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  • 目录
    科学谋划和加快建设世界科技强国(代序)白春礼 i
    前言中国科学院“科学发展报告”课题组 vii
    第一章 科学展望 1
    1.1 量子信息科学发展展望郭光灿韩永建史保森 3
    1.2 生命分析化学发展展望鞠熀先 15
    第二章 科学前沿 35
    2.1 宇宙学研究进展与趋势黄庆国 37
    2.2 量子材料中的新奇电子态——拓扑与超导研究前沿王健 43
    2.3 钙钛矿太阳能电池研究进展与展望韩礼元杨旭东 54
    2.4 室温液态金属可变形机器效应与现象的发现刘静 62
    2.5 二氧化碳人工生物转化:从全天然到全人工朱华伟张延平李寅 69
    2.6 T细胞疗法现状与展望丁晓董晨 75
    2.7 纳米零价铁处理地下水和废水研究进展张伟贤 王伟 黄潇月等 84
    2.8 拓扑给凝聚态物理带来新气象——2016年诺贝尔物理学奖评述施郁 93
    2.9 分子机器:最小机器推动未来科技大进步——2016年诺贝尔化学奖评述强琚莉蒋伟曲大辉等 98
    2.10 自我消解、对抗衰老——2016 年诺贝尔生理学或医学奖评述韩天婷胡荣贵 104
    第三章 2016年中国科研代表性成果 111
    3.1 已知光度最高的超亮型超新星的发现东苏勃 113
    3.2 铁基高温超导材料中的拓扑电子态王征飞刘锋 116
    3.3 硅衬底氮化镓基激光器孙钱冯美鑫李增成等 120
    3.4 原子尺度上揭示水的核量子效应郭静吕京涛冯页新等 125
    3.5 原子级厚度碲化锡薄膜铁电性的发现季帅华陈曦张清明等 129
    3.6 利用二维晶体材料组装纳米通道及其物质输运研究进展王奉超吴恒安 132
    3.7 人工合成酵母染色体元英进 135
    3.8 合成气经费托反应直接高选择性制备烯烃钟良枢于飞孙予罕 139
    3.9 杂化二维超薄结构优化电还原二氧化碳性能谢毅孙永福高山 142
    3.10 气体分离研究重要进展——分子尺度调控离子杂化多孔材料实现乙炔和乙烯高效分离邢华斌崔希利 145
    3.11 氧气起源的新机制田善喜 149
    3.12 埃博拉病毒入侵宿主细胞机制被破解施一高福 151
    3.13 天然免疫应答中细胞焦亡的关键分子机理得到成功破解丁璟珒 154
    3.14 心肌细胞程序性坏死及其在缺血性心脏损伤中的作用肖瑞平 159
    3.15 MLL家族甲基转移酶活性调控的分子机制黎彦璟陈勇 162
    3.16 异种杂合二倍体胚胎干细胞的建立和应用李伟周琪 167
    3.17 抗HIV等慢性病毒感染的新型CD8+T细胞亚类的发现叶丽林 170
    3.18 水稻杂种优势研究取得突破进展韩斌 1 73
    3.19 呼吸体蛋白原子分辨率三维结构杨茂君 176
    3.20 肺上皮细胞TLR3在肿瘤肺转移前微环境形成中的重要功能顾炎刘艳芳曹雪涛 180
    3.21 寨卡病毒垂直传播影响子代大脑发育罗振革 183
    3.22 中国对全球气候变化的贡献评估李本纲陶澍朴世龙 187
    3.23 始新世—渐新世古环境剧变中的避难所倪喜军 191
    3.24 中国生态系统服务格局、变化及政策应用欧阳志云郑华肖燚等 194
    3.2514亿年前OMZ海洋和大气氧含量张水昌王晓梅王华建等 197
    3.26 在白垩纪中期缅甸琥珀中发现恐龙的带毛尾部化石邢立达 200
    第四章 科技领域发展观察 205
    4.1 基础前沿领域发展观察黄龙光边文越张超星等 207
    4.2 人口健康与医药领域发展观察王玥许丽苏燕等 221
    4.3 生物科技领域发展观察陈方陈云伟丁陈君等 234
    4.4 农业科技领域发展观察董瑜 杨艳萍邢颖 243
    4.5 环境科学领域发展观察曲建升廖琴曾静静等 252
    4.6 地球科学领域发展观察张志强郑军卫赵纪东等 264
    4.7 海洋科学领域发展观察高峰冯志纲王凡 274
    4.8 空间科学领域发展观察杨帆韩淋王海名等 283
    4.9 信息科技领域发展观察房俊民王立娜唐川等 289
    4.10 能源科技领域发展观察陈伟郭楷模赵黛青等 301
    4.11 材料制造领域发展观察万勇姜山冯瑞华等 313
    第五章 中国科学发展概览 323
    5.1 加速赶超引领开启基础研究发展新征程崔春宇李非周平等 325
    5.22016年度国家自然科学基金项目申请和资助情况李志兰谢焕瑛 331
    5.3 科学热点前沿及中国研究态势分析——基于优质期刊论文的科学前沿图谱王小梅李国鹏陈挺 337
    第六章 中国科学发展建议 355
    6.1 关于我国科学教育标准存在的问题及建议中国科学院学部“符合国情的中国科学教育标准问题研究”咨询课题组 357
    6.2 关于发展人工智能产业的若干建议中国科学院学部“人工智能科技与产业化”学科发展战略研究课题组 365
    6.3 农村煤与生物质燃料使用对环境和健康的危害及对策建议中国科学院学部“中国农村固体燃料使用的环境健康危害及对策建议”咨询课题组 371
    6.4 关于塑料制品中限制使用有毒有害物质的建议中国科学院学部“塑料制品安全使用”咨询课题组 375
    6.5 加强和促进我国高层次科技创新人才队伍建设的政策建议中国科学院学部“影响我国高层次科技人才培训与成长相关问题的研究”咨询项目组 380
    附录 391
    附录一 2016年中国与世界十大科技进展 393
    附录二 香山科学会议2016年学术讨论会一览表 403
    附录三 2016年中国科学院学部“科学与技术前沿论坛”一览表 406
    Planning Scientifically and Speeding up the Construction of World's Scientific and Technological Powerⅰ
