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  • 书号:9787030197290
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  • 装帧:精装
  • 页数:888
  • 出版社:科学出版社
  • 所属分类:R15 营养卫生、食品卫生
  • 定价: ¥148.00元
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  • 中文部分
    1989~2000年中国九省区成人体质指数分布的变化 王惠君 翟凤英 杜树发等
    对中国八省区居民合理营养所需最低食物支出的估计和预测 于冬梅 翟凤英 王玉英等
    中国居民膳食结构与营养状况变迁追踪 翟凤英 王惠君 杜树发等
    中国居民膳食营养状况的变迁及政策建议 翟凤英 王惠君 王志宏等
    弥合能量距:预防中国居民超重与肥胖的发生 翟凤英 王惠君 王志宏等
    郑州市儿童少年营养状况调查 弓巧玲 杨建国 邵声波等
    郑州市不同人群膳食结构分析 弓巧玲 邵声波 李志岭等
    关于同一家庭内营养不良与超重个体并存的研究 于冬梅 翟凤英
    营养不良对中国九省区儿童未来生存和劳动生产力的影响 于冬梅 翟凤英 王玉英
    1989~2000年中国部分省区成人超重流行趋势分析 王惠君 翟凤英 杜树发等
    不同超重参考标准在分析我国儿童青少年生长发育状况中的比较 王志宏 郝宏菲 杜树发等
    郊区成年女性营养膳食状况及变化趋势——中国八省区实例研究 郝宏菲 王惠君 翟凤英等
    九省区居民体质指数变化影响因素分析——重复测量纵向数据的多水平模型应用研究 廖海江 金水高 郭静等
    河南省成年居民膳食结构变化分析 朱宝玉 张书芳 詹瑄
    经济收入对成人膳食结构和营养摄入影响的动态研究 张一青 李少波
    老年人身体活动功能的研究进展 李 园 翟凤英
    中国八省区成人膳食脂肪摄入状况及变化趋势分析——中国八省区实例研究 王惠君 翟凤英 杜树发等
    河南省成年居民体质指数的动态变化研究 张书芳 詹瑄 张丁等
    中国八省区成人膳食结构变化趋势分析——中国八省区实例研究 翟凤英 王惠君 杜树发等
    中国八省区居民生活条件的综合评价方法探讨 于文涛 翟凤英 马林茂等
    中国成人家庭内部食物分配及影响因素 罗 巍 翟凤英 金水高等
    中国居民膳食的变迁 杜树发 吕冰 王志宏等
    我国八省区成年人体质指数的分布及变化趋势 赵丽云 郝宏菲 杜树发等
    湖南省长沙市和沅陵县居民经济收入影响膳食结构变化趋势比较 林敏 周益众
    江苏省居民膳食结构变化趋势分析 潘晓群
    贵州省城乡居民膳食脂肪与纤维素摄入状况评价 汪思顺 张莹 蒋桂兰等
    成年女性超重和肥胖状况及成因 翟凤英 王惠君 杜树发
    江苏省居民体质指数调查结果分析 潘晓群 高湘陵 刘凯
    母亲的职业对学龄前儿童膳食与营养状况的影响——中国八省区实例研究 吕冰 翟凤英 金水高等
    纵向调查资料的多水平多重回归模型分析 罗菊花 金水高 马林茂
    用体重模型评价中国八省区成年人的健康和营养状况 马林茂 金水高 翟凤英等
    利用多水平方差成分模型探讨个人动物蛋白摄入量的影响因素 何岳娟 金水高 范立新等
    湖南省不同地区和经济收入对居民营养状况影响的调查 陈超群 林敏 周益众
    贵州省成人营养状况调查 张莹 蒋桂兰 汪思顺等
    中国八省区学前儿童的膳食摄入和生长发育状况 翟凤英 吕冰 金水高等
    母亲的收入水平对学龄前儿童膳食摄入的影响——中国八省区实例研究 翟凤英 吕冰 金水高等
    母亲的教育水平对学龄前儿童膳食与营养状况的影响——中国八省区实例研究 吕冰 翟凤英 金水高等
    城市母亲的收入水平对学龄前儿童膳食与营养状况的影响 吕冰 翟凤英 金水高等
    中国人群健康与营养状况调查阶段报告:8省区实例研究 翟凤英 金水高 葛可佑
    24小时个人膳食询问法在中国营养调查中的应用 翟凤英 Popkin BM马林茂等
    1991年我国8省区已婚妇女婚姻状况分析 赵丽云 翟凤英 马林茂等
    八省区成年人群营养状况的影响因素分析 于文涛 马林茂 翟凤英等
    家庭经济状况评价指标探讨 罗菊花 金水高 翟凤英等
    经济、地区因素对成人营养状况的影响 许四元 杨明亮
    中国人群膳食营养素及营养状况分析——1989年8省区实例研究 翟凤英 金水高 葛可佑等
    中国不同地区不同经济水平成人膳食营养素摄入与体质分析 翟凤英 金水高 葛可佑等
    The dual burden household and the nutrition transition paradox Doak CM et al.
    Fatty acids in Chinese edible oils:value of direct analysis as a basis for labeling John C.Wallingford et al.
    The impact of socio-economic factors on functional status decline among community-dwelling older adults in China May A.Beydoun et al.
    Overweight exceeds underweight among women in most developing countries Michelle A. Mendez et al.
    The nutrition transition:an overview of world patterns of change Popkin BM et al.?
