Abbreviation Preface Section A-Atomic stmcture AI The nuclear atonl A2 Atomic orbitals A3 Many-electron atoms A4 The periodic table A5 Trends in atomic properties Section B-Inhoduction to inotganic subshnces BI Electronegativity and bond type B2 ChenTical periodicity B3 Stability and reactivity B4 Oxidation and reduction B5 Describing inorganic compounds Section C-Stmcture and bonding in molecules C1 Electron pair bonds C2 Molecular shapes: V5EPR C3 Molecular orbitals: homonuclear diatomics C4 Molecular orbitals: heteronuclear diatomics C5 Molecular orbitals: polyatomics C6 Rings and clusters C7 Bond strengths C8 Lewis acids and bases C9 pvlolecu les in condensed phases Section D-Stmcture and bonding in solids DI Introduction to solids D2 Element structures D3 Binary compounds: simple structures D4 Binary compounds: factors intfluencing structure D5 More complex solids D6 Lattice energies D7 Electrical and optical properties of solids Section E-Chemistry in solution E1 Solvent types and properties E2 Bronsted acids and bases E3 Conlplex formation E4 Solubility of ionic substances E5 Electrode potentials Section F-Chemistry of nonmetals F1 Introduction to nonmetals f2 Hydrogen F3 Boron F4 Carbonl silicon and germanium F5 Nitrogen F6 Phosphomst arsenic and antimony F7 Ox ygen F8 Sulfurl selenium and tellurium F9 Halogens FIO Noble gases Section C-Non-Iransition metals C1 Introduction to non-transit40n metals G2 Croup 1: alkali metais C3 Croup 2: alkaline eaHhs C4 Group 12: zinc, cadmium and nlercury G5 Group 13: cadmium to thallium C6 Croup 14: tin and lead Seftion H-Chemistrv of transition metals H1 Introductlctn tL) trallsition metals H2 Ligand field theory H3 3d series: aqueous ions H4 3d series: solid comFounds H5 4d and 5d series Hb Complexes: stmchJre and isomerism H7 Complexes: kinetics and mechanism H8 Complexes: electronic specha and magnetism H9 Complexes: π acceptor ligands H10 Organometallic compounds Section l-Lanthanides and actinides l1 Lanthanum and the lanthanides 12 Actinium and the actinides Section J-Environmentalt biological and indushial aspHte JI Origin and abundance of the elements Jz Geochemistry J3 Bioinorganic" chemistry J4 Industrial chemistry: bulk inorganic chemicals Js Industrial chenTistry: catalysts Je Environmental cycling and pollution Fudher reading Index