序言Preface 目录Contents 概述Summary 1.陶片 Yellow sandy pottery sherd 2.彩陶盆 Fine red pottery basin with black painted stylized flower motif on the belly 3.小口双唇尖底瓶 Fine gray pottery bottle with pointed base,small double-lipped mouth rim,and incised décor 4.圜底双耳罐 Fine red pottery jar with rounded base,two loop-lugs,and brown-painted repeated triangular-shaped motifs 5.双耳罐 Fine gray pottery jar with two loop-lugs 6.高领双耳罐 Fine red pottery jar with two loop-lugs,basin-shaped mouth,and bulbousbelly 7.矮领横双耳罐 Fine red pottery jar in truncated shape with two loop-lugs,straight and short collar,and bulbous belly 8.直领罐 Fine gray pottery jar with two loop-lugs and straight collar 9.高领壶 Sandy brown pottery with straight neck and bulbous belly 10.双腹盆 Fine gray pottery vat with everted mouth and pointed base 11.深腹盆 Fine brownish gray pottery vat with straight neck and two loop-lugs 12.彩绘直口盆 Fine brown pottery basin with yellow and red painted geometric motifs 13.彩绘敛口盆 Fine brown pottery basin with yellow and red painted geometric motifs 14.短柄矮圈足豆 Sandy gray pottery stem bowl (dou) with incised lines on the base 15.粗高柄圈足豆 Sandy brownish-gray pottery stem bowl 16.细高柄圈足豆 Shell-tempered sandy brown pottery stem bowl 17.盆式豆 Sandy reddish-brown pottery stem bowl 18.彩绘豆 Sandy pottery stem bowl with black slip,reddish clay body,and red painted décor 19.陶瓢形器 Fine red pottery handled water pot 20.人形双耳壶 Fine gray pottery cylindrical container in human shape 21.袋足绳纹鬲 Fine red pottery tripod container (li) with cord marks 22.镂空高柄陶豆 Fine gray pottery stem dish with impressed radiating streaks on the outer surface 23.卵形三足瓮 Fine gray pottery vessel in egg shape with three short pointed legs 24.彩绘筒形鬲 Fine gray pottery tripod container (li) with red and black painted geo-metric design on a yellow ground 25.彩绘高领鬲 Fine gray pottery li tripod with red and black painted geometric design on a yellow ground 26.磨光黑陶筒形鬲 Black-slipped li tripod 27.折肩陶鬲 Fine brown pottery li with carinated shoulder 28.彩绘陶尊 Fine gray pottery vat (zun) with everted mouth and deep belly 29.彩绘陶簋 Fine gray pottery gui tureen with red and black designs on yellow ground 30.绳纹陶鬲 Sandy gray pottery li with im-pressed streaks on the belly 31.陶鼎 Fine gray pottery tripod vessel (ding) with three reclining rams on the cover and animal mask appliqués on the upper part of the legs 32.彩绘陶鼎 Fine gray pottery ding with two vertical handles and red painted design 33.夹砂夹蚌红陶鬲 Fine red pottery li with shell-tempered clay body and impressed cord décor 34.陶鬲 Sandy gray pottery li with side flanges 35.彩绘方座兔耳陶簋 Fine gray pottery gui tureen on a square stand 36.陶豆 Fine black pottery dou with short stem and carved grooves on the exterior of the bowl 37.细高柄圈足豆 Fine gray pottery dou with long stem and lid 38.高柄小口壶 Fine gray pottery dou with long stem and lid 39.陶方壶 Fine gray pottery square vase with appliqué tigers and animal masks (pushou) holding rings in their mouths,surface décor painted in red 40.彩绘陶鼎 Fine gray pottery ding with band motifs painted in red on a white slip 41.彩绘陶鼎 Fine gray pottery ding with bird decorated lid and yellow and black décor on a white slip 42.彩绘陶鼎 Fine gray pottery ding with brown painted lid and two black lines circumscribing the upper belly 43.彩绘陶壶 Fine gray pottery lidded vase with repeated geometric motifs painted in red and black 44.彩绘陶壶 Fine gray pottery lidded vase with repeated geometric motifs in red and black framed by concentric encircling lines,and paired handles painted on the lower belly 45.彩绘陶壶 Fine gray pottery lidded vase with slightly tapered neck and repeated geometric motifs in red and black framed by concentric encircling lines 46.长颈鼓腹彩陶壶 Fine gray pottery vase with boshan lid and red and black painted motifs on the neck and midriff 47.盘形口鼓腹彩陶壶 Fine gray pottery vase with dish-shaped mouth and black painted tiger and pushou motifs on the lower belly 48.彩绘陶盒 Fine gray pottery box with red and black painted geometric motifs on the cover and scrolls on the lower belly 49.彩绘刻三角纹熏炉 Fine gray pottery stem censer with red filled semi-openwork geometric motifs on the black painted cover and similar trian-gular motifs sculpted on the upper body 50.彩绘陶熏炉 Fine gray pottery censer in mushroom shape with perforated holes on the cover for incense fuming 51.圆三角形陶灶 Fine gray pottery mingqi (funerary goods) model of a stove with cooking utensils 52.陶羊尊 Fine gray pottery mingqi holder in the shape of reclining ram 53.兽首陶魁 Fine gray pottery mingqi ladle (kui) with a dragon handle 54.陶井 Fine gray pottery mingqi model of a well 55.彩绘三足奁 Fine gray pottery mingqi container (lian) with three bear-shaped legs 56.长方形陶匣 Fine gray pottery mingqi square vessel 57.侍女烤肉图陶灶 Fine gray pottery mingqi model of a stove with scene of ladies at a barbecue painted on the back 58.梯形圆角形陶灶 Fine gray pottery mingqi model of a stove with cooking utensils 59.半椭圆形绿釉陶灶 Fine gray pottery mingqi model of a stove with a green glaze and carved kneeling female attendant images 60.陶楼圈 Fine gray pottery mingqi model of a courtyard-style residence with tower in the front and pigs in the pigsty 61.绿釉塔式罐 Mingqi model jar in the shape of apagoda with a flaked green glaze 62.绿釉凤首壶 Mingqi model vase on a stand with phoe-nix-headed mouth and a green glaze 63.绿釉长颈贴花塔式罐 Mingqi model vase on a flared stand with appliqué animal mask medallions and a flaked green glaze 64.绿釉贴花罐 Mingqi model jar with a flaked green glaze and appliqué animal masks,lotuses and birds 65.六辅首衔环高领陶罐 Mingqi model jar with six pushou appliqués alternating with flower medallions 66.凤首壶 Mingqi model vase with phoenix head mouth and largely flaked plum motifs originally painted in diverse colors 67.乳黄釉带温碗执壶 Cream glazed mingqi model ewer and warming bowl,with bas-relief leaves around the shoulder and carved lotus petals on the belly of the ewer 68.绿釉鸡冠壶 Mingqi model cockscomb flask (jiguanhu) with a green glaze,imitating the shape of a leather pouch,with stamped floral design (also known as stirrup flask,or madenghu) 69.小口磨光黑陶罐 Fine black pottery Mingqi model vase with slightly tapered neck decorated with several dark painted streaks,and combed designs on the lower belly 70.敞口磨光黑陶罐 Fine black pottery Mingqi model jar with constricted neck,bulbous belly and concave base,two concentric incised lines circumscribing the shoul-der,intermittently combed patterns carved above the base 71.三彩花卉人物陶枕 Sancai (lit. three colors) glazed mingqi model of a headrest with lotuses and grasses on the top 72.花形口三彩瓶 Sancai-glazed vase with foliate mouth rim and appliqué flowermedallions on the belly 73.青釉双系罐 Greenware (qingci) jar with two loop-lugs 74.青釉双系罐 Greenware (qingci) jar with two loop-lugs and a glaze-dripping effect 75.黄釉双系罐 Yellow-glazed jar with two loop-lugs 76.黄褐釉塔形罐 Yellow-glazed mingqi model jar in the shape of a pagoda (mouth missing) 77.黄釉戳点纹执壶 Yellow-glazed ewer with pricked motifs on the belly 78.白釉执壶 White ewer with reddish clay body exposed on the lower part of the belly through the base 79.白釉碗 White bowl with wide mouth and ring base 80.绿釉碗 Green-glazed bowl 81.白釉葵口碗 White bowl with foliate rim 82.童子抱鹅壶 White ewer in the shape of a boy embracing a goose 83.