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  • 书号:7030065670
    作者:Chen Ping
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  • Preface
    Chapter One The Origin of Medical Pharmaceuticals and Hygiene(Primitive Society from Remote Antiquity to the 21st Century B.C.)
    Ⅰ.The Awareness of Earliest Culture in Remote Antiquity Began Only Two Hundred Years Ago
    Ⅱ.The Significance of the Discovery of Fire to Human Health Care
    Ⅲ.The Appearance of Treatment with TCM
    1.External treatment and massotheraPy
    2.Acupuncture and moxibustion therapy
    3.Pharmaceutical therapy
    4.Breathing exercises
    Ⅳ.The Medical Men in Legendary Time
    Chapter Two The Accumulation of Experience in Medical and Health Care(Xia Dynasty—Spring and Autumn Period,2000—476 B.C.)
    Ⅰ.The Historical Records of Diseases Inscribed on Animal Bones
    Ⅱ.The Records of Medicine in Shan Hai Jing(Manual of the Mountains and Rivers)
    Ⅲ.The Invention and Application of Wine and Decoction
    1.The fermentation of wine and its significance
    2.The invention of decoction and cognation of drugs and food
    Ⅳ.The Origin of Nine Needles and Their Applications
    Ⅴ.Early Health Care and System of Medical Administration
    1.Early health care
    2.Early medical affairs system
    Ⅵ.The Struggle Between Medical Science and Wizardry
    Chapter Three The Initial Formation of the Theoretical System of Medicine(From the Warring States Period to the Three States,475 B.C.-265 A.D.)
    Ⅰ.Medical Book Unearthed From Han Tomb of Ma Wang Dui
    1.The two classics of moxibustion along channels:The earliest monographs on channels in China
    2.Wu Shi Er Bing Fang(Fifty-Two Diseases and Formulas):A reflection of the real medical level before the Western Han Dynasty
    3.Dao Yin Tu(Illustrated Breathing Exercises):the earliest callisthenic performance forming patterns of TCM
    4.Medical works on bamboo and wooden strips and ancient health:Preserving science
    Ⅱ.The First Great Summary of TCM:Huang Di Nei Jing(Yellow Emperor's Classic of Internal Medicine)
    1.The compilation of Huang Di Nei Jing(Yellow Emperor's Classic of Internal Medicine)
    2.The basic content of Huang Di Nei Jing(Yellow Emperor's Classic of Internal Medicine)
    3.The achievements of Huang Di Nei Jing(Yellow Emperor's Classic of Internal Medicine)
    4.The value and impact of Huang Di Nei Jing(Yellow Emperor's Classic of Internal Medicine)
    Ⅲ.Shen Nong Ben Cao Jing(Classic of Shen Nong's Materia Medica):The Earliest Extant Monograph on Materia Medica
    1.Introduction to the author of Shen Nong Ben Cao Jing(Classic of Shen Nong's Materia Medica)and the time it appeared
    2.The basic contents of Shen Nong Ben Cao Jing(Classic of Shen Nong's Materia Medica)
    Ⅳ.The Establishment of The Principle of Treatment Based on Syndrome Identification:Shang Han Za Bing Lun(Treatise on Febrile and Miscellaneou Diseases)
    1.Biography of Zhang Zhongjing
    2.The formation and evolution of Shang Han Za Bing Lun(Treatise on Febrile and Miscellaneous Diseases)
    3.The achievements and contribution of Shang Han Za Bing Lun(Treatise on Febrile and Miscellaneous Diseases)
    4.The influence of Shang Han Za Bing Lun(Treatise on Febrile and Miscellaneous Diseases)
    Ⅴ.Well-Known Medical Scientists
    1.Bian Que(Qin Yue Ren)
    2.Chunyu Yi(Cang Gong)
    3.Hua Tuo
    Chapter Four The Full Development of Chinese Medicine and Pharmacology(From Jin,Northern and Southern Dynasties to Sui,Tang and Five Dynasties,265 A.D-960 A.D)
    Ⅰ.Systematization of Pulse Conditions:Wang Shuhe and Mai Jing(The Pulse Classic)
    1.Classification of the pulse
    2.Establishment of Cunkou pulse feeling and Cun,Guan and Chi in accordance with Zangfu(see Plate 4.1)
    Ⅱ.The Development in Pathogenic Factors and Symptomatology:Chao Yuanfang and His Zhu Bing Yuan Hou Lun(General Treatise on the Causes and Syndroms of Diseases)
    1.Detailed records about disease,wideranging and accurate
    2.Breaking through the bondage of etiological theory created by past generations
    3.The views on classification of the diseases
    Ⅲ.The Progress in Materia Medica and MedicineMaking
    1.Systematization and replenishment of works on materia medica
    2.Recognition and application of special remedies
    3.Alchemy and pharmaceutical chemistry
    4.Summary of medicinal preparation and Lei Gong Pao Zhi Lun(Lei's Treatise on Medicinal Preparation)
    Ⅳ.Two Great Physicians in Formula Collecting in Tang Dynasty
    1.Sun Simiao and his Qian Jin Yao Fang(Thousand Ducat Formulas)and Qian Jin Yi Fang(Supplement to the Thousand Ducat Formulas)
    2.Wang Tao and his Wai Tai Mi Yao(Arcane Essentials from Imperial Library)
    Ⅴ.The Remarkable Development of Clinical Medicine
    1.Zhou Hou Bi Ji Fang(Emergency Formulas to Keep Up One's Sleeve):The first TCM first-aid handbook1600 years ago
    2.The all-round summary in acupuncture and moxibustion:Zhen Jiu Jia Yi Jing(A-B Classic of Acupunture and Moxibustion)
    3.The first monograph on surgery:Liu Juanzi Gui Yi Fang(Liu Juan Zi's Remedies Left Over by Ghosts)
    4.The first monograph on traumatology:Xian Shou Li Shang Xu Duan Mi Fang(Secret Formulas to Treat Traumatic Injury Given by Celestials)
    5.The first obstetrical monograph:Jing Xiao Chan Bao(Tested Prescriptions in Obstetrics)
    6.The first pediatric monograph:Lu Xin Jing(Manual of the Fontanel and Head)
    Ⅵ.The Medical Education and Administrative System in Wei,Jin,Sui and Tang Dynasties
    Ⅶ.The Medical Exchange Between China and Foreign Countries
    1.The medical exchange between China and Japan
    2.The medical exchange between China and Korea
    3.Medical exchange between China and India
    4.Medical exchange between China and Arabia
    Chapter Five Medical Systematization,Improvement and Lear ned Debates(Song and Ming Dynasties,960-1368 A.D.)
    Ⅰ.Management and Reform of Medical Affairs
    1.Establishing a proofing bureau for medical books
    2.Establishