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  • 书号:9787030604613
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  • 装帧:平装
  • 页数:1404
  • 出版社:科学出版社
  • 所属分类:农业科学
  • 定价: ¥880.00元
    售价: ¥695.20元
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  朱作言先生研究团队于20 世纪80 年代初期首创农业动物基因工程研究,在1985 年发表了世界第一篇鱼类基因转移研究文章,享有世界声誉。本书从该团队发表的200 多篇文章中,选取了100 篇编辑成册,分上卷和下卷出版。本书的主线是基于转基因鱼理论模型的建立、转基因鲤研制及品系选育、转植基因功能,以及转基因鱼食用和生态安全研究。内容共包括7 个部分:第一部分和第二部分建立了转基因鱼研究的完整理论模型,并以此为基础成功研制转“全鱼”生长激素基因黄河鲤家系,系统揭示了转植基因的整合、表达和遗传规律。第三部分从摄食、代谢、生长、免疫和游泳行为等方面,详细描述了转基因黄河鲤与野生黄河鲤的生物学特性。第四部分系统评估了转基因鱼在实验室及模拟自然环境条件下的生态学效应。第五部分系统研究了鱼类生长激素对性腺发育的调控作用、育性控制技术及研制不育转基因鱼的策略。第六部分包括草鱼全基因组草图绘制、草鱼病原病毒分子生物学和抗病草鱼基因工程育种的基础研究。第七部分主要以斑马鱼为模型,对鱼类基因工程的生物学原理、技术拓展和应用进行了全方位的探讨。为了便于广大读者阅读,英文文章后面均附有中文摘要。
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  • 目 录
    上 卷
    第一部分 鱼类基因转移模型建立
    Novel Gene Transfer into the Fertilized Eggs of Goldfish (Carassius auratus L 1758) 3
    人生长激素基因在泥鳅受精卵显微注射转移后的生物学效应 8
    Introduction of Novel Genes into Fish 11
    转基因鱼模型的建立 23
    第二部分 外源基因的整合与表达
    The β-Actin Gene of Carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella) 35
    Isolation and Characterization of β-Actin Gene of Carp (Cyprinus carpio) 37
    Primary-Structural and Evolutionary Analyses of the Growth-Hormone Gene from Grass
    Carp (Ctenopharyngodon idellus) 54
    Time Course of Foreign Gene Integration and Expression in Transgenic Fish Embryos 64
    Transgenes in F4 pMThGH-Transgenic Common Carp (Cyprinus carpio L ) are Highly
    Polymorphic 73
    Sequences of Transgene Insertion Sites in Transgenic F4 Common Carp 84
    Characterization of Transgene Integration Pattern in F4 hGH-Transgenic Common Carp
    (Cyprinus carpio L ) 87
    Integration of Double-Fluorescence Expression Vectors into Zebrafish Genome for the
    Selection of Site-Directed Knockout/Knockin 101
    Site-Directed Gene Integration in Transgenic Zebrafish Mediated by Cre Recombinase
    Using A Combination of Mutant Lox Sites 114
    Inhibition of No Tail (ntl) Gene Expression in Zebrafish by External Guide Sequence
    (EGS) Technique 128
    Non-Homologous End Joining Plays A Key Role in Transgene Concatemer Formation in
    Transgenic Zebrafish Embryos 137
    Integration Mechanisms of Transgenes and Population Fitness of GH Transgenic Fish 157
    Gene Transfer and Mutagenesis Mediated by Sleeping Beauty Transposon in Nile Tilapia
    (Oreochromis niloticus) 172
    Targeted Expression in Zebrafish Primordial Germ Cells by Cre/LoxP and Gal4/UAS
    Systems 189
    Inheritable and Precise Large Genomic Deletions of Non-Coding RNA Genes in
    Zebrafish Using TALENs 211
    Efficient Ligase 3-Dependent Microhomology-Mediated End Joining Repair of DNA
    Double-Strand Breaks in Zebrafish Embryos 225
    第三部分 外源基因表达的生理功能
    Hormonal Replacement Therapy in Fish: Human Growth Hormone Gene Function in
    Hypophysectomized Carp 249
    Food Consumption and Energy Budget in MThGH-Transgenic F2 Red Carp (Cyprinus
    carpio L red var ) 263
    Whole-Body Amino Acid Pattern of F4 Human Growth Hormone Gene-Transgenic Red
    Common Carp (Cyprinus carpio) Fed Diets with Different Protein Levels 269
    Transgene for Growth Hormone in Common Carp (Cyprinus carpio L ) Promotes Thymus
    Development 276
    Effects of the “All-Fish” Growth Hormone Transgene Expression on Non-Specific
    Immune Functions of Common Carp, Cyprinus carpio L 287
    Rapid Growth Cost in “All-Fish” Growth Hormone Gene Transgenic Carp: Reduced
    Critical Swimming Speed 298
    Growth and Energy Budget of F2 ‘All-Fish’ Growth Hormone Gene Transgenic Common
    Carp 307
    Fast-Growing Transgenic Common Carp Mounting Compensatory Growth 321
    Metabolism Traits of ‘All-Fish’ Growth Hormone Transgenic Common Carp (Cyprinus
    carpio L ) 334
    Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay of Changes in Serum Levels of Growth
    Hormone (cGH) in Common Carps (Cyprinus carpio) 350
    The Hematological Response to Exhaustive Exercise in ‘All-Fish’ Growth
    Hormone Transgenic Common Carp (Cyprinus carpio L ) 362
    Acute and Chronic Un-Ionized Ammonia Toxicity to ‘All-Fish’ Growth Hormone
    Transgenic Common Carp (Cyprinus carpio L ) 376
