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  • Preface
    My Crustacean Research for the Past 50 Years Zheng Zhong
    Marine Benthic Crustacean Studies in China Lin Ruiyu
    Achievements in Freshwater Crustacean Research in China Du Na,nshan
    The Significance of the Study of Recent Ostracods with Reference to Fossil Ostracods Hou Youtang
    Research on Marine Planktonic Crustacea in China Chen Qingchao
    Achievements in Crustacean Mariculture Studies in China Liu Ruiyu,Lin Rujie
    A Review of the Studv of Biology and Resource Assessment of Chinese Shrimp(Penaeus orientalis)in the Huanghai Sea and Bohai Sea Deng Jingyao
    Intertidal Crabs from Beibu Gulf of Guangxi Dai Aiyun,Song Yuzhi
    A Preliminary Study on the Stocks Fluctuation of the Chinese Shrimp Penaeus orientalis Kishinouye)in the Bohai Sea and on Measures for Stabilizing Yield ZhangRuilin,Hang Guangzu,Liu Yongchang
    Effects of Mercury and Cadmium on the Behavior Response and on the Electrical Activity of Stretch Receptor of the Chinese Prawn Penaeus orientalis Kishinouye Hao Bin,Sun Haibao,Wang Shengyi
    The Biology of the Blue Crab in the Bohai Sea Deng Jingyao,Kang Yuande,Zhu Jinsheng,Cheng Jisheng
    A Study on the Zooplankton in Deep Sea Fishing Ground off the Continental Shelf Margin and Slope in the East China Sea.Ⅱ.Horizontal and Vertical Distribution of Copepods Chen Yaqu
    Study on the Reproduction and Generation of Pinnotheressinensis Shen Zhu Chongjian,Cui Xiulin,Chen Guizi,Yao Zhiguo
    The Cirripede Foulers of Hong Kong Waters Huang Zongguo,P.M.S.Mak,B.S.Morton
    Studies on the Dorippidae(Crustacea,Brachvura)of Chinese Waters Chen Huilian
    The Distribution of the Euphausiacea in the Huanghai Sea and East China Sea Cai Bingji
    Regression equations of the Body weight to Body length for Common Freshwater Species of Cladocera Huang Xiangfei,Hu Chunying
    The Histology and Histochemistry of the Reproductive Systems of the Shrimp Acetes chinensis Hansen Chen Qiu,Xing Dongfang
    Biological Characteristics of a Bathypelagic Shrimp,Aristaeomorphafoliacea(Risso) Min Xinai
    A Preliminary Study on the Branchiopoda of Shandong Province Han Maosen
    Description of a New Species of the Genus Hungrocypris Vávra 1 9 0 6(Crustacea:Ostracoda) Chen Shouzhong
    Study on the Crustacean Zooplankton of Honghu Lake Chen Shouzhong,He Yinling
    Cladocera from Henan Province Zhao Yuhang
    The Species and New Record of Freshwater Cladocera from Shandong Province Mao Qiansheng
    Preliminary survey on the Freshwater Cladocera in the Ji-tai Basin,Jiangxi Province Peng Jinliang
    New Records of Cladocera from Guangdong and Guangxi Zhuo Ming,Gu Binhe,Wu Feiyuan,Hu Xueqing
    Cladocera from Dongjiang River Zhuo Ming,Gu Binhe,Wu Feiyuan
    On the Freshwater Cladocera of Guangxi,Ⅰ Li Hui
    On the Freshwater Copepoda of Guangxi,Ⅰ Li Hui
    On the Distribution of the Planktonic Copepods in the Tropical Waters of the Western Central Pacific Ocean Lian Guangshan
    The Distribution of the Parasitic Copepoda in Yunnan,China with Descriptions of Four New Species Kuang Puren,Qian Jinhui
    Notes on the Parasitic Copepoda of Fishes from Hongze Lake,with Description of a New Species Xu Gongai
    Studies on Thoracica Cirripedia Fauna in the Northern Part of the East China Sea Du Nanshan,Zhu Zhenqin
    Studies on Chinese Cirripedia(Crustacea):Family Pyrgomatidae Ren Xianqiu
    Notes on an Amphipoda from Caves in Hanshan,Anhui Province Tan Qikun
