目录 彩绘文物 陕西省陶质彩绘文物分布调查 1 Investigation of the Ancient Polychrome Pottery in Shaanxi Province 12 湿热循环对有机/无机杂化材料老化性能的影响 13 Effects of Hygro-thermal Cycles on the Aging Properties of Organic/Inorganic Hybrids 22 水陆庵雕像的制作工艺、病害及其保护 39 “Shuilu’an”: The Sculptures-Construction, Damage Situation and Conservation 23 浅议水陆庵建造历史中的两个问题 40 About the History of Shuilu Monastery: Two Key Issues 53 紫阳北五省会馆壁画保护修复中的艺术价值研究 55 Artistic Value Research on the Murals Protection and Restoration of The Five Northern Provinces’Assembly Hall in Ziyang 67 紫阳北五省会馆屏风西壁画的保护研究 81 Pingfeng xi: A Painted Folding Screen on the Westwall, Case Study on the Conservation of a Chinese Wall Painting in the Five Northern Provinces’Assembly Hall, Ziyang 68 一件陶俑的黏接——关于黏接工艺的思考 92 Gluing a Broken Terracotta Sculpture: Considerations and Procedure 82 秦始皇帝陵园出土彩绘陶俑的科学保护修复研究 94 Scientific Research on Protection and Restoration of the Unearthed Polychrome Terracotta Warriors of the Emperor Qinshihuang’s Mausoleum 120 中国古代陶质彩绘文物彩绘工艺研究 121 Study on the Technical Skill of Chinese Ancient Pottery Polychrome 131 中国大漆及桐油黏合剂的MPy-GC/MS 检测 132 Identification of Chinese Lacquer and Tung Oil Binding Media with MPy-GC/MS Analysis 152 金属文物 唐墓出土金银器的初步研究报告 160 Preliminary Report on Gold and Silver Vessels in Tang Dynasty Tombs 153 唐贵族李倕公主墓的研究 175 The Tomb of Tang Dynasty Noblewoman Li Chui 161 石质文物 同一环境不同时期的彩绘泥塑胎体材料对比研究 176 The Comparative Study of Painted Clay Sculpture on Different Times in the Same Environment 185 金川湾石窟病害调查及危岩体加固 186 Disease Investigation and Dangerous Rock Consolidation of Jinchuanwan Grottoe 192 吴哥浮雕保护的问题与对策 205 Conservation of the Reliefs in Angkor: Problems and Solutions 193 四川安岳石窟圆觉洞10 号龛病害调查与防治对策 207 Disease Investigation and Control Strategy of Grotto No. 10 at Anyue Yuanjuedong Grottoes, Sichuan Province, China 217 抗钻强度测试——石质文物保护修复新的检测工具 227 Drilling Resistance: A “New” Diagnostic Tool in the Field of Stone Conservation /Restoration 218 陕西安康紫阳北五省会馆壁画中的叙事性 228 The Narrativity in the Wall Paintings of the Five Northern Provinces’ Assembly Hall of Northern Five Provinces at Ziyang of Ankang in the Province Shaanxi 241 秦始皇陪葬坑出土石质铠甲的保护和安岳圆觉洞10 号龛的加固 254 The Conservation of a Limestone Armour from the Burial Site of Qin Shihuang and the Strengthening of Grotto No. 10 in Yuanjuedong, Anyue 242 纺织品 法门寺出土丝绸与李倕墓出土银器概述——近二十年来陕西唐代考古发现及其他合作项目的跨学科研究 267 Silk from the Temple and Silver from the Tomb: Interdisciplinary Studies on Tang Dynasty Finds from Shaanxi Province and Other Collaborative Projects of the Last Two Decades 255 从展开的法门寺丝织物来看晚唐宫廷妇女的服饰 275 Daily Wear for Court Ladies of the Late Tang Dynasty as Seen from the Unfolded Famensi Silk Garments 268 法门寺出土纺织品的过去、现在和将来 284 The Textiles from the Famensi Past, Present and Future: A Status Report 276 李倕墓银器及法门寺地宫出土纺织品的科学分析 289 Scientific Analyses on the Li Chui Silver Objects and the Silk Fabrics of the Famensi Treasure 285 从史料看唐代丝织品 300 Silk in the Historical Sources of the Tang Dynasty (618-907) 290 后记 301