本套图鉴精选中国境内野生高等植物和重要栽培植物1万余种,配以图片近2万张,每一物种以中英文形式简要介绍植物的中文名、拉丁学名、形态特征、花果期、生境和分布。图鉴共分为9卷,收载苔藓植物100科、蕨类植物40科、裸子植物11科、被子植物 232科,共计383科,且除苔藓植物之外,已收全所有科。本套图鉴是继《中国高等植物图鉴》、《中国植物志》、 Flora of China之后,又一部大型植物分类学巨著。本卷为第8卷。
This set of pictorial books contains nearly 20 thousand photographs, presenting the cream of wild higher plants and important cultivated plants in China, the species of which number more than 10 thousand. Each of the species is concisely introduced in both Chi-nese and English from such aspects as Chinese name, Latin name, morphological features, flowering and fruiting season, habitat and distribution. Divided into nine volumes, this work includes 100 bryophyte families, 40 pteridophyte families, 11 gymnosperm families and 232 angiosperm families, 383 families altogether; the inclusion of all the said families is complete except for the bryophytes. The set of pictorial books is another monumental work on plant taxonomy, after Iconographia Cormophytorum Sinicorum, Flora Reipublicae Popularis Sinicae, and Flora of China. This is volume Ⅷ of the series.
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