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  • 书号:9787030541666
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  • 装帧:圆脊精装
  • 页数:116
  • 出版社:科学出版社
  • 所属分类:生态学
  • 定价: ¥980.00元
    售价: ¥774.20元
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  • 目录
    第一部分 中国沙漠概况
    1 中国沙漠的而积及分布12
    2 中国沙漠的自然环境 1 8
    2.1 极旱荒漠带的沙漠 19
    2.2 干旱荒漠带的沙漠 19
    2.3 荒漠草原带的沙漠 20
    2.4 干草原带的沙漠 20
    2.5 森林草原带的沙漠21
    3 中国沙漠的分布特征与格局22
    3.1 中国沙漠的分布特征22
    3.2 中国沙漠的分布格局26
    4 中国沙漠的形成时代及成因 33
    4.1 中国沙漠形成的时代33
    4.2 中国沙漠的成因33
    5 中国沙漠的演化34
    第二部分 主要沙漠
    1 塔克拉玛干沙漠38
    1.1 地质构造与地貌 40
    1.2 沙物质来源及风沙地貌特征 43
    1.3 沙漠的自然条件 45
    1.4 沙漠环境的演变 47
    2 库姆塔格沙漠48
    2.1 地质构造与地貌 50
    2.2 沙物质来源及风沙地貌特征52
    2.3 沙漠的自然条件 57
    2.4 沙漠环境的演变 57
    3 鄯善库木塔格沙漠58
    3.1 地质构造与地貌 59
    3.2 沙物质来源及风沙地貌特征 61
    3.3 沙漠的自然条件62
    3.4 沙漠环境的演变 63
    4 柴达木盆地沙漠64
    4.1 地质构造与地貌 65
    4.2 沙物质来源及风沙地貌特征 66
    4.3 沙漠的自然条件70
    4.4 沙漠环境的演变71
    5 库木库里瓮地沙漠72
    5.1 地质构造与地貌72
    5.2 沙物质来源及风沙地貌特征74
    5.3 沙漠的自然条件76
    5.4 沙漠环境的演变76
    6 古尔班通古特沙漠77
    6.1 地质构造与地貌77
    6.2 沙物质来源及风沙地貌特征81
    6.3 沙漠的自然条件84
    6.4 沙漠环境的演变84
    7 巴丹吉林沙漠 86
    7.1 地质构造与地貌86
    7.2 沙物质来源及风沙地貌特征88
    7.3 沙漠的自然条件 92
    7.4 沙漠环境的演变93
    8 腾格里沙漠 94
    8.1 地质构造与地貌94
    8.2 沙物质来源及风沙地貌特征97
    8.3 沙漠的自然条件99
    8.4 沙漠环境的演变101
    9 乌兰布和沙漠 1 02
    9.1 地质构造与地貌 102
    9.2 沙物质来源及风沙地貌特征104
    9.3 沙漠的自然条件 1 06
    9.4 沙漠环境的演变 107
    10 库布齐沙漠108
    10.1 地质构造与地貌 109
    10.2 沙物质来源及凤沙地貌特征1 10
    10.3 沙漠的自然条件 112
    10.4 沙漠环境的演变 1 1 3
    11 狼山以两的沙漠t114
    1 1.1 地质构造与地貌 1 14
    1 1.2 沙物质来源及风沙地貌特征1 1 5
    11.3 沙漠的自然条件 1 1 7
    1 1.4 沙漠环境的演变117
    第三部分 主要沙地
    1 共和盆地沙地 120
    1.1 地质构造与地貌 120
    1.2 沙物质来源及风沙地貌特征122
    1.3 沙地的自然条件 124
    1.4 沙地环境的演变 124
    2 毛乌素沙地 125
    2.1 地质构造与地貌 125
    2.2 沙物质来源与风沙地貌特征125
    2.3 沙地的自然条件 129
    2.4 沙地环境的演变 129
    3 河东沙地130
    3.1 地质构造与地貌 130
    3.2 沙物质来源与风沙地貌特征1 31
    3.3 沙地的自然条件 1 32
    3.4 沙地环境的演变 132
    4 浑善达克沙地 133
    4.1 地质构造与地貌 133
    4.2 沙物质来源及风沙地貌特征 1 34
    4.3 沙地的自然条件 1 36
    4.4 沙地环境的演变 137
    5 乌珠穆沁沙地 138
    5.1 地质构造与地貌 138
    5.2 沙物质来源及风沙地貌特征1 39
    5.3 沙地的自然条件 141
    5.4 沙地环境的演变 141
    6 呼伦贝尔沙地 142
    6.1 地质构造与地貌 142
    6.2 沙物质来源及风沙地貌特征1 43
    6.3 沙地的自然条件 144
    6.4 沙地环境的演变 145
    7 科尔沁沙地1 46
    7.1 地质构造与地貌 146
    7.2 沙物质来源及风沙地貌特征 1 47
    7.3 沙地的自然条件 1 49
    7.4 沙地环境的演变 149
    第四部分 其他零散分布的沙漠沙地
    1 雅鲁藏布江河谷沙地 152
    2 占海湖滨沙地 154
    3 阿克别勒沙漠 156
    4 黑河中游的沙带1 57
    5 塔克莫乎尔沙漠1 58
    附录 植物种中文名拉丁名对照表 162
    Annual Precipitation in China 2
    Annual Evaporation in China 4
    Water Surplus and De6cit in China 8
    The Number of Windy Days in China 8
    1 Area and Distribution of Chinese Deserts 12