    Chapter 1 An Outlook on Science1
    1.1 Prospect of Quantum Information Science 14
    1.2 Development Prospects of Life Analytical Chemistry 32
    Chapter 2 Frontiers in Sciences 35
    2.1 The Current State and Future of Cosmology 42
    2.2 The Novel Electronic States in Quantum Materials: The Research Frontier of Topological Materials and Superconductors 53
    2.3 The Research Status and Outlook of Perovskite Solar Cells 61
    2.4 Discovery on Fundamental Effects and Phenomena of Transformational Liquid Metal Machines 68
    2.5 CO2 Conversion by Synthetic Biological Systems:from Natural to Unnatural 74
    2.6 Adoptive T cell Transfer for Cancer Therapy 83
    2.7 Nanoscale Zero Valent Iron for Treatment of Groundwater and Wastewater 92
    2.8 Topology Brings New Features to Condensed Matter Physics——Commentary on 2016 Nobel Prize in Physics 97
    2.9 Molecular Machines: The Smallest Machine will Promote the Big Progresses on Science and Technology 103
    2.10 Autophagy and Aging——A Commentary on the 2016 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 109
    Chapter 3 Representative Achievements of Chinese Scientific Research in 2016111
    3.1 The Discovery of the Most Luminous Superluminous Supernova 115
    3.2 Topological Electronic States in Iron based High Temperature Superconductor 119
    3.3 GaN Based Laser Diode Grown on Silicon 124
    3.4 Atomic Scale Assessment of Nuclear Quantum Effects of Water 128
    3.5 Experimental Discovery of Robust In Plane Ferroelectricity in Atomic Thick SnTe 131
    3.6 Molecular Transport Through Nano Capillaries Made with Two Dimensional Crystals 134
    3.7 Synthesis of Designer Yeast Chromosomes 138
    3.8 Fischer Tropsch to Olefins via Syngas with High Selectivity 141
    3.9 Partially Oxidized Atomic Cobalt Layers for Carbon Dioxide Electroreduction to Liquid Fuel 144
    3.10 Progress in Gas Separation——Molecular Control in Hybrid Porous Materials for Efficient Separation of Acetylene from Ethylene 148
    3.11 New Mechanism about “Origin of Molecular Oxygen” 150
    3.12 Insight into Entry Mechanism of Ebola Virus 153
    3.13 Pore Forming Activity and Structural Autoinhibition of the Gasdermin Family 158
    3.14 CaMKII Is a Novel RIP3 Substrate Mediating Ischemia and Oxidative Stress Induced Myocardial Necroptosis 160
    3.15 Structural Basis for Activity Regulation of MLL Family Methyltransferases 166
    3.16 Generation and Application of Mouse Rat Allodiploid Embryonic Stem Cells 168
    3.17 Follicular CXCR5 Expressing CD8 T+ Cells Curtail Chronic Viral Infection 172
    3.18 Genomic Architecture of Heterosis for Yield Ttraits in Rice 174
    3.19 Atomic Structure of Respirasome 179