    Effects of Growth Hormone (GH) Transgene and Nutrition on Growth and Bone
    Development in Common Carp 386
    Increased Food Intake in Growth Hormone-Transgenic Common Carp (Cyprinus carpio L )
    May Be Mediated by Upregulating Agouti-Related Protein (AgRP) 401
    第四部分 转基因黄河鲤的生态安全研究
    Progress in the Evaluation of Transgenic Fish for Possible Ecological Risk and Its
    Containment Strategies 423
    Reduced Swimming Abilities in Fast-Growing Transgenic Common Carp Cyprinus carpio
    Associated with Their Morphological Variations 433
    Elevated Ability to Compete for Limited Food Resources by ‘All-Fish’ Growth
    Hormone Transgenic Common Carp Cyprinus carpio 446
    Increased Mortality of Growth-Enhanced Transgenic Common Carp (Cyprinus carpio L )
    Under Short-Term Predation Risk 462
    Behavioral Alterations in GH Transgenic Common Carp May Explain Enhanced
    Competitive Feeding Ability 471
    Risk-Taking Behaviour May Explain High Predation Mortality of GH-Transgenic
    Common Carp Cyprinus carpio 489
    Transgenic Common Carp Do Not Have the Ability to Expand Populations 506
    Rapid Growth Increases Intrinsic Predation Risk in Genetically Modified Cyprinus carpio:
    Implications for Environmental Risk 518
    第五部分 鱼类生殖调控与转基因鱼的育性控制研究
    A Perspective on Fish Gonad Manipulation for Biotechnical Applications 535
    Cloning and Expression Analysis in Mature Individuals of Two Chicken Type-II GnRH
    (cGnRH-II) Genes in Common Carp (Cyprinus carpio) 546
    Identification and Characterization of A Novel Splice Variant of Gonadotropin α
    Subunit in the Common Carp Cyprinus carpio 560
    Antisense for Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone Reduces Gonadotropin Synthesis and
    Gonadal Development in Transgenic Common Carp (Cyprinus carpio) 574
    Production, Characterization, and Applications of Mouse Monoclonal Antibodies Against
    Gonadotropin, Somatolactin, and Prolactin from Common Carp (Cyprinus carpio) 588
    Defining Global Gene Expression Changes of the Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Gonadal Axis in
    Female sGnRH-Antisense Transgenic Common Carp (Cyprinus carpio) 601
    Rapid Growth and Sterility of Growth Hormone Gene Transgenic Triploid Carp 625
    Progress in Studies of Fish Reproductive Development Regulation 636
    Effects of Growth Hormone Over-Expression on Reproduction in the Common Carp
    Cyprinus carpio L 655
    Endocrinology: Advances Through Omics and Related Technologies 678
    A Controllable On-Off Strategy for the Reproductive Containment of Fish 706
    The Distribution of Kisspeptin (Kiss)1- and Kiss2-Postive Neurones and Their Connections
    with Gonadotrophin-Releasing Hormone-3 Neurones in the Zebrafish Brain 726
    Direct Production of XYDMY– Sex Reversal Female Medaka (Oryzias latipes) by
    Embryo Microinjection of TALENs 749
    下 卷
    第六部分 抗病草鱼基因工程技术育种研究
    Sequence of Genome Segments 1, 2, and 3 of the Grass Carp Reovirus (Genus
    Aquareovirus, Family Reoviridae) 775
    Genome Segment S8 of Grass Carp Hemorrhage Virus Encodes A Virion Protein 783
    Molecular Characterization and Expression of the M6 Gene of Grass Carp Hemorrhage
    Virus (GCHV), An Aquareovirus 789
    Complete Nucleotide Sequence of the S10 Genome Segment of Grass Carp Reovirus (GCRV) 796
    Introduction of the Human Lactoferrin Gene into Grass Carp (Ctenopharyngodon idellus) to
    Increase Resistance Against GCH Virus 806
    Enhanced Resistance to Aeromonas hydrophila Infection and Enhanced Phagocytic
    Activities in Human Lactoferrin-Transgenic Grass Carp (Ctenopharyngodon idellus) 816
    Molecular Cloning, Characterization and Expression Analysis of the PKZ Gene in Rare
    Minnow Gobiocypris rarus 827
    Toll-Like Receptor 3 Regulates Mx Expression in Rare Minnow Gobiocypris rarus
    After Viral Infection 842
    Enhanced Grass Carp Reovirus Resistance of Mx-Transgenic Rare Minnow
    (Gobiocypris rarus) 861
    Isolation and Characterization of Argonaute 2: A Key Gene of the RNA Interference
    Pathway in the Rare Minnow, Gobiocypris rarus 877
    Transcriptome Analysis of Head Kidney in Grass Carp and Discovery of Immune-Related
    Genes 892
    Cloning and Characterization of the Grass Carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella) Toll-Like