    Contrasting socioeconomic profiles related to healthier lifestyles in China and the United States Soowon Kim et al.
    A cross-national comparison of lifestyle between China and the United States,using a compre-hensive cross-national measurement tool of the healthfulness of lifestyles:the Lifestyle Index Soowon Kim et al.
    Rapid income growth adversely affects diet quality in China particularly for the poor! Shufa Du et al.
    Understanding the role of mediating risk factors and proxy effects in the association between socio-economic status and untreated hypertension A. Colin Bell et al.
    Did the distribution of health insurance in China continue to grow less equitable in the nineties??Results from a longitudinal survey John S.Akin et al.
    The current status,trend,and influencing factors to malnutrition of infant and child in China Fengying Zhai et al.
    Why do some overweight children remain overweight,whereas others do not? Wang YF et al.
    Patterns of overweight,inactivity,and snacking in Chinese children Waller CE et al.?
    Physical activity and inactivity in Chinese school-aged youth:the China Health and Nutrition Survey Tudor-Locke C et al.
    Dynamics of the nutrition transition toward the animal foods sector in China and its implications:a worried perspective Popkin BM et al.
    The Diet Quality Index-International(DQI-I)provides an effective tool for cross-national comp-arison of diet quality as illustrated by China and the United States Soowon Kim et al.
    What is China doing in policy-making to push back the negative aspects of the nutrition transition? Fengying Zhai et al.
    Trends of obesity and underweight in older children and adolescents in the United States,Brazil,?China,and Russia Youfa Wang et al.
    Tracking of dietary intake patterns of Chinese from childhood to adolescence over a six-year follow-up period Youfa Wang et al.
    Understanding the nutrition transition:measuring rapid dietary changes in transitional countries Barry M.Popkin et al.
    Work patterns following a birth in urban and rural China:a longitudinal study Barbara Entwisle et al.
    Ethnic differences in the association between body mass index and hypertension A. Colin Bell et al.
    A new stage of the nutrition transition in China Shufa Du et al.
    The underweight/overweight household:an exploration of household sociodemographic and dietary factors in China Colleen Doak et al.
    The road to obesity or the path to prevention:motorized transportation and obesity in China A. Colin Bell et al.?
    How does maturity adjustment influence the estimates of overweight prevalence in adolescents from different countries using an international reference? Wang Y et al.?
    Cross-national comparison of childhood obesity:the epidemic and the relationship between obesity and socioeconomic statusYoufa Wang
    China’s one-child policy and the care of children:an analysis of qualitative and quantitative data Susan E.Short et al.
    Trends in diet,nutritional status,and diet-related noncommunicable diseases in China and India:the economic costs of the nutrition transition Barry M. Popkin et al.
    Intrahousehold food distribution:a case study of eight provinces in China Wei Luo et al.
    Weight gain and its predictors in Chinese adults Bell AC et al.?
    Tracking of body mass index from childhood to adolescence:a 6-y follow-up study in China Youfa Wang et al.
    Nutrition of elderly people in China Jodi Dunmeyer Stookey et al.?
    Measuring diet quality in China:the INFH-UNC-CH diet quality index Stookey JD et al.
    Birth planning and sterilization in China Susan E.Short et al.
    Current methods for estimating dietary iron bioavailability do not work in China Shufa Du et al.
    Sex difference in measures of body fatness and the possible difference in the effect of dietary fat on body fatness in men and women Paeratakul S et al.
    Food price policy can favorably alter macronutrient intake in China Xuguang Guo et al.?
    The nutritional status and dietary pattern of Chinese adolescents,1991 and 1993 Wang Y et al.
    Looking locally at China’s one-child policy Susan E.Short et al.
    Changes in diet and physical activity affect the body mass index of Chinese adults Paeratakul S et al.
    Household production and household structure in the context of China’s economic reforms Susan E.Short et al.
    Evaluation of the 24-hour individual recall method in China Fengying Zhai et al.
    Body weight patterns among the Chinese:results from the 1989 and 1991 China Health and Nutrition Surveys Barry M.Popkin et al.
    Income and food-consumption behaviour in China:a structural-shift analysis Haijiang Ma et al.
    Distribution of medical insurance in China Gail Henderson et al.
    Gender and family businesses in rural China Barbara Entwisle et al.
    Patterns of long-term change in body composition are associated with diet,activity,income and urban residence among older adults in China Jodi D. Stookey et al.
    Energy density,energy intake and weight status in a large free-living sample of Chinese adults:exploring the underlying roles of fat,protein,carbohydrate,fiber and water intakes Stookey JD
    Nutrition in transition:the changing global nutrition challenge Barry M.Popkin
    The impact of grandparental proximity on maternal childcare in China Feinian Chen et al.
    The nutrition transition and obesity in the developing world Barry M.Popkin?
    Overweight and underweight coexist within households in Brazil,China and Russia Colleen M.Doak
    Measurement error in dietary data:implications for the epidemiologic study of the diet-disease relationship Paeratakul S et al.
    Trends in health services utilization in eight provinces in China,1989-1993 Henderson GE et al.
    Are child eating patterns being transformed globally? Linda S.Adair et al.
    Trends in eating behaviours among Chinese children (1991-1997) Liu Y et al.
    Trends in the distribution of body mass index among Chinese adults,aged 20-45 years (1989-2000) Wang H et al.
    Lifespan nutrition and changing socio-economic conditions in China Fengying Zhai et al.?