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  本书以现代会计理论的最新研究成果和国际会计准则为指导,以西方财务会计体系为基础,结合我国会计实践工作,将国内外财务会计教学内容相结合,综述了会计的含义、会计产生与发展、会计信息的使用、会计职业、管理会计与财务会计的差异、会计职业道德等基本知识;从会计专业的角度,全面系统地阐述了会计核算的基本经济业务、基本方法、基本程序和基本技能,概括介绍了会计分析的方法及运用,并对会计的最新发展动态、会计准则的制定以及公认会计原则等基本知识做了简明扼要的介绍。   本书内容包括会计介绍,会计基础知识(会计恒等式与账户、交易记录、基本会计报表、损益计量、会计循环、分类账与日记账等),资产、负债、所有者权益的具体核算,财务报表的编制与分析等。   本书不仅可以作为高等院校会计专业本科和其他经济管理类本科“专业英语”课程的教材,也可作为在职会计人员和经济管理人员的自学参考书。
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  • Chapter 1 An Introduction to Accounting

    1.1 The Nature of Accounting

    1.2 The History and Development of Accounting

    1.3 Users of Accounting Information

    1.4 Accounting Profession

    1.5 Financial Accounting and Managerial Accounting

    1.5.1 Managerial accounting

    1.5.2 Financial accounting

    1.5.3 Managerial accounting versus financial accounting

    1.6 Ethics and Accounting

    1.6.1 Ethics in Business

    1.6.2 Ethics in Your Future Career

    Summary of Learning Objectives

    Accounting Vocabulary

    Notes to the Text

    Reading Material

    Assignment Material

    Chapter 2 The Accounting Equation and the Account

    2.1 Types of Business Organizations

    2.2 The Accounting Equation

    2.3 The Effects of Business Transactions on the Accounting Equation

    2.4 The Account

    2.4.1 The T Account

    2.4.2 Management’s Use of Accounts

    2.4.3 The Ledger

    2.4.4 Types of Commonly Used Accounts

    2.4.5 Titles of Accounts

    Summary of Learning Objectives

    Accounting Vocabulary

    Notes to the Text

    Reading Material

    Assignment Material

    Chapter 3 Recording Business Transactions

    3.1 Double-Entry Bookkeeping

    3.2 Recording Business Transaction

    3.2.1 Recording Transactions in Journals

    3.2.2 Posting from the Journal to the Ledger

    3.3 Illustrative Problem

    3.4 The Trial Balance

    Summary of Learning Objectives

    Accounting Vocabulary

    Notes to the Text

    Reading Material

    Assignment Material

    Chapter 4 Basic Financial Statements

    4.1 Financial Statements

    4.1.1 The Balance Sheet

    4.1.2 The Income Statement

    4.1.3 The Statement of Owner’s Equity

    4.1.4 The Statement of Changes in Financial Position

    4.1.5 Relationship of the Financial Statements

    4.2 The Balance Sheet

    4.2.1 Classification of Assets and Liabilities

    4.2.2 Formats of Balance Sheet

    4.2.3 Current Ratio and Debt Ratio

    4.3 The Income Statement

    4.3.1 Formats of Income Statement

    4.3.2 Gross Margin Percentage and Inventory Turnover

    Summary of Learning Objectives

    Accounting Vocabulary

    Notes to the Text

    Reading Material

    Assignment Material

    Chapter 5 The Measurement of Business Income

    5.1 Business Income

    5.2 Some Generally Accepted Accounting Principles

    5.2.1 Accrual-Basis Accounting

    5.2.2 The Accounting Period

    5.2.3 Revenue Principle

    5.2.4 Matching Principle

    5.2.5 Time-Period Concept

    5.3 Adjustments to the Accounts

    5.4 Adjusted Trial Balance

    5.5 Preparing the Financial Statements from the Adjusted Trial Balance

    Summary of Learning Objectives

    Accounting Vocabulary

    Notes to the Text

    Reading Material

    Assignment Material

    Chapter 6 Completing the Accounting Cycle(Ⅰ)

    6.1 The Accounting Cycle

    6.2 Preparation of the Work Sheet

    6.2.1 The Accountant’s Work Sheet

    6.2.2 Steps in Preparing the Work Sheet

    6.3 Uses of the Work Sheet

    6.3.1 Preparing the Financial Statements

    6.3.2 Recording the Adjusting Entries

    6.4 Closing the Accounts

    Summary of Learning Objectives

    Accounting Vocabulary

    Notes to the Text

    Reading Material

    Assignment Material

    Chapter 7 Completing the Accounting Cycle(Ⅱ)

    7.1 The Operation Cycle for a Merchandising Business

    7.2 Accounting Record of the Operating Cycle

    7.2.1 Purchase of Inventory

    7.2.2 Purchase Discounts

    7.2.3 Purchase Returns and Allowances

    7.2.4 Transportation Costs

    7.2.5 Sale of Inventory

    7.2.6 Sales Discounts, Sales Returns and Allowances

    7.2.7 Cost of Goods Sold

    7.3 The Accounting Cycle for a Merchandising Business

    7.3.1 The Adjusting and Closing Process for a Merchandising Business

    7.3.2 Work Sheet of a Merchandising Business

    7.3.3 Financial Statements of a Merchandising Business

    7.3.4 Adjust and Close the Accounts of a Merchandising Business

    Summary of Learning Objectives

    Accounting Vocabulary

    Notes to the Text

    Reading Material

    Assignment Material

    Chapter 8 Ledgers and Journals

    8.1 Ledgers

    8.2 Journals

    8.3 Special Journals

    8.3.1 Sales Journal

    8.3.2 Cash Receipts Journal

    8.3.3 Purchase Journal

    8.3.4 Cash Disbursements Journal

    Summary of Learning Objectives

    Accounting Vocabulary

    Notes to the Text

    Reading Materials

    Assignment Material

    Part Two Financial Accounting

    Chapter 9 Cash and Internal Control

    9.1 Definition of Internal Control

    9.2 Basic Principle and Policies

    9.3 Internal Cash Control

    9.3.1 Individual Cash Accountability

    9.3.2 Cash Recording

    9.3.3 Cash Depositing

    9.3.4 Reconciliation

    9.3.5 Refunds and Voids

    9.3.6 Safeguarding Cash

    9.4 Internal Control over Merchandise Transactions

    9.4.1 Control of Sales and Cash Receipts

    9.4.2 Control of Purchases and Cash Disbursements

    9.4.3 Control of Purchases Discounts

    9.5 The Bank Account:a Control Device

    9.5.1 Bank Statement

    9.5.2 Bank Reconciliation

    9.5.3 Preparation of Bank Reconciliation

    9.5.4 Recording Entries from the Reconciliation

    Summary of Learning Objectives

    Accounting Vocabulary

    Notes to the Text

    Reading Materials

    Assignment Material

    Chapter 10 Accounts Receivable and Notes Receivable

    10.1 Accounts Receivable and Notes Receivable

    10.2 Accounting for Notes Receivable

    10.3 Uncollectible Accounts Expenses

    10.4 The Two Methods of Accounting for Bad Debts

    10.4.1 Allowance Method

    10.4.2 Direct Write-off Method of Accounting for Uncollectibles

    Summary of Learning Objectives

    Accounting Vocabulary

    Notes to the Text

    Reading Material

    Assignment Material

    Chapter 11 Accounting for Inventory

    11.1 The Basic Concept of Inventory Accounting

    11.2 Inventory Accounting System

    11.3 Calculating the Cost of Inventory

    11.3.1 Inventory Costing Method

    11.3.2 Comparing Inventory Costing Methods

    11.4 Valuation of Inventory at Other than Cost

    11.4.1 Valuation at Lower-of-Cost-or-Market

    11.4.2 Valuation at Net Realizable Value

    11.5 Estimating Inventory Cost

