目录 壹 文化谱系 试论中国新石器时代早期文化的区域特征与发展阶段(3) 裴李岗文化研究(15) 山西芮城东庄村仰韶遗存再分析(24) 中原龙山文化王湾类型再分析(37) 《洛阳王湾一一田野考古发掘报告》述评(60) 龙山时代中原与海岱地区文化分布格局的比较(65) 关于新暑期与二里头一期的若干问题(77) “新砦期”遗存发现的意义(100) 贰 聚落形态 裴李岗文化时期农业定居聚落的形成(125) 也谈姜寨一期村落中的房屋与人口(147) 略论中原地区史前聚落的演变(155) 新薯聚落考古的实践与方法(160) 新碧聚落考古的回顾与展望一一纪念新碧遗址发掘30周年(169) 中国聚落考古的全面检验与广泛交流一一“中国聚落考古的理论与实践暨纪念新砦遗址发掘30 周年学术研讨会”综述(代前言)(177) 新发现、新成果、新观点、新方法、新理念:2012 年度中国史前聚落考古研究的新进展(184) 长江中游与黄河中游史前城址的比较(193) 中国史前城址研究的过去、现在与未来(203) 姜寨一期墓地初探(213) 姜寨一期基地再探(228) 论瑶山墓地的分期、排序及相关问题(250) 叁 史前艺术 洪山庙仰韶彩陶图略考(261) 从鱼鸟相战到鱼鸟相融——印韶文化鱼鸟彩陶图试析(269) 鱼鸟共融图试析(273) 庙底沟遗址的发掘与庙底沟彩陶的分期(280) 柳湾基地的发掘与柳湾彩陶的分期(287) 试论中原地区新石器时代玉器的分期(298) 论良清玉器的西传(323) 试论新砦遗址出土的“猪首形陶器盖”(345) 肆 传说与史实 新密新蓉城址与夏启之居(363) 《禹贡》五服的考古学观察(370) 伍 理论与方法 环境考古中地层学研究的几个问题(391) 论考古学文化及其命名原则(397) 陆 回顾与前瞻 近20年来仰韶文化研究的回顾与展望(409) 改革开放以来中国新石器时代考古研究的回顾与思考(416) 中国文明起源研究的回顾与思考(430) Contents Chapter Ⅰ Cultural Genealogy The Regional Characteristics and the Developmental Stages of Early Culture of Chinese Neolithic Age(3) The Research on Peiligang Culture(15) The Second Analysis of Yangshao Culture Remains from Dongzhuangcun Site at Ruicheng,Shanxi (24) The Second Analysis of Wangwan Type of Central Plains Longshan Culture(37) The Commendation of the Archaeological Excavation Report of Luoyang Wangwan(60) A Comparison Study of the Distribution Pattern between Central Plains and Haidai District at Longshan Period(65) Several Questions of Xinzhai Period and the First Period of Erlitou(77) The Significance of the Discovery of “Xinzhai Period”Remains(100) Chapter Ⅱ Settlement Patterns The Formation of Peiligang Culture Agricultural Settlement(125) The Building and the Population of the Villages of the First Period at Jiangzhai Site(147) The Evolution of Neolithic Settlement at the Central Plains(155) Methods and Practice of Xinzhai Site Excavation(160) The Retrospect and the Prospect:For 30th Anniversary of Xinzhai Site Excavation(169) An Overall Inspection and Extensive Exchanges of Chinese Settlement Archaeology:For the Theory and Practice of Chinese Settlement Archaeology and the Forum Summary of 30th Anniversary of Xinzhai Site Excavation(Preeface)(177) New Discovery,New Achievement,New View,New Method,New Concept:The New Progress Of Chinese Neolithic Settlement Archaeology Research in 2012 (184) Comparison of Neolithic Cities the Middle Reaches of Yangze and Huanghe River(193) The Past,Present and Future of Chinese Neolithic Cities Research(203) A Preliminary Ana1ysis of the First Period Jiangzhai Culture Cemetery(213) The Second Ana1ysis of the First Period Jiangzhai Culture Cemetery(228) The Analysis of the Periodization and other Relevant Problems of Yaoshan Cemetery(250) Chapter Ⅲ Prehistoric Art The Analysis of Hongshanmiao Painted-Pottery Pictures(261) From Fight to Peace of Fish and Bird:The Analysis of“Fish Combined with Bird”Motif(269) The Analysis of“Fish Combined with Bird”Motif(273) The Excavation of Miaodigou Site and the Periodization of Miaodigou Painted-Pottery(280) The Excavation of Liuwan Cemetery and the Periodization of Liuwan Painted-Pottery(287) The Periodization of Neolithic Jades form the Central Plains(298) The Westwards Spread of Liangzhu Jades(323) A Brief Analysis of Pottery Lid with Pig Head Moudling Excavated from Xinzhai Site(345) Chapter Ⅳ Legend and History The Capital of Xia Qi and Xinmi Xinzhai City Site(363) The Archaeological Observation of“Five Circles System(Wu Fu)”from Yugong(370) Chapter Ⅴ Theory and Method Several Problems in Stratigraphy of Environmental Archaeology (391) The Archaeology Culture and its Nomenclature(397) Chapter Ⅵ Retrospect and Prospect The Retrospect and Prospect of Yangshao Culture Research in Last 20 Years(409) The Retrospect and Thinking of Chinese Neolithic Archaeology from Chinese Economic Reform(416) The Retrospect and Thinking of Research on the Origins of Chinese Civilization(430)