序 Preface 前言 第一章绪论 一、地理位置与区域范围 二、考察研究简史 (一)20世纪上半叶以前 (二)20世纪50年代以来 (三)对毗邻地区的考察研究 第二章区域自然历史与基本自然特征 一、区域自然历史 (一)古地理环境 (二)晚新生代以来环境变迁 (三)历史时期的气候和环境变化 二、基本自然特征 (一)晚近的急剧隆升,海拔高亢、地势陡峻 (二)自然环境演变剧烈,自然过程年青 (三)寒冷干旱,高山冰川与干旱谷地并存 (四)生物区系成分交错,漠境景观突出 (五)景观类型组合多样,局地生境影响显著 (六)人类活动对自然环境和生态系统的影响 第三章地貌 一、内外营力分析 (一)晚新生代以来强烈的构造抬升运动 (二)广泛的冰川、冰缘作用 (三)流水作用及其地貌表现 (四)风力作用及礤地貌表现 二、地貌类型及其特征 (一)极高山(Ⅰ) (二)高山(Ⅱ) (三)中山(Ⅲ) (四)高海拔平原(Ⅳ) (五)间山盆地(Ⅴ) (六)河谷沟谷地(Ⅵ) 三、地貌分区及其特征 (一)昆仑山北翼地貌区(Ⅰ) (二)东帕米尔高原地貌区(Ⅱ) (三)喀喇昆仑地貌区(Ⅲ) (四)西昆仑山东段南翼和腹地地貌区(Ⅳ) (五)中昆仑山南翼和腹地地貌区(Ⅴ) (六)羌塘高原地貌区(Ⅵ) 第四章气候 一、环流背景 二、气候要素特征 (一)气温与降水特征 (二)太阳辐射特征 三、水汽来源及输送路径 四、各区间气候的差异 第五章地表水 一、冰川 (一)冰川发育条件 (二)冰川数量及分布特征 (三)冰川类型 (四)冰川资源评价 二、河流 (一)河流补给、径流形成 (二)主要水系与分布 (三)河流泥沙与水化学 (四)主要河流概述 (五)河流的演化变迁 三、湖泊 (一)湖水理化性质 (二)湖泊分布特点 (三)典型湖泊概述 第六章土壤 一、土壤发育的基本特征 (一)幼年性 (二)叠加性 二、主要成土过程 (一)原始成土过程 (二)有机质积累过程 (三)盐渍化过程 (四)石膏化过程 (五)钙积过程 三、主要土壤类型 (一)寒冻土 (二)寒漠土 (三)高山草甸土(寒冻毡土) (四)高山草原土(寒冻钙土) (五)山地灰褐土 (六)山地栗钙土 (七)山地棕钙土 (八)山地棕漠土 (九)盐土 (十)龟裂土 (十一)风沙土 (十二)草甸土和沼泽土(潮土和潜育土) 四、土壤元素含量的特征 第七章生物 一、植物区系 (一)植物区系的组成特点 (二)植物区系组成与海拔高度之间的关系 (三)各地段植物区系的组成特点 (四)各地段植物区系的相互联系 二、植物生活型组成 (一)植物生活型及其划分原则 (二)植物生活型的组成特点 三、植物地球化学特征 (一)不同植物群落类型元素含量的分异 (二)植物群落类型元素含量的分类与排序 四、主要植被类型 (一)荒漠 (二)草原 (三)草甸 (四)座垫植被 (五)稀疏植丛 (六)灌丛 (七)针叶林 五、主要动物生态类群 第八章景观生态类型 一、景观生态分类 二、主要景观生态类型 (一)山地荒漠 (二)山地草原 (三)山地针叶林 (四)高山荒漠 (五)高山草原 (六)高山草甸 (七)盐化草甸和沼泽草甸 (八)高山冰缘景观 第九章垂直自然带 一、垂直自然带结构类型 (一)影响因素分析 (二)结构类型划分 二、主要结构类型组及其基本特征 (一)干旱结构类型组 (二)极干旱结构类型组 (三)高寒极干旱结构类型组 (四)高寒干旱结构类型组 (五)高寒半干旱结构类型组 第十章自然地域分异规律 一、地域分异的宏观背景 二、昆仓山的地域分异 (一)西昆仓山地域分异 (二)中昆仓山地域分异 (三)中、西昆仓山的比较 三、喀喇昆仓山的地域分异特点 (一)南北翼差异明显 (二)东西向山段差异显著 四、干旱河谷与寒旱核心区域 (一)干旱河谷 (二)寒旱核心区域 第十一章综合自然区划 一、自然区划的原则、方法与方案 (一)区划方案的比较 (二)自然区划的原则和方法 (三)自然区划的等级单位、划分依据和指标 (四)综合自然区划方案 二、自然地域界线讨论 (一)青藏高原北缘的界线 (二)青藏高原西北部高原亚寒带与高原温带的界线 (三)高寒荒漠/半荒漠地带与高寒草原地带间的界线 三、区域单元综述 (一)昆仓山北翼山地荒漠/半荒漠地带(高原温带、干旱) (二)喀喇昆仓山-昆仓山南翼高寒荒漠/半荒漠地带(高原亚寒带、干旱) 参考文献 Preface(in Chinese) Preface Foreword Chapter I Introduction 1. Geographic location and extent 2. A brief history of regional expeditions 2.1 Expeditions before the 1950s 2.2 Expeditions since the 1950s 2.3 Expeditions and studies in the neighboring regions Chapter II Regional natural history and basic physical features 1. Regional natural history 1.1 Paleo?geographic environment 1.2 Environmental changes since the late Cenozoic Era 1.3 Climatic and environmental change in human history 2.Basic physical features 2.1 Violent uplift in the late Cenozoic Era, loftiness and precipitous relief 2.2 Intensive environmental change and youthful natural processes 2.3 Co?existence of frigidness/aridness,alpine glaciers and arid valleys 2.4 Mixed biota and outstanding desert landscape 2.5 Complex landscape combinations and influential local habitats 2.6 Effect of human activities on physical environments and ecosystems Chapter III Geomorphology 1. Analysis of exogenous and endogenous agents 1.1 Intensive tectonic upheaval since late Cenozoic Era 1.2 Extensive glaciation and peri?glaciation 1.3 Fluvial landform 1.4 Eolian landform 2. Landform types and features 2.1 Extremely high mountain (I) 2.2 High mountain (II) 2.3 Middle mountain (III) 2.4 High?elevation plain (IV) 2.5 Intermontane basin (V) 2.6 Valley (VI) 3.Landform regionalization and their features 3.1 Northrn flanks of Kunlun (I) 3.2 Eastern Pamir Plateau (II) 3.3 Karakorum (III) 3.4 Southern flanks and heartland of the eastern West Kunlun (IV) 3.6 Qiangtang Plateau (VI) Chapter IV Climate 1. Circulation background 2. Features of climatic elements 2.1 Air temperature and precipitation 2.2 Solar radiation 3. Moisture sources and transportation routes 4. Difference of climate between regions Chapter V Surface water 1. Glaciers 1.1 Glacier development conditions 