    2 Natural Environment of Chinese Deserts 18
    2.1 Deserts in the Extremely Arid Desert Zone 19
    2.2 Deserts in the Arid Desert Zone 19
    2.3 Deserts in the Arid Desert Steppe Zone 20
    2.4 Deserts in the Arid Steppe Zone 20
    2.5 Deserts in Forests and Grasslands 21
    3 Distribution Characteristics and Patterns of Chinese Deserts 22
    3.1 Distribution Characteristics of Chinese Deserts 22
    3.2 Distribution Pattern of Chinese Deserts 26
    4 Formation Times and Causes of Chinese Deserts 33
    4.1 Formation Times of Chinese Deserts 33
    4.2 Causes of Chinese Deserts 33
    5 The Evolution of Chinese Deserts 34
    1 Taklimakan Desert 38
    1.1 Geological Tectonics and Landforms 40
    1.2 Sources of Desert Materials and Characteristics of Eolian Landforms 43
    1.3 Natural Conditions in Deserts 45
    1.4 The Evolution of Deseri Environments 47
    2 Kumtag Desert 48
    2.1 Geological Tectonics and Landforms50
    2.2 Sources of Desert Materials and Characteristics of Eolian Landforms 52
    2.3 Natural Conditions in Deserts 57
    2.4 The Evolution of Desert Environments 57
    3 Shanshan Kumtag Desert 58
    3.1 Geological Tectonics and Landforms 59
    3.2 Sources of Desert Materials and Characteristics of Eolian Landforms 61
    3.3 Natural Conditions in Deserts 62
    3.4 The Evolution of Desert Environments 63
    4 Deserts in the Qaidam Ba\sin 64
    4.1 Geological Tectonics and Landforms 65
    4.2 Sources of Desert Materials and Characteristics of Eolian Landforms 66
    4.3 Natural Conditions in Deserts 70
    4.4 The Evolution of Desert Environments 71
    5 Deserts in the Kumkol Basin 72
    5.1 Geological Tectonics and Landforms 72
    5.2 Sources of Desert Materials and Characteristics of Eolian Landforms 74
    5.3 Natural Conditions in Deserts 76
    5.4 The Evolution of Deserl Environments 76
    6 Gurbantunggut Desert 77
    6.1 Geological Tectonics and Landforms 77
    6.2 Sources of Desert Materials and Characteristics of Eolian Landforms 81
    6.3 Natural Conditions in Deserts 84
    6.4 The Evolution of Desert Environments 84
    7 Badain Jaran Desert 86
    7.1 Geological Tectonics and Landforms 86
    7.2 Sources of Desert Materials and Characteristics of Eolian Landforms 88
    7.3 Natural Conditions in Deserts 92
    7.4 The Evolution of Desert Environments 93
    8 Tengger Desert 94
    8.1 Geological Tectonics and Landforms 94
    8.2 Sources of Desert Materials and Characteristics of Eolian Landforms 97
    8.3 Natural Conditions in Deserts 99
    8.4 The Evolution of Deserl Environments 101
    9 Ulan Buh Desert 102
    9.1 Geological Tectonics and Landforms 102
    9.2 Sources of Desert Materials and Characteristics of Eolian Landforms 104