    Receptor 22 Gene, A Fish-Specific Gene 911
    Identification, Characterization and the Interaction of Tollip and IRAK-1 in Grass Carp
    (Ctenopharyngodon idellus) 930
    Isolation and Analysis of A Novel Grass Carp Toll-Like Receptor 4 (tlr4) Gene Cluster
    Involved in the Response to Grass Carp Reovirus 950
    Cloning and Preliminary Functional Studies of the JAM-A Gene in Grass Carp
    (Ctenopharyngodon idellus) 962
    RNA-Seq Profiles from Grass Carp Tissues After Reovirus (GCRV) Infection Based on
    Singular and Modular Enrichment Analyses 980
    Isolation and Expression of Grass Carp Toll-Like Receptor 5a (CiTLR5a) and 5b
    (CiTLR5b) Gene Involved in the Response to Flagellin Stimulation and Grass
    Carp Reovirus Infection 1001
    Characterizations of Four Toll-Like Receptor 4s in Grass Carp Ctenopharyngodon idellus and
    Their Response to Grass Carp Reovirus Infection and Lipopolysaccharide Stimulation 1022
    The Draft Genome of the Grass Carp (Ctenopharyngodon idellus) Provides Insights into
    Its Evolution and Vegetarian Adaptation 1035
    第七部分 鱼类基因转移育种技术展望
    Embryonic and Genetic Manipulation in Fish 1057
    Nuclear Transplantation with Early-Embryonic Cells of Transgenic Fish 1067
    The Onset of Foreign Gene Transcription in Nuclear-Transferred Embryos of Fish 1075
    Nuclear Transplantation of Somatic Cells of Transgenic Red Carp (Cyprinus carpio
    haematopterus) 1086
    Nuclear Transplantation in Different Strains of Zebrafish 1095
    Cytoplasmic Impact on Cross-Genus Cloned Fish Derived from Transgenic Common
    Carp (Cyprinus carpio) Nuclei and Goldfish (Carassius auratus) Enucleated Eggs 1103
    Identification of Differentially Expressed Genes from the Cross-Subfamily Cloned
    Embryos Derived from Zebrafish Nuclei and Rare Minnow Enucleated Eggs 1117
    Identification and Characterization of A Novel Gene Differentially Expressed in
    Zebrafish Cross-Subfamily Cloned Embryos 1132
    Identification of Differential Transcript Profiles Between Mutual Crossbred Embryos of
    Zebrafish (Danio rerio) and Chinese Rare Minnow (Gobiocypris rarus) by
    cDNA-AFLP 1146
    Identification of A Novel Gene K23 Over-Expressed in Fish Cross-Subfamily Cloned
    Embryos 1162
    Identification of Differentially Expressed Genes Between Cloned and
    Zygote-Developing Zebrafish (Danio rerio) Embryos at the Dome Stage
    Using Suppression Subtractive Hybridization 1171
    Critical Developmental Stages for the Efficiency of Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer in
    Zebrafish 1196
    Cross-Species Cloning: Influence of Cytoplasmic Factors on Development 1212
    Efficient RNA Interference in Zebrafish Embryos Using siRNA Synthesized with SP6
    RNA Polymerase 1219
    Cloning, Characterization and Promoter Analysis of Common Carp
    Hairy/Enhancer-of-Split-Related Gene, her6 1233
    Knock Down of gfp and No Tail Expression in Zebrafish Embryo by In Vivo-Transcribed
    Short Hairpin RNA with T7 Plasmid System 1246
    Hybrid Cytomegalovirus-U6 Promoter-Based Plasmid Vectors Improve Efficiency of
    RNA Interference in Zebrafish 1260
    The Cytomegalovirus Promoter-Driven Short Hairpin RNA Constructs Mediate
    Effective RNA Interference in Zebrafish In Vivo 1272
    Molecular Cloning of Growth Hormone Receptor (GHR) from Common Carp
    (Cyprinus carpio L ) and Identification of Its Two Forms of mRNA Transcripts 1286
    Comparative Expression Analysis of GHR Signaling Related Factors in Zebrafish
    (Danio rerio) and An In Vivo Model to Study GHR Signaling 1298
    Activation of GH Signaling and GH-Independent Stimulation of Growth in
    Zebrafish by Introduction of A Constitutively Activated GHR Construct 1318
    Vitreoscilla Hemoglobin (VHb) Overexpression Increases Hypoxia Tolerance in
    Zebrafish (Danio rerio) 1335
    Double Transgenesis of Humanized fat1 and fat2 Genes Promotes Omega-3
    Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids Synthesis in a Zebrafish Model 1350
    Developments in Transgenic Fish in the People’s Republic of China 1374
    Father of Biological Cloning in China 1386
    Fish Genome Manipulation and Directional Breeding 1389
    后记 1403