神奇地质 Marvelous Geology 古南大陆与古北大陆的碰撞隆升之地 A sutural area between Gondwanaland and southeastern margin of Asian continent 地质历史印迹 Clues of geological history 三江奇观 Wonderful Three Parallel Rivers 低纬山岳冰川 Glacial landforms at low latitude 丹霞地貌 Danxia landform 独特生态 Unique Landscapes 自然地理的过渡与交汇 A transitional zone from tropical Southeast Asia to temperate Asia 生态系统多样性 Ecological diversity 生物多样性高度富集 Extreme richness in biodiversity 自然密码 Natural Codes 古地中海植被的残余类型——马基植被 Relic Mediterranean vegetation-Maquis 海陆变迁的见证——地中海硬叶小叶林 Relic Mediterranean olive forest 古地中海植被的衍生物——硬叶常绿阔叶林 Mediterranean sclerophyllous evergreen broad-leaved forest 独龙江地质板块旋转北移的暗示——高纬度亚热带常绿阔叶林 Implications of clockwise turning of the Dulongjiang geo-block-Subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forest at high latitude 地形迅速抬升——中山湿性常绿阔叶林发育 Implications of rapid uplift of the region——Montane humid evergreen broad-leaved forest 落叶阔叶林之谜 Temperate deciduous forest: cradle here or not 寒温性针叶林——古老植被的复苏 Cold-temperate coniferous forest: relic or revival 多彩植被 Colorful Vegetation 干暖河谷植被 Dry and warm valley scrubs (Maquis vegetation) 半湿润常绿阔叶林 Semi-humid evergreen broad-leaved forest 暖性针叶林 Warm-temperate coniferous forest 硬叶常绿阔叶林 Sclerophyllous evergreen broad-leaved forest 中山湿性常绿阔叶林 Montane humid evergreen broad-leaved forest 落叶阔叶林 Temperate deciduous forest 温凉性针叶——落叶阔叶混交林 Temperate coniferous-deciduous broad-leaved mixed forest 寒温性针叶林 Cold-temperate coniferous forest or subalpine coniferous forest 杜鹃矮林 Rhododendron dwarf forest 亚高山灌丛 Subalpine scrubs 亚高山草甸 Subalpine meadows 物种演化 Species Evolution 种类丰富的杜鹃花属植物 Rhododendron in extreme species richness 花冠特别的马先蒿属植物 Pedicularis , successful in co-evolution with pollinators 亚高山草甸之王——报春花属植物 Primula , the king in subalpine meadows 有毒的大戟属植物 Poisonous Euphorbia species 奇特的凤仙花类植物 Impatiens , species of bouncing seeds 美丽的金丝桃属植物 Hypericum, species with large and vivid-yellow fl owers 古老的毛茛科植物 Ranunculaceae, primitive angiosperm 芳香的唇形科植物 Labiatae, fragrant plants 进化上的适者蔷薇科植物 Rosaceae, plants in various life-forms 致谢