1.2 Number and distribution of glaciers 1.3 Types of glaciers 1.4 Glacial resources evaluation 2.Rivers 2.1 River feeding and run?off formation 2.2 Main river systems and distribution 2.3 River silt and hydrochemistry 2.4 Main rivers and properties 2.5 Riverain evolution 3. Lakes 3.1 Physical and chemical properties of lake water 3.2 Distribution pattern of lakes 3.3 Typical lakes Chapter VI Soil 1. Basic features of soil development 1.1 Youthfulness 1.2 Complexity 2. Main pedogenic processes 2.1 Initial pedogenic process 2.2 Organic matter accumulation process 2.3 Salinization 2.4 Gypsication 2.5 Calcification 3. Main soil types 3.1 Freezing soil 3.2 Frigid desert soil 3.3 Alpine meadow soil 3.4 Alpine steppe soil 3.5 Montane grey drab soil 3.6 Montane chestnut soil 3.7 Montane calcic brown soil 3.8 Montane brown desert soil 3.9 Solonchaks 3.10 Takyr soil 3.11 Sand soil 3.12 Meadow and bog soil (wet and gleyic soil) 4. Content of soil elements Chapter VII Biota 1. Flora 1.1 Flora composition 1.2 Relationship between flora composition and elevation 1.3 Flora composition in different regions 1.4 Floristc relationship between different regions 2. Plant life form composition 2.1 Plant life form and principles for classification 2.2 Composition of plant life forms 3. Phytogeochemical properties 3.1 Differentiation of element content for different plant communities 3.2 Classification and order of element content for different plant communities 4. Major vegetation types 4.1 Desert 4.2 Steppe 4.3 Meadow 4.4 Cushion vegetation 4.5 Sparse vegetation 4.6 Shrub 4.7 Coniferous forest 5. Major ecological groups of fauna Chapter VIII Landscape types 1. Landscape eco?classification 2. Major landscape types 2.1 Montane desert 2.2 Montane steppe 2.3 Montane coniferous forest 2.4 Alpine desert 2.5 Alpine steppe 2.6 Alpine meadow 2.7 Salinized meadow and bog?meadow 2.8 Alpine peri?glacial vegetation Chapter IX Altitudinal belts 1.Structural types of altitudinal belts 1.1 Analysis of influential factors 1.2 Classification of structural types 2. Major structural types and properties 2.1 Arid structural type group 2.2 Extremely arid structural type group 2.3 Alpine extremely arid structural type group 2.4 Alpine arid structural type group 2.5 Alpine semi?arid structural type group Chapter X Areal differentiation pattern 1. Macro?background for areal differentiation 2. Areal differentiation in Kunlun Mountains 2.1 Areal differentiation in West Kunlun 2.2 Areal differentiation in Middle Kunlun 2.3 Comparison of areal differentiation between West and Middle Kunlun 3. Areal differentiation in Karakorum Mountains 3.1 Differences between the northern and southrn flanks 3.2 Differences between eastern and western sections 4. Dry valleys and the frigid?arid core of the Tibetan Plateau 4.1 Dry valleys 4.2 A frigid?arid core of the Tibetan Plateau Chapter XI Integrated physical regionaliation 1. Principles and methods for integrated physical regionalization 1.1 Comparison among regionalization scenarios 1.2 Principles and methods 1.3 Hierarchical units,delimiting basis and indices 1.4 Scheme of integrated physical regionalization 2.Discussion on the spatial boundaries of physical regions 2.1 Northern boundary of the Tibetan Plateau 2.2 Boundary between the plateau sub?palan zone and the plateau temperate zone in northwest of Tibetan Plateau 2.3 Boundary between the alpine desert/semi?desert zone and alpine steppe zone 3. Descriptions of regional units 3.1 Northem Kunlun montane desert/semi?desert zone (plateau temperate,arid) 3.2 Karakorum?Southem Kunlun alpine desert/semi?desert zone (plateau sub?polar,arid) References