白釉刻花莲瓣纹碗 White bowl with the exterior carved into lotus flower shape 84.影青釉洗 Bluish-white (yingqing) glazed washer with bulbous belly 85.白釉刻花莲瓣纹罐 White lidded jar decorated with bas-relief chrysanthemums and lotuses 86.白釉塔形罐 White burial jar in the shape of a pagoda 87.三彩盘形口罐 Sancai-glazed jar with dish-shaped mouth 88.褐釉刻瓜棱纹罐 Brown-glazed jar with carved grooves 89.褐釉划花双鱼纹罐 Light brown glazed jar with cut-glaze double fish motif 90.三彩刻花花鸟纹罐 Jar with low-fired green and yellow lead glaze covering carved bird-and-flower motif 91.黄釉瓜棱腹执壶 Yellow-glazed ewer with belly in lobed melon shape 92.白釉葵口瓜棱腹执壶 White ewer with cup-shaped mouth and melon shaped lobed belly 93.白釉刻花葫芦形壶 White ewer in gourd shape with bas-relief chrysanthemum petals around the mouth and upper belly and leaf motifs on the lower belly 94.绿釉刻花马蹬壶 Green-glazed stirrup flask in leather pouch form 95.白釉盘口壶 White pitcher with cup-shaped mouth and short spout 96.白釉执壶 White ewer with long neck 97.黄釉长颈瓶 Yellow-glazed vase with long neck and cup-shaped mouth 98.白釉刻花长颈瓶 White vase with long beck and impressed ribs on the belly 99.青釉鸡腿瓶 Greenware vase in chicken leg shape (jituiping) 100.酱釉鸡腿瓶 Soy-brown glazed vase in chicken leg shape (jituiping) 101.酱釉鸡腿瓶 Soy-brown glazed vase in chicken leg shape (jituiping) 102.黄釉龙柄碗 Yellow-glazed bowl with dragon handle 103.黄釉碗 Yellow-glazed bowl 104.越窑青釉划花卷草纹碗 Yue ware bowl with carved circular flower design encircled by stylized floral tendrils 105.白釉刻花碗 White bowl with carved lotuses 106.白釉葵口碗 White bowl in lobed shape with carved ribs 107.白釉葵口碗 White lobed bowl 108.三彩花卉纹折沿盆 Sancai-glazed bowl with carved lotus in the center 109.绿釉八出口浅腹盆 Sancai-glazed bowl with dragon handle 110.三彩刻花盘 Sancai-glazed dish with carved floral design 111.黄釉唾盂 Yellow-glazed spittoon 112.黄釉花口盏托 Yellow-glazed cup stand 113.褐釉留白划花长方形枕 Brown-glazed headrest with incised floral and animal motifs 114.三彩镂空花卉纹长方形砚 Sancai lead-glazed openwork inkstone with moulded flower motif on the front and ink inscriptions on the underside bottom 115.三彩烛台 Sancai lead-glazed candle holder with S-shaped handles and appliqué flaming orb motifs 116.黄釉烛台 Yellow-glazed candle holder in the shape of a flaming orb 117.白釉剔花花卉纹罐 White-slipped jar with sgraffito leaf and floral scroll motifs 118.白釉双系罐 White jar with two loop-lugs and bulbous belly 119.黄釉小口双系罐 Yellow-glazed jar with two loop-lugs and bulbous belly 120.黑釉剔花缠枝莲纹罐 Black-glazed jar with sgraffito floral motifs 121.褐釉刻莲花纹小口罐 Brown-glazed jar with incised lotus motif 122.黑釉剔花花卉纹小口罐 Black-glazed jar with sgraffito lotus motif 123.白釉褐彩花卉纹四系瓶 White-and black-glazed jar with stylized floral motif in Cizhou style 124.白釉褐彩戳印童子舞蹈纹长方形枕 White headrest stamped on the top with framed human and flower motifs 125.磁州窑白釉褐彩龙凤纹罐 Cizhou-style jar with dragon and phoenix motif in reserved panels 126.磁州窑白釉褐彩龙凤纹罐 Cizhou-style jar with dragon and phoenix motif in reserved panels 127.白釉褐彩花卉纹罐 White jar with brown flower motif 128.白釉褐彩花卉纹罐 White jar with stylized flower motif 129.白釉黑彩花卉纹双系罐 White jar with two loop-lugs and stylized black leaf motif 130.白釉双系罐 White jar with two loop-lugs 131.龙泉窑青釉荷叶形盖瓜棱罐 Longquan celadon jar with lotus leaf cover and ribs 132.影青釉龙柄葫芦形壶 Bluish-white (yingqing) glazed vase in gourd shape with dragon handle 133.白釉黑彩“内府”款梅瓶 White meiping (lit. plum vase) with a “Neifu (Imperial Household)”mark in ink on the shoulder 134.白釉“内府”款梅瓶 White meiping with a “Neifu (Imperial Household)”mark in ink on the shoulder 135.白釉褐彩花卉纹梅瓶 White meiping with floral motif in ink on the upper belly 136.白釉褐彩花卉纹四系瓶 White vase with four small loop-lugs around the neck and three ink stylized flowers framed by three groups of double-rings 137.白釉黑彩“王家酒瓶用”款四系瓶 Four-lug vase inscribed in ink with a five-character inscription “Wang jia jiu ping yong (wine bottle for Wang’s family use only)” 138.黑釉梅瓶 Black-glazed meiping 139.褐釉梅瓶 Brown-glazed meiping with a band around the neck exposing the clay body inside 140.黑褐釉梅瓶 Brown-glazed meiping with bulbous upper belly and flared base 141.钧窑天蓝釉碗 Sky-blue glazed bowl with purple splashes,Jun ware style 142.龙泉窑青釉菊瓣口碗 Longquan celadon lobed bowl with fine cracks 143.龙泉窑青釉刻花花卉纹碗 Longquan celadon bowl with finely incised floral motif inside and lines below the rim on the outside 144.卵白釉印花云龙纹高足碗 Egg-white glazed stem bowl with finely incised dragon motif inside,Shufu (Privy Council) style 145.影青釉碗 Bluish-white (yingqing) glazed deep-bodied bowl 146.白釉葵口碗 White lobed bowl 147.龙泉窑青釉印花卷云纹花口盘 Longquan celadon lobed bowl 148.龙泉窑青釉贴花双鱼洗 Longquan celadon lobed bowl with double-fish appliqué 149.磁州窑白釉黑彩虎纹长方形枕 Cizhou ctyle headrest with tiger painting on the top,flowers on the front,snow landscape on the back,character “lu (wage)”on the left side and “fu (fortune)”on the right side 150.钧窑月白釉三足香炉 Moon-white (yuebai) glazed tripod incense burner,Jun ware style 151.影青釉三足炉 Bluish-white ( yingqing) glazed tripod incense burner with hoof-shaped legs 152.影青釉灯盏 Bluish-white (yingqing) glazed stem cup 153.白釉点褐彩羊 White ram figurine with brown mottled décor 154.黑褐釉条纹罐 Black-and brown-glazed jar with streaks on the upper belly 155.黑釉罐 Black-glazed jar 156.黑釉罐 Black-glazed jar 157.白釉褐彩花卉纹罐 Cizhou style white jar with black stylized floral motif 158.青花人物纹莲子罐 Blue-and-white covered jar with figures in landscape 159.青花花鸟纹莲子罐 Blue-and-white covered jar with bird and floral motif 160.青花缠枝莲纹碗 Blue-and-white bowl with a character “fu”in the central inside and bird-and-flower motif on the exterior 161.青花松鹤纹方盘 Blue-and-white square dish with crane-and-pine motif 162.青花树石栏杆纹盘 Blue-and-white dish with railing-and-tree motif 163.青花高足杯 Blue-and-white stem cup with flower-and-figure painting 164.褐釉印花提梁壶 Brown-glazed ewer with eight appliquéchrysanthemum medallions 165.青釉镂空器座 Celadon openwork vessel stand with finely incised plantain décor 166.青花花卉纹盖罐 Blue-and-white covered jars with flower motifs 167.青花冰梅纹罐 Lidded jars with white plum painting and cobalt blue fish scale-like décor under a crackled clear glaze 168.紫红釉长颈球腹瓶 Purple-glazed vase with long neck and bulbous belly 169.灰绿釉开片瓶 Crackled gray glaze vase with overglaze plum tree and swallows on the belly and red flower and leaves around the neck 170.灰白釉开片直口瓶 Pale-green glazed vase with straight neck,two elephant handles,and crackles on glaze surface 171.青花龙纹碗 Blue-and-white bowl with three dragons each playing with a firing orb 172.豆青釉五福捧寿盘 Pea-green glazed dish with a circular “fu (good fortune)”raph encircled by five bats (homophonous with the Chinese character “fu”) and eight stylized bats around the rim 173.青花山水炉 White burner with underglaze cobalt blue landscape and brown glazed rim and base 174.青花二龙戏珠炉 Blue-and-white burner with two dragons pursing a firing orb 175.粉彩百寿图洗 Washer with famille rose (fencai) peach painting symbolizing wish for longevity and a Tongzhi reign mark in the base 176.黑釉睡人瓷枕 Headrest in the shape of a reclining woman with details in black and yellow 177.黑釉睡人瓷枕 Headrest in the shape of a reclining man with details in black and yellow 178.紫红釉卧狮 Pair of purple-glazed lion figurines 179.绿釉瓷鹦鹉 Green-glazed parrot 180.黄釉五彩帽筒 Yellow-glazed hat container with wucai (five colors) floral design 后记Postscript