    Occurrence of Carboniferous Pygocephalomorphs(Eumalacostraca)in China and it's Palaeogeographical Significance Shen Yanbin
    The Euphausiacea in the Antarctic Prydz Bay and it's Adjacent Waters He Dehua,Huang Liqiang
    Studies on the Gastrosaccinae(Crustacea Mysidacea)of the South China Sea Wang Shaowu,Liu Ruiyu
    Preliminary Report on Crustacea in East China Sea Dong Yumao,Cher Yongzhou,Wang Fuzhen,Li Zhicheng
    A Study on the Crustaceans from Coastal waters of Hainan Island Wang Peng
    A Report on Natant Decapods of coastal waters Zhanjiang,I Feng Yuai,Fang Chunhai,Lin Wei
    On the species name of Penaeus orientalis Kishinouye Liu Ruiyu,Zhang Weiquan
    Studies on Parapenaeopsis(Crustacea,Decapoda,Penaeidae)of Chinese Waters Liu Ruiyu,Wang Yongliang
    New Subspecies and New Records of Hermit Crabs(Crustacea,Anomura)from China Wang Fuzhen,Dong Yumao
    New Records of Galatheidae from China Wang Fuzhen,Hu Yuemei
    Prelimnary Report of Porcellanidae(Crustacea,Anomura)from the Xisha Islands, Guangdong Province,China Yang Siliang
    New Records of Porcellain Crabs(Crustacea,Anomura)from China Wang Fuzhen
    New Species and New Records of Lithodidae Crustacea,Anomura)from China Dong Yumao,Wang Fuzhen,Li Zhicheng
    Preliminary Report on a Survey of Brachyuran Crustacea from the Coast of Liaoning Province,China Zhou Ningqi,Sun Linchen
    Preliminary Studies on the Homolidae(Brachyura,Crustacea)of Chinese Water s Chen Huilian
    On the Freshwater Crabs from Sichuan Province Huang Mingxian,Luo Xingren,Liu Jibo
    Anatomy of Portunus trituberculatus Song Pengdong
    A Study on Macrophthalmus(Decapoda,Brachyura)of China Dai Aiyun,Song Yuzhi
    Experiments on Improving the Hatching Rate of Artemia Cysts Zheng Yan,Li Maotang,Tian Fengqin
    Preliminary Observation on the Reproduction of Tigriopus iaponicus after Treatment Under Low Temperature Zheng Yan,Li Maotang,Tian Fengqin
    Biological Data of Some Freshwater Cladoceran Species Huang Xiangfei
    Studies on the Comparative Morphology of Tortanus Eggs and the Effect of Temperature on Egg Production and Hatching Rate of T.dextrilobatus of Jiulong River Esturay Li Shaoqing,Shangguan Bumin,Su Ming
    Preliminary Studies on Transplant,Culture and Breeding Biology of Corophium sp. Zheng Yan,Li Maotang,Tian Fengqin
    On the Indexes for Distinguishing Generation8 of the Shrimp,Acetes chinensis Hansen Chen Qiu,Xing Dongfang
    Biological Characteristics of Penaeid Shrimps in Jiaozhou Bay,Huanghai Sea Liu Ruiyu,Cui Yuheng,Xu Fengshan
    Prelimnary Studies on the Fishery Biology of Trachypenaeus curuirostris(Stimpson)in Northern China Zhang Shude
    The Larval Development of Portunus trituberculatus Sun Yingmin,Yan Yu,Sun Jinjie
    Ontogenesis of the Chinese Spiny Lobster,Panulirus stimpsoni(Holthuis) Wei Shouqing
    Study on the Crustacean Zooplankton of the Changjiang River Before and After the Construction of the Gezhouba Dam Chen Shouzhong
    On the Ecological Characteristics of Freshwater Crabs of Hengduan Mountain… Area Chen Guoxiao
    Ecological Effects of BHC on Daphnia magna Straus Zhuang Dehui,Liang Yanlin,Sun Meichuan
    Study on Component and Quantitative Distribution of Pelagic Crustaceans from the Chang-jiang River Estuary Chen Yaqu,Zheng Guoxing,Zhu Qiqin
    Preliminary Ecological Study of Copepods of the Jiulong River Estuary, Fujian Province Huang Ziachi,Chen Boyun
    An Analysis of the Relationship between Some Cirripecls and Hosts Decapods(Crustacean)from the Southeastern Coast of China Cai Ruxing,Dong Yumao,Zheng Feag,He Lingang,Lu Bingfa
