目录 Preface 前言 Chapter 1 Introduction 绪论 1 1.1 Chemistry Laboratory Safety Policies 化学实验室安全制度 1 1.2 Requirements for the Course 课程要求 6 1.3 Guidelines for Lab Notebook, Pre-lab, and Post-lab Report 实验记录本、预习报告和实验报告指南 9 1.4 Introduction to Titrimetric Analysis 滴定分析法概述 12 1.5 Significant Figures and Data Treatment 有效数字和数据处理 16 Chapter 2 Basic Operations and Common Instruments 基本操作和常用仪器 22 2.1 Cleaning and Drying Glassware 玻璃器皿的洗涤和干燥 22 2.2 Transferring Reagents 试剂的取用 24 2.3 Use of Volumetric Glassware 量器类玻璃器皿的使用 25 2.4 Separation Techniques 分离技术 32 2.5 Common Instruments 常用仪器 36 Chapter 3 Fundamental Inorganic Chemistry Experiments 基础无机化学实验 47 Expt. 1 Separation and Identification of Common Cations 常见阳离子的分离和鉴定 47 Expt. 2 Separation and Identification of Common Anions 常见阴离子的分离和鉴定 53 Expt. 3 Determination of Reaction Rate Constant, Activation Energy and Influencing Factors 反应速率常数、活化能及影响因素的测定 60 Expt. 4 Preparation of Alum and Large Crystal Cultivation 明矾的制备及其大晶体培养 66 Chapter 4 Fundamental Analytical Chemistry Experiments 基础分析化学实验 72 Expt. 5 Preparation and Standardization of the Solutions for Acid-base Titration 酸碱滴定溶液的配制与标定 72 Expt. 6 Preparation and Standardization of the Solutions for Redox Titration 氧化还原滴定溶液的配制与标定 77 Expt. 7 Preparation and Standardization of the Solution for Complexometric Titration 配位滴定溶液的配制与标定 84 Expt. 8 Preparation and Standardization of the Solution for Precipitation Titration 沉淀滴定溶液的配制与标定 88 Expt. 9 Practise of Basic Operations for Titrimetric Analysis 滴定分析基本操作训练 92 Expt. 10 Determination of the Molecular Weight of an Unknown Diprotic Organic Acid 未知二元有机酸分子量的测定 95 Chapter 5 Comprehensive and Designing Experiments 综合设计实验 98 Expt. 11 Determination of the Fluoride Content in Tea Samples by FISE 氟离子选择电极法测定茶叶中氟离子含量 98 Expt. 12 Preparation and Characterization of Mohr’s Salt 莫尔盐的制备及表征 104 Expt. 13 Preparation and Characterization of Copper Methionine 蛋氨酸铜的制备及表征 107 Expt. 14 Preparation and Photosensitivity Test of Potassium Trioxalatoferrate(III) Trihydrate 三水合三草酸合铁(III)酸钾的制备及光敏性测试 111 Expt. 15 Determination of the Charge Number of Trioxalatoferrate(III) Complex Ion 三草酸合铁(III)配离子电荷数的测定 115 Expt. 16 Spectrophotometric Determination of Iron Content 分光光度法测定铁含量 118 Expt. 17 Synthesis and Characterization of Three Kinds of Cobalt-ammine Coordination Compounds 三种钴氨配合物的制备及表征 126 Expt. 18 Determination of Cement Composition 水泥组分测定 132 Expt. 19 Preparation and Determination of Three Kinds of Sodium Phosphate Hydrates 三种磷酸钠盐水合物的制备及测定 139 Expt. 20 Preparation of Heteropolyacid Salts and Determination of Conversion Kinetics 杂多酸盐的制备及其转化动力学测定 144 APPENDIX 151 Appx. 1 Illustration of Common Glassware and Apparatus 常用玻璃器皿和仪器插图 151 Appx. 2 Vocabulary of Common Professional Words and Phrases 常用专业词汇中英文对照表 152 Appx. 3 Density, Content and Concentration of Common Concentrated Acids and Bases 常用浓酸、浓碱的密度、含量和浓度 157 Appx. 4 Common Indicators 常用指示剂 157 Appx. 5 Color of Common Ions and Inorganic Compounds 常见离子和无机化合物的颜色 159 Appx. 6 Bilingual Videos Embedded in the Manual 本书插入双语视频清单 160 Appx. 7 Atomic Weight of Elements 元素的原子量 162