Duodenal Disorders
    Peptic ulceration
    Erosive gastritis
    Chronic atrophic gastritis
    Zollinger-Ellison syndrome
    Gastric cancer
    Gastric lymphoma
    27.Disorders of Small Intestine
    Obstruction of the small intestine
    Crohn's disease
    Short gut syndrome
    Intestinal ischaemia
    Chronic ischaemia
    Radiation enteropathy
    Meckel's diverticulum
    Tumours of the small intestine
    Carcinoid tumours
    28.Colonic Disorders
    Acute appendictitis
    Appendix tumours
    Inflammatory bowel diseases
    Ulcerative colitis
    Crohn's disease of the colon
    Caecal volvulus
    Colonic polyps
    Villous adenoma
    Colonic carcinoma
    Vascular disorders
    Ischaemic colitis
    Colonic obstruction
    29.Anorectal Disorders
    Anal fissure
    Perianal haematoma
    Rectal prolapse
    Perianal abscess
    Anal fistula
    Pruritus ani
    Anal carcinoma
    30.Hepatobiliary Disorders
    Normal liver function
    Acute liver damage
    Portal hypertension
    Hepatic cysts
    Hepatic abscesses
    Hepatic tumours
    Chronic liver disease
    Gall bladder disease
    Acalculous cholecystitis
    Chronic pancreatitis
    Pancreatic tumours
    Endocrine tumours of the pancreas
    Obstructive jaundice
    31.Gynaecological Disorders
    Ovarian cysts and neoplasms
    Ovarian tumours
    Pelvic inflammatory disease
    Ectopic pregnancy
    32.Abdominal Hernias
    Types of hernia
    Inguinal gernia
    Femoral hernia
    Umbilical hernia
    Paraumbilical hernia
    Epigastric hernia
    Incisional hernia
    Uncommon hernias
    Diaphragmatic hernia
    Obturator hernia
    Rectus haematoma
    Desmoid tumour
    33.Thyroid and Parathyroid Disorders
    Thyroid gland
    Thyroglossal cyst
    Thyroid goitre
    Solitary thyroid nodule
    Thyroid carcinomas
    Thyroid operations
    Parathyroid disorders
    34.Neck Swellings
    Cervical lymphadenopthy
    Other cervical swellings
    Salivary gland disorders
    Salivary gland tumours
    35.Breast Disorders
    Breast development
    Benign breast disorders
    Benign breast lumps
    Breast cancer
    Gynaecomastia and male breast concer
    36.Vascular Disorders
    Chronic limb ischaemia
    Acute limb ischaemia
    Compartment syndrome
    Abdominal aortic aneurysm
    Thoracoabdominal aneurysm
    Diabetic foot problems
    Carotid artery disease
    Coronary artery disease
    Thromboangiitis obliterans
    Raynaud's disease
    Raynaud's phenomenon
    Varicose veins
    Superficial thrombophlebitis
    Subclavian or axillary vein thrombosis
    Lymphatic disorders
    37.Urological Disorders
    Urinary tract infection
    Renal tract calculi
    Renal carcinoma
    Tumours of the renal pelvis and ureter
    Bladder cancer
    Prostatic cancer
    Testicular cancer
    Penile cancer
    Lower urinary tract obstruction
    Upper urinary tract obstruction
    Renal transplantation
    Urinary incontinence
    Testicular problems
    Scrotal problems
    Disorders of the perineum
    38.Skin Lesions
    Benign conditions
    Benign skin tumours
    Vascular lesions
    Malignan skin lesions
    Pigmented lesions
    39.Soft Tissue Disorders
    Hand and nail problems
    Pilonidal sinus
    Soft tissue tumours
    Chest injuries
    Abdominal trauma
    Head injury
    Limb injuries
    41.Postoperative care and complications
    Postoperative fluid management
    Prevention of complications
    Postoperative analgesia
    Postoperative nutrition
    42.Principles of Cancer Management
    Screening for cancer
    Spread of cancer
    Staging of cancer
    Operations for malignant disease
    Radiotherapy for malignant disease
    Chemotherapy for malignant disease
    Hormonal therapy for malignant disease
    Palliative care
    Multiple-choice questions
    Short-answer questions
    Patient management problems
    MCQ answers
    SAQ anwers