    Preliminary Observation on the Ecology of Ligia exotica Fan Zhengang
    The Quantitative Distribution and Seasonal Variation of Lucifer in the Northern Part of the South China Sea Ren Liping,Yang Guofeng
    A Preliminary Study on the Ecology of the Crabs in Xiamen Harbor Cai Erxi
    An Ecological Survey of Eriocheir sinensis Gu Jingling
    Studies on Reproductive Ecology and the Larval Development of the Crab,Eriocheir sinensis,with Special Reference to Artificial Medium in the Cultivation Zhao Naigang,BaoXiangsheng
    An Ecological Study of the Anadromous Young Crabs,Eriocheir sinensis Tan Qikun,Deng Xiuying,Wen Yaoqun,You Jin,Wu Xiancheng,Zhu Qingshun
    Studies on the Exuvial Hormone of Crustaceans.Ⅰ.Effect on Plant Exuvial Hormone LiGuangyou
    Studies on the Exuvial Hormone of Crustaceans.Ⅱ.Separation on ExuviM Active Material Li Guangyou
    Distribution of β-ecdysone in Some Organs of the Shrimp,Penaeus orientalis Kishino uye Luo Rixiang,Wang Yuying,Jiang Rongijng
    An Electrophysiological Study on the Visual Sensitivity of the Prawn(Penaeus orientalis Sun Haibao,Hao Bin,Wang Shengyi
    Studies on the Synaptic Transmission between the Giant Fibers and Motor Root in the Prawn Penaeus orientalis Hao Bin,Sun Haibao,Wang Shengyi
    Studies on the Respiratory Physiology of the Prawn Penaeus orientalis Ⅰ.On the Oxygen Consumption Rates Hao Bin,Sun Haibao,Wang Shengyi,Chen Fangshun
    Experiments on Adaptability of the Post-larvae of Two Species of Metapenaeus Shrimp to Water of Low Specific Gravity Ji Chenglin,Chen Zichong,Qian Xuelin,Huang Rui
    The Influence of Anti-despondent and Anti-senile Medicine on the Life-force oft11e Waterflea Daphnia carinata King(Cladocera) Du Nanshan,Lai Wei,Li Yiping
    Acute Toxic Effect of Pine Oil and Ganbianyou on Daphnia magna Straus Zhuang Dehui
    Chronic Toxicity Test of Mercury for the Water-flea,Daphnia carinata King(Cladocera) Du Nanshan,Lai Wei,Li Aimin
    RadiationEffect of Soft X-ray on the Water-flea Daphnia carinata King(Cladocera) Du Nanshan,Lai Wei,An Ying
    Studies on the Lymphous Organ of Crustaceans Ⅰ.Morphologic Investigation Li Guangyou
    Studies on the Lymphous Organof Crustaceans Ⅱ.Tissue Culture Li Guangyou,Xuan Shiwei
    Analysis ofthe Main Causes of the F1uctuation in Productionof the Prawn(Penaeusorientalis)in the Last Decade and Investigation on Ways to Increase Production in the Next Decade Shao Jitang,Hu Chenzhu
    Report on Resources Investigation of Shrimps alongthe Coast of Beibu Gulf Tang Jian
    The Development and Utilization of Freshwater Shrimp Resources from the Chaohu Lake,Anhui Province Tan Qikun,Wen Yaoqun,Deng Xiuying
    Developing and Using of Natural Seedling Resource of Eriocheir sinensis H.MilneEdwards and the Progress of its Artificial Breeding in China Xu Bushao,He Lingang
    Report on the Enhancement of Natural Stock by Releasing Tagged Fries of the River Crab,Eriocheir sinensis H.Milne-Edwards in Hebei Province Yah Xiaomei
    On the Reproduction and Exploitation of Natural Feeds in the Prawn Pond Zhao Zengyuan,Chen Zongyao
    Preliminary Observation on the Moulting and Growth of Penaeus orientalis Kishinouye Cao Denggong
    Elementary Approach on Feeding Rhythm of Penaeid Prawn Yu Hongxian,Li Tianbao
    A Report on Wintering and Inducing Maturation of the Chinese Prawn Penaeus orientalis Kishinouye,with an Appropriate Latin Square Design Zhang Weiquan,Huang Shuping
    Studies on the Induction of Ovarian Maturity of Penaeus orientalis Kishinouye by. Eyestalk ablation Cao Denggouy,Liu Rujie,Gao Hongxu,Zhang Weiquan,Zhang Naiyu
    The Plasticity of Shrimp Penaeus orientalis)Life Cycle from Artificial Propagation Xu Junzhuo
    Culture Technology of the Chinese Prawn Penaeus orientalis Kishinouye Liu Ruiji,Zhang Weiquan,Can Denggon,Liu Rujie
    The Effects of Salinity Change on the Survival and Growth Rate of Artificially Reared Postlarvae of the Prawn,Penaeus orientalis Kishinouye Yu Hongxian,Chen Zongyao
    A Study on Techniques for the Laboratory Culture in High Densities of Juvenile Prawns Pen aeus orientalis) Liu Chuanzhen,Dai Deyau,Xiu Yongdong,Liu Jianhua
    Influence of Environmental Factors on t11e Survival of the Larvae of Penaeus orientalis Liu Chuanzhen,Dai Deyan,Ma Yaohua,Jia Shujin
    Management of Water Quality in the Rearing of Penaeid Shrimp Larvae Zhang Weiquan,Cao Denggon
    Biological Environment Control in Prawn Larvae Rearing Tank Xu Junzhuo,Cai Yifeng
    On the Use of NaHCO3 in Buffering Sea Water in Rearing the Post Larvae of Penaeusorientalis Zhang Naiyu,SunGuizhi
    A Preliminary Observation of the Muscular Milkv Disease of the Prawn(Penaeusorientalis) Hao Bin,Mou Renpu
    Mathematical Analysis on Growth of Penaeusorientalis Zhang Naiyue
    Biological Problem and Restocking of Chinese Prawn in the Embayment Chen Zhongyao
    Studies on Food Ingestion and Absorption by Penaeus Larvae(Penaeus penicillatus Alcock) Shen Guoying,Lin Weixiong,Zhang Bingxi,Xu Zhaoli,Hong Jiandong
    A Study on the Year Round Changes in Ovarian Stage of the Prawn,Penaeus merguiensis Feng Yuai,Wu Qinse,Zeng Shufang
    Experiments on Raising the Effects of Larval Rearing of Penaeus merguiensis Ⅰ.Effects of Certain Drugs on Raising the Survival Rate Wu Qinse,Xie Yonghang,Yang Yanzhong,Guo Jinning
    Experiments on Raising the Effects of Larval Rearing of Penaeus merguiensis Ⅱ.Several Effective Measures to Raise the Survival Rate Wu Qinse,Qiu Zheahong,Li Bingxin,Zeng Weibing,Liang Haiou Notes on Some Factors Controlling Ovarian Maturity and Spawning ia the Grass
    Prawn PenaeusmonodonLiang Xianyuan,Wang Wenlan,Zheng Taiian
    A preliminary Study on the Artificial Propagation of Exopalaemon carinicauda Xiao Huaqing
    A Preliminary Study on Artificial Rearing of the Crab,Portunus trituberculatus Sui Xilin,Hu Qingming
    Preliminary Report on the Experimental Artificial Breeding of the Fry of the Crab ——Portunus trituberculatus Sun Yingmin,Gong Meiju,Yan Ruishen, Song Zhile,Yang Jing,Wang Jian,Liang Junan,Sun Jinjie,Ren Qingfeng
    Frozen Nitzschiaclosterium Preparation as Feed for Larvae of Eriocheir sinensis…… Yu Juesian,Zhou Zhongli,Yang Ligeng,Liu Dehong
    Preliminary Study on Techniques for the Culture of the Horseshoe Crab,Tachypleus tridentatus Hu Qingbo,Jiang Fulai,Zheng Jinbao,Cai Rongcheng
    The Pentastomids of China Li Daosheng
    The Developmental Stages of Temora turbinata(Dana) Li Song,Fang Jinchuan
    Laboratory Experiments on the Growth and Reproductive Capacity of the Water-Flea, Daphnia crinata King,(Cladocera) Du Nanshan,Lai Wei,Deng Xuehuai,Chen Bingliang
    On a New Genus of Mysidacea,Paraleptomysis gen.nov.from the South China Sea Liu Ruiyu,Wang Shaowu
    On Three New Species of Mysidacea(Crustacea)from the Coastal Waters of Guangdong Province,China Liu Ruiyu,Wang Shaowu
    Investigations on the Characteristics of Population andReproductive Habit of Fresh Water Prawn,Palaemon modestus Heller in Taihu Lake Du Nanshan,Lai Wei,Deng Xuehuai,Chen Bingliang,Zhou Yuanji
    A Study of the Genus Carcinoplax(Crustacea,Decapoda:Goneplacidae)of Chinese Waters Chen Huilian