    9.3 Natural Conditions in Deserts 106
    9.4 The Evolution of Desert Environments 107
    10 Hobq Desert 108
    10.1 Geological Tectonics and Landforms109
    10.2 Sources of Desert Materials and Characteristics of Eolian Landforms 110
    10.3 Natural Conditions in Deserts 112
    10.4 The Evolution of Desert Environments 113
    11 Deserts West of the Langshan Mountains 114
    11.1 Geological Tectonics and Landforms 114
    11.2 Sources of Desert Materials and Characteristics of Eolian Landforms 115
    1 1.3 Natural Conditions in Deserts 117
    11.4 The Evolution of Desert Environments 117
    1 Gonghe Sandy Land 120
    1.1 Geological Tectonics and Landforms 120
    1.2 Sources of Desert Materials and Characteristics of Eolian Landforms 122
    1.3 Natural Conditions in Sandy Land 124
    1.4 The Evolution of Sandy Land Environments 124
    2 Mu Us Sandy Land 125
    2.1 Geological Tectonics and Landforms 125
    2.2 Sources of Desert Materials and Characteristics of Eolian Landforms 126
    2.3 Natural Conditions in Sandy Land 129
    2.4 The Evolution of Sandy Land Environments 129
    3 Hedong Sandy Land 130
    3.1 GeologicaITectonics and Landforms 130
    3.2 Sources of Sandy Land Materials and Characteristics of Eolian Landforms 131
    3.3 Natural Conditions in Sandy Land 132
    3.4 The Evolution of Sandy Land Environments 132
    4 Hunshandake Sandy Land 133
    4.1 Geological Tectonics and Landforms 133
    4.2 Sources of Sandy Land Materials and Characteristics of Eolian Landforms 134
    4.3 Natural Conditions in Sandy Land 136
    4.4 The Evolution of Sandy Land Environments 137
    5 Ujimqin Sandy Land 138
    5.1 Geological Tectonics and Landforms 138
    5.2 Sources of Sandy Land Materials and Characteristics of Eolian Landforms 139
    5.3 Natural Conditions in Sandy Land 141
    5.4 The Evolution of Sandy Land Environments 141
    6 Hulun Buir Sandy Land 142
    6.1 GeologicaITectonics and Landforms 142
    6.2 Sources of Sandy Land Materials and Characteristics of Eolian Landforms 143
    6.3 Natural Conditions in Sandy Land 144
    6.4 The Evolution of Sandy Land Environments 145
    7 Horqin Sandy Land 146
    7.1 Geological Tectonics and Landforms 146
    7.2 Sources of Sandy Land Materials and Characteristics of Eolian Landforms 147
    7.3 Natural Conditions in Sandy Land 149
    7.4 The Evolution of Sandy Land Environments 149
    1 Sandy Lands within the Yarlung Zangbo River Valley 152
    2 Sandy Lands around the Qinghai Lake 154
    3 Akbar Desert 156
    4 Sand Belts within the Middle Reaches of the Heihe River 157
    5 Tacoma Desert 158
    Main References 161
    AppendixA Chinese Latin Bilingual Table of Plant Species Names 162