目 录 论文 1 法律风险、内部控制质量与审计收费—来自在美上市中国公司的经验证据 胡大力 高田敏文 26 慈善组织内部控制质量影响因素研究—来自中国慈善基金会的经验证据 舒伟 林斌 林东杰 陈莹 50 投资者情绪、营运资本管理与企业投资 黄宏斌 白娅 常天淋 73 管理层薪酬对研发投入的影响—来自公司治理视角的解读 李经路 苏杭 99 审计委员会与股价崩盘风险 罗进辉 谢达熙 林小靖 126 投资风格漂移频率与基金业绩—来自开放式基金的证据? 肖继辉 周玉娟 140 监管的非对称性、盈余管理模式选择与证监会执法效率 蔡吉甫 朱星文 163 谁在选聘官员背景独立董事?—基于独立董事关系资源职能的视角 吴益兵 周欢 李佳音 林波 189 价值链理论研究述评 朱爱萍 傅元略 CONTENTS Articles 1 Legal Risk,Internal Control Quality and Audit Fees:Evidence from US-listed Chinese Companies Dali Hu and Toshifumi Takada 26 The Determinants of Internal Control Quality in Charity Foundations:Empirical Evidence from China Wei Shu,Bin Lin,Dongjie Lin and Ying Chen 50 Investor Sentiment,Working Capital Management,and Corporate Investments Hongbin Huang,Ya Bai and Tianlin Chang 73 The Effect of Managerial Compensations on R&D Investments:The Corporate Gover- nance Perspective Jinglu Li and Hang Su 99 Audit Committee and Stock Price Crash Risk Jinhui Luo,Daxi Xie and Xiaojing Lin 126 Investment Style Drift Frequency and Fund Performance:Evidences from Open-Ended Funds Jihui Xiao and Yujuan Zhou 140 Asymmetric Regulations,the Choice of Earnings Management Modes,and the Enfor- cement Efficiency of the CSRC Jifu Cai and Xingwen Zhu 163 Who Hires Politically Connected Independent Directors? The Perspective of the Value of GUANXI Yibing Wu,Huan Zhou,Jiayin Li and Bo Lin 189 A Literature Review on Value Chain Aiping Zhu and Yuanlue Fu