    3.20 Tumor Exosomal RNAs Promote Lung Pre Metastatic Niche Formation by Activating Alveolar Epithelial TLR3 to Recruit Neutrophils 182
    3.21 Vertical Transmission of Zika Virus Targeting the Radial Glial Cells Affects Cortex Development of Offspring Mice 186
    3.22 The Contribution of China's Emissions to Global Climate Forcing 190
    3.23 Refuge During the Eocene Oligocene Paleoenvironmental Change 193
    3.24 Ecosystem Service Pattern,Changes and Policy Application in China 195
    3.25 The OMZ Marine and Oxygen Level 1400 Million Years Ago 199
    3.26 A Feathered Dinosaur Tail with Primitive Plumage Trapped in Mid Cretaceous Amber 202
    Chapter 4 Observations on Development of Science and Technology 205
    4.1 Observations on Development of Basic Sciences and Frontiers 220
    4.2 Development Scan of Public Health Science and Technology 233
    4.3 Observations on Development of Bioscience and Biotechnology 242
    4.4 Focus on Progresses in Agricultural Science and Technology 251
    4.5 Development Scan of Environment Science 263
    4.6 Observations on Development of Earth Science 273
    4.7 Development Scan of Oceanography 282
    4.8 Obervations on Development of Space Science 288
    4.9 Observations on Science and Development of Information Technology 300
    4.10 Observations on Science and Development of Energy Science and Technology 312
    4.11 Progress in Advanced Materials and Manufacturing 322
    Chapter 5 A Brief of Science Development in China 323
    5.1 Accelerating Catching Up with and Leading the World and Embarking on a New Journey in Boosting Basic Research in China 330
    5.2 Projects Granted by National Natural Science Fund in 2016336
    5.3 China's Research Trends Analysis in Scientific Fronts——Based on Science Map of Nature Index High quality Research 354
    Chapter 6 Suggestions on Science Development in China 355
    6.1 Problems and Countermeasures for China's Science Education Standards 364
    6.2 Suggestions on the Development of China's Artificial Intelligence Industry 370
    6.3 Effect of Coal and Biomass Fuel Use in Rural China on Environment and Human Health and Corresponding Countermeasures and Suggestions 373
    6.4 Suggestions on Limiting Use of Poisonous and Harmful Substance in Plastic Products 379
    6.5 Policy Suggestions on the Cultivation of innovative Science and Technology Talents in China 390
    Appendix 391
    1.2016's Top 10 S&T Advances in China and World 393
    2.Overview of Xiangshan Science Conference Academinc Meetings in 2016 403
    3.List of Fora on Frontiers of Science & Technology by Academic
    Divisions of CAS in 2016 406