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  • 书号:9787030360533
  • 外文书名:Surgical Atlas of Biliary Tract and Biliary-pancreatic-duodenal Region
  • 装帧:平脊精装
  • 页数:764
  • 出版社:科学出版社
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  • 序言一
    Foreword 1
    Foreword 2
    第一篇 外科解剖学 Chapter One:Surgical Anatomy
    1 胆胰十二指肠区域外科解剖 Surgical Anatomy of the Biliary-pancreatic-duodenal Region
    2 肝脏与肝内胆管外科解剖 Surgical Anatomy of the Liver and Intrahepatic Bile Duct
    3 肝外胆道外科解剖 Surgical Anatomy of Extrahepatic Biliary Tract
    4 胰腺外科解剖 Surgical Anatomy of the Pancreas
    5 十二指肠外科解剖 Surgical Anatomy of the Duodenum
    6 门静脉系统肝外部分外科解剖 Surgical Anatomy of the Extrahepatic Part of the Portal Venous System
    第二篇 外科基础与新技术 Chapter Two:Surgical Basis and New Technology
    7 病理学推断与医疗决策 Pathological Inference and Medical Strategy
    8 手术缝线的种类、特性与临床应用 Types,Special Features and Clinical Application of Surgical Suture
    9 多功能凝血器与吻合器的研发现状 Research and Development of Multifunctional Coagulations and Staplers
    10 手术前准备 Preoperative Preparation
    11 麻醉方法选择 Selection of Anesthetic Methods
    12 机器人手术开展的现状与展望 Status and Prospects of Robotic Surgery
    第三篇 胆囊疾病手术 Chapter Three:Operations for Gallbladder Diseases
    13 胆囊造瘘术与经皮经肝胆囊穿刺引流术 Cholecystostomy and Gallbladder Drainage by Percutaneous Transhepatic Puncture
    14 开腹胆囊切除术 Open Cholecystectomy
    15 胆囊切除术中胆管损伤的解剖学变异原因及其预防操作 Anatomic Variations for Promoting Bile Duct Injury in Cholecystectomy and Its Preventive Management
    16 小切口胆囊切除术的器械与操作方法 Apparatuses and Operative Methods of Short-incision Cholecystectomy
    17 腹腔镜胆囊切除术 Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy
    18 Mirizzi综合征伴慢性萎缩性胆囊炎的手术治疗 Operative Managements of Mirizzi Syndrome with Chronic Atrophic Cholecystitis
    19 胆道内瘘手术 Operations for Internal Fistula of the Biliary Tract
    20 胆囊癌根治性手术 Radical Surgery of Gallbladder Cancer
    第四篇 胆管疾病手术 Chapter Four:Operations for Biliary Tract Diseases
    21 胆道闭锁手术 Operations for Biliary Atresia
    22 先天性胆管囊状扩张症手术 Operations for Congenital Cystic Dilatation of Biliary Tract
    23 胆总管探查与取石术 Operations for Exploration of Commom Bile Duct and Removing Calculi
    24 肝门胆管良性狭窄手术 Operations for the Benign Stricture of Hilar Biliary Duct
    25 胆管良性狭窄保留括约肌功能的修复手术 Repair of the Benign Stricture of Bile Duct with Preservation of the Sphincter Function
    26 肝外胆管医源性损伤的分型及其修复与重建手术 Classification of Iatrogenic Bile Duct Injury and Its Restorative or Reconstructive Operations
    27 肝门胆管癌的胆道旁路手术 Biliary Bypass Surgery for Hilar Cholangiocarcinoma
    28 肝门部胆管癌根治性切除术 Radical Resection of Hilar Cholangiocarcinoma
    第五篇 十二指肠疾病手术 Chapter Five:Operations for Duodenal Diseases
    29 十二指肠闭锁和狭窄手术 Operations for Atresia and Stenosis of the Duodenum
    30 肠旋转不良的手术 Operations for Intestinal Malrotation
    31 十二指肠憩室手术 Operative Managements of the Duodenal Diverticulum
    32 十二指肠血管压迫症手术 Operations for Vascular Compression of the Duodenum
    33 十二指肠球部穿透性溃疡出血的手术处理 Operative Managements for the Hemorrhagic Penetrating Ulcer of Duodenal Bulb
    34 十二指肠节段性切除术的术式与操作 Operative Modes and Manipulations of Segmental Duodenectomy
    35 十二指肠球部溃疡急性穿孔的手术治疗 Operative Treatments for Acute Perforation of the Duodenal Bulb Ulcer
    36 十二指肠损伤与合并胰头损伤的手术处理 Operative Managements for the Injuries to Duodenum or/and with Pancreatic Head
    第六篇 胰腺疾病手术 Chapter Six:Operations for Pancreatic Diseases
    37 环状胰腺手术 Operations for the Annular Pancreas
    38 胰腺分裂症概述与手术治疗 Overview of the Pancreas Divisum and Its Operative Managements
    39 重症急性胰腺炎的外科治疗原则与基本方法 Principles and Basic Methods of Surgical Treatment of Severe Acute Pancreatitis
    40 暴发性急性胰腺炎早期引流手术 Surgical Drainage in the Early Stage for Fulminant Acute Pancreatitis
    41 急性胰腺炎胰腺及胰外坏死感染组织清创术 Debridement for Infected Necrosis of the Pancreas and Extrapancreas
    42 急性胰腺炎行再次清创术 Redebridement in Acute Pancreatitis
    43 急性胰腺炎并发症的手术治疗 Operative Treatments for the Complications of Acute Pancreatitis
    44 慢性胰腺炎手术概述 Overview of Surgical Management for Chronic Pancreatitis
    45 胰尾切除胰腺空肠吻合术 Resection of the Pancreatic Tail and Pancreaticojejunostomy
    46 Partington-Rochelle手术 Partington-Rochelle’s Operation
    47 Warren手术 Warren’s Operation
    48 Beger手术 Beger’s Operation
    49 Frey手术 Frey’s Operation
    50 胰腺局部切除术 Local Resection of the Pancreas
    51 胰头下部(包括钩突)切除术 Resection of the Lower part of Pancreatic Head(Including the Uncinate Process)
    52 胰腺体尾部切除术 Resection of the Pancreatic Body and Tail
    53 胰腺中段切除术 Middle Segment of Pancreatectomy
    54 胰腺次全切除术 Subtotal Pancreatectomy
    55 全胰腺切除术 Total Pancreatectomy
    56 胰腺与胰腺联合十二指肠损伤的手术治疗 Operative Treatments for the Damage of Pancreas or/and with the Duodenum
    第七篇 胆、肠、胰结合部疾病手术 Chapter Seven:Operations for Diseases of Biliary-pancreatic-duodenal Junction
    57 胆胰十二指肠结合部医源性损伤的发生机制与分型 The Happening Mechanisms and Classifications of the Iatrogenic Injuries of the Biliary-pancreatic-duodenal Junction
    58 胆胰十二指肠结合部医源性损伤的诊断与处理 Diagnosises and Managements of Iatrogenic Damage of the Biliary-pancreatic-duodenal Junction
    59 经十二指肠乳头-壶腹部肿瘤局部切除术 Transduodenal Local Resection for Papilla-ampullary Tumor
    60 内镜下乳头括约肌切开术 Endoscopic Sphinctero-papillotomy
    61 内镜下乳头气囊扩张术 Endoscopic Papillary Balloon Dilatation
    62 壶腹部周围癌行胰十二指肠切除术 Pancreaticoduodenectomy for Periampular Carcinoma
    63 保留十二指肠升部的胰十二指肠切除术 Pancreaticoduodenectomy with Preserving Ascending Part of Duodenum
    第八篇 胆、胰管梗阻的内引流手术 Chapter Eight:Internal Drainage Operations for the Obstruction of Biliary Tract or Pancreatic Duct
    64 胆、胰管梗阻的内引流手术概述 Overview of Internal Drainage for the Obstruction of Biliary Tract or Pancreatic Duct
    65 胆囊空肠吻合术 Cholecystojejunostomy
    66 胆总管十二指肠吻合术 Choledochoduodenostomy
    67 经十二指肠Oddi括约肌切开术与成形术 Transduodenal Oddi’s Sphincterotomy and Sphincteroplasty
    68 胆管空肠Roux-en-Y吻合术 Roux-en-Y Cholangiojejunostomy
    69 间置空肠胆管十二指肠吻合术 Jejuno-interposed Cholangioduodenostomy(JICD)
    70 胆管空肠T管架桥旁路手术 Bypass Operation of Cholangio-jejunum via a Bridged T-Tube
    71 胰管空肠T管架桥旁路手术 Bypass Operation of Pancreaticojejunum via a Bridged T-Tube
    72 胆、胰管空肠双T管架桥旁路手术 Bypass Operation of Cholangio-and Panceaticojejunum via Double Bridged T-Tubes
    第九篇 门静脉系统疾病手术 Chapter Nine:Operations for Diseases of Portal System
    73 门静脉高压症外科治疗概述 Overview of Surgical Managements of Portal Hypertension
    74 巨脾切除术 Splenectomy for the Megalosplenia
    75 巨脾原位切除术 Orthotopic Splenectomy for the Megalosplenia
    76 贲门周围血管离断术 Pericardial Devascularization
    77 Sugiura改良术 Modified Sugiura’s Operation
    78 近端脾肾静脉分流术 Proximal Splenorenal Shunt
    79 远端脾肾静脉分流术 Distal Splenorenal Shunt
    80 门腔静脉分流术 Portacaval Shunt
    81 肠腔静脉分流术 Mesocaval Shunt
    82 门-肠系膜上静脉损伤的原因与修复手术 Causes and Operative Managements of Damage of Portal-superior Mesenteric Vein
    83 门-肠系膜上静脉肿瘤侵犯的手术处理 Operative Managements for the Tumor Invasion of Portal-superior Mesenteric Vein
    第十篇 肝切除手术 Chapter Ten:Operations of Hepatic Resection
    84 肝切除术概述 Overview of the Hepatic Resection
    85 肝部分切除术 Partial Hepatectomy
    86 肝左外侧叶切除术 Left lateral Hepatic lobectomy
    87 左半肝切除术 Left Hemihepatectomy
    88 右半肝切除术 Right Hemihepatectomy
    89 肝右后叶切除术 Right Posterior Sectorectomy
    90 肝右三叶切除术 Right Htepatic Trisegmentectomy
    91 肝左三叶切除术 Left Hepatic Trisegmentectomy
    92 肝中叶切除术 Middle Lobe Hepatectomy
    93 肝尾状叶联合半肝切除术 Caudate Lobectomy with Right or Left Hemihepatectomy
    第十一篇 特殊病种与病例手术 Chapter Eleven:Operations for Special Diseases and Cases
    94 胆道出血的手术治疗 Operative Methods for Hemorrhage of the Biliary tract
    95 胆肠吻合术后需再手术的原因与方法 Causes and Methods of Reoperation for Patients Received Cholangioenterostomy
    96 胆道再手术的原因、时机与方法 Causes,Opportunities and Methods of Reoperation of the Biliary Tract
    97 膈下脓肿引流术 Surgical Drainage for the Subphrenic Abscess
    98 胆道残余结石行胆道镜取石术 Removing the Residual Stones in the Biliary Tract Via Cholangioscopy
    99 经胰后径路切开胰头部主胰管取石术 Removing a Large Stone in the Main Pancreatic Duct of the Pancreatic Head via the Retropancreatic Approach
    100 胰腺巨大囊腺癌行胰体尾部、脾脏及结肠脾曲整块切除术 En Bloc Resection of the Pancreatic Body and Tail,Spleen and Splenic Flexure of the Colon for Huge Pancreatic Cystadenocarcinoma
    101 胆、胰、十二指肠联合断裂伤的手术处理 Operative Mangements for the Transversal Breakages of the Biliary Tract,Pancreas and Duodenum
    102 Oddi括约肌肌腺病致复发性胰腺炎手术 Operations for the Recurrent Acute Pancreatitis Arisen from Adenomyopathy of Oddi’s Sphincter
    103 胰胆管双支架引流术 Double Stents Drainage for Malignant Obstruction of Biliary and Pancreatic Ducts
    第十二篇 开放式吸引引流技术的应用 Chapter Twelve:Application of Open Suction Drainage Technique
    104 开放式吸引引流技术概述 Overview of Open Suction Drainage Technique
    105 开放式吸引引流在防治胰瘘中的应用 Open Suction Drainage Applied in Prevention and Treatment of Pancreatic Fistula
    106 灌洗吸引引流在治疗腹腔或腹膜后巨大脓疡中的应用 Applications of Irrigating Suction Drainage for Patients with Large Abdominal or Retroperitoneal Abscess
    107 灌洗吸引引流在治疗重症急性胰腺炎清创术后、腐蚀性脾动脉大出血中的应用 Applications of Irrigating Suction Drainage to Treatment of Erosive Massive Hemorrhage of the Splenic Artery after Debridement of Severe Acute Pancreatitis
    108 灌洗吸引引流在治疗胰十二指肠扩大切除术并发多吻合口瘘中的应用 Irrigating Suction Drainage Used for Treatments of Multi-anastomotic Fistulae after Extended Pancreaticoduodenectomy