目录 万年永宝——中国馆藏文物保护成果 万年 从传统到科学 7 从零散到规模 10 从合作到共赢 插页2 慧眼 微观 16 透视 26 明鉴 36 识痕 50 时空 56 巧手 金 64 土 82 石 116 革 120 木 123 竹 136 丝 142 芳华 载驰载驱:中国古代车舆价值挖掘与复原 170 真彩再现:秦始皇兵马俑制作工艺与色彩复原 177 汉机汉锦:老官山提花织机与五星出东方锦的复制 182 永宝 大环境 194 小环境 196 微环境 199 研究论文 基于风险管理和多学科协同的中国馆藏文物保护实践与展望 王旭东/206 全链条保护:一种应对藏品风险与挑战的工作模式 赵丰/218 我国馆藏壁画保护历程的简要回顾 苏伯民/225 我国陶质彩绘文物保护技术发展回顾与展望 周萍 夏寅/235 出土竹木漆器脱色脱水保护技术及应用:以荆州文物保护中心为例 赵阳 方北松 吴顺清/240 中国金属文物保护研究的发展 张然 潘路/248 考古现场文物保护的现实与期望 赵西晨/257 纸质文物保护技术的发展现状 张金萍/264 文物保护装备发展现状和趋势 石镇山 刘刚 方毅芳/272 参考文献 附录 展览涉及文物信息 284 历史年表 287 可移动文物保护相关技术标准 289 后记 Catalogue Pursuing Eternity : Conservation of Museum Collections in China Development Process of Collection Conservation in China From Tradition to Science/7 From Scattered to Large Scale/10 From Cooperation to Win-win/Insert Page 2 Cognition and Discovery Micromorphology Observation/16 Internal Structure Perspective/26 Material Analysis/36 Trace Identification/50 Provenance and Dating/56 Conservation and Technology Metal/64 Earth/82 Stone/116 Leather/120 Wood/123 Bamboo/136 Silk/142 Restoration and Reproduction Production Process Research of Chariots Excavated from M16 in Majiayuan Cemetery, Gansu,Late Warring States Period/170 Color Reconstruction of Terracotta Excavated from Pit of Emperor Qinshihuang’s Mausoleum,Shaanxi/177 Restoration of Pattern Loom of the Han Dynasty and Reproduction of Jin-silk with Characters“Wu Xing Chu Dong Fang Li Zhong Guo”/182 Preventive Conservation Macro-environment/194 Sub-environment/196 Micro-environment/199 Research Papers Practices and Prospects of Cultural Heritage Conservation in Chinese Museums Based on Risk Management and Multidisciplinary Collaboration (Wang Xudong)/206 Conservation Cycle: A Concept to Face the Global Risks and Challenges in Museum Collections (Zhao Feng)/218 A Brief Review of Conservation of Museum Collections of Murals in China (Su Bomin)/225 Review and Prospects of Polychrome Pottery Conservation in China (Zhou Ping, Xia Yin)/235 Decolorization and Dehydration Technology and Application for Conservation of Excavated Bamboo,Wood and Lacquer Artifacts: Taking Jingzhou Conservation Center as an Example (Zhao Yang, Fang Beisong, Wu Shunqing)/240 Development of Research on Metal Artifacts Conservation in China (Zhang Ran, Pan Lu)/248 Reality and Expectation of Conservation of Cultural Heritage at the Archaeological Site (Zhao Xichen)/257 Current Developments of Paper Artifacts Conservation Technology (Zhang Jinping) /264 Current Developments and Trends of Cultural Heritage Conservation Equipment (Shi Zhenshan, Liu Gang, Fang Yifang)/272 Bibliography Appendices Information of Related Collections/284 History Timeline/287 Technical Standards on Conservation of Movable Cultural Heritage/289