    11.5.1 Retail Method of Inventory Costing

    11.5.2 Gross Profit Method of Estimating Inventories

    Summary of Learning Objectives

    Accounting Vocabulary

    Notes to the Text

    Reading Material

    Assignment Material

    Chapter 12 Non-current Assets and Intangible Assets

    12.1 Non-current Assets

    12.2 Depreciation Methods

    12.3 Disposal of Fixed Assets

    12.4 Intangible Assets

    12.5 Amortization of Intangible Assets

    Summary of Learning Objectives

    Accounting Vocabulary

    Notes to the Text

    Reading Material

    Assignment Material

    Chapter 13 Current Liabilities and Payroll Accounting

    13.1 Current Liabilities

    13.2 Accounts Payable

    13.3 Notes Payable

    13.4 Payroll Accounting

    13.5 Internal Control Over Payroll

    Summary of Learning Objectives

    Accounting Vocabulary

    Notes to the Text

    Reading Material

    Assignment Material

    Chapter 14 Non-current Liabilities

    14.1 Non-current Liabilities

    14.2 Types of Bonds

    14.3 Accounting for Issuing Bonds

    14.4 Adjusting Entries for Interesting Expenses

    14.5 Accouting for Redeeming Bonds

    14.6 Convertible Bonds

    Summary of Learning Objectives

    Accounting Vocabulary

    Notes to the Text

    Reading Material

    Assignment Material

    Chapter 15 Shareholder’s Equity

    15.1 The Characteristics of a Corporation

    15.2 Share Capital

    15.3 Shareholder’s Equity

    15.4 Issuing Stock

    15.4.1 Issuing Stock for Cash

    15.4.2 Issuing Common Stock for Services or Non-cash Asset

    15.4.3 Issuing Preferred Stock

    15.5 Accounting for Dividends

    15.6 Accounting for Income Taxes

    15.7 Retained Earnings

    Summary of Learning Objectives

    Accounting Vocabulary

    Notes to the Text

    Reading Material

    Assignment Material

    Part Three Analysis of Accounting Information

    Chapter 16 Preparing and Using the Financial Statements

    16.1 Introduction to Financial Statements

    16.1.1 Classified Financial Statements

    16.1.2 Relationships among the Financial Statements

    16.2 The Balance Sheet

    16.2.1 Formats of the Balance Sheet

    16.2.2 Elements of the Balance Sheet

    16.2.3 Preparation of the Balance Sheet

    16.3 The Income Statement

    16.3.1 Formats of the Income Statement

    16.3.2 Elements of the Income Statement

    16.3.3 Preparation of the Income Statement

    16.4 The Cash Flow Statement

    16.4.1 Elements of the Cash Flow Statement

    16.4.2 Formats of the Cash Flow Statement

    16.4.3 Preparation of the Cash Flow Statement

    Summary of Learning Objectives

    Accounting Vocabulary

    Notes to the Text

    Reading Material

    Assignment Material

    Chapter 17 Financial Statement Analysis

    17.1 An Introduction of Financial Statement Analysis

    17.2 Percentage Analysis

    17.2.1 Horizontal Analysis

    17.2.2 Trend Analysis

    17.2.3 Vertical Analysis

    17.3 Ratio Analysis

    17.3.1 Profitability Ratios

    17.3.2 Liquidity Ratios

    17.3.3 Financial Stability Ratios

    Summary of Learning Objectives

    Accounting Vocabulary

    Notes to the Text

    Reading Material

    Assignment Material


    Appendix Ⅰ:How to Read Original English Textbook of Accounting

    Appendix Ⅱ:Reference Versions for Reading Materials

    Appendix Ⅲ:Answers to Assignment Material

    Appendix Ⅳ:Recommended Websites of Accounting

    Appendix Ⅴ:A List of Reference Book]]>