《神经科学百科全书》原书篇幅巨大,为所有神经科学百科全书之首。由来自世界各地的2400多位专家撰稿人合力打造,覆盖了神经科学全部主要领域。书中每个词条在收入书中之前均经过顾问委员会的同行评议,词条中均含有词汇表、引言、参考文献和丰富的交叉参考内容。其内容平易,本科生即可读懂;而深度和广度独一无二,足可满足专家学者的需要。主编Larry R. Squire为美国神经科学学会前主席,畅销教科书《基础神经科学》(Fundamental Neuroscience)的策划人与主编。此为本套书的第二本,内容为突触结构、组织及神经药理学。
神经肌肉接头与间隙连接 Autonomic Neuroeffector Junction Botulinum and Tetanus Toxins Comparative Biology of Invertebrate Neuromuscular Junctions Development of Drosophila Neuromuscular Junctions Gap Junction Abnormalities and Disorders of the Nervous System Gap Junction Communication Gap Junctions and Electrical Synapses Gap Junctions and Hemichannels in Glia Gap Junctions and Neuronal Oscillations Gap Junctions: Metabolic Exchanges Magnocellular Neurosecretory System:Organization,Plasticity,Model Peptidergic Neurons Neuromuscular Connections:Vertebrate Patterns of Neuromuscular Junction(NMJ):A Target for Natural and Environmental Toxins in umans Neuromuscular Junction(NMJ):Acetylcholinesterases Neuromuscular Junction(NMJ):Activity-Dependent Muscle Fiber Modulation Neuromuscular Junction(NMJ):Aging Neuromuscular Junction(NMJ):Inherited and Acquired Disorders Neuromuscular Junction(NMJ):Mammalian Development Neuromuscular Junction(NMJ):Postsynaptic Basal Lamina Neuromuscular Junction(NMJ):Postsynaptic Events in Neuromuscular Transmission Neuromuscular Junction(NMJ):Presynaptic Non-Quantal Release of Transmitter Neuromuscular Junction(NMJ):Presynaptic Schwann Cells and Modulation of Neuromuscular Transmission Neuromuscular Junction(NMJ):Presynaptic Short-Term Plasticity of Neuromuscular Transmission Neuromuscular Junction(NMJ):Presynaptic Stretch Effects on Neuromuscular Transmission Neuromuscular Junction Plasticity in Mammals and Botulinum Toxins Neuromuscular Junction:Neuronal Regulation of Gene Transcription at the Vertebrate Neuromuscular Junction:Synapse Elimination Neuromuscular Transmission Modulation at Invertebrate Neuromuscular Junctions Presynaptic Events in Neuromuscular Transmission Presynaptic:Mitochondria and Presynaptic Function Schwann Cells and Plasticity of the Neuromuscular Junction 神经药理学 AMPA Receptors:Molecular Biology and Pharmacology Cognition:Neuropharmacology Drug Addiction:Behavioral Pharmacology of Drug Addiction in Rats Drugs Addiction:Actions Exercise:Optimizing Function and Survival at the Cellular Level Metabotropic Glutamate Receptors(mGluRs):Molecular Biology,Pharmacology and Cell Biology Neuropeptide Receptors-Drug Development Pharmacology of Sleep:Adenosine 突触结构 Active Zone Activity-Dependent Remodeling of Presynaptic Boutons Adenosine Receptor Mediated Functions Cadherins and Synapse Organization Cell Adhesion Molecules at Synapses Dendritic Spine History Endocytic Traffic in Spines Endocytosis and Presynaptic Scaffolds Eph Receptor Signaling and Spine Morphology Glia and Synapse Formation:An Overview Glutamate Receptor Organization:Ultrastructural Insights LIM Kinase and Actin Regulation of Spines Neural Cell Adhesion Molecules and Synapse Regulation Postsynaptic Density/Architecture at Excitatory Synapses Postsynaptic Specialization Assembly Presynaptic Development:Functional and Morphological Organization Presynaptic Endosomes Presynaptic Receptor Signaling Presynaptic Regulation by Liprins Rho GTPases and Spines Ribbon Synapses RNA Granules:Functions within Presynaptic Terminals and Postsynaptic Spines Spine Plasticity Spines and Mental Disorders Synapsins and Regulation of the Reserve Pool Synaptic Capture and Tagging Synaptic Plasticity:Short-Term Mechanisms Translational Regulation at the Synapse UItrastructural Analysis of Spine Plasticity Ultrastructural Organization of Release Sites in the Calyx of Held 原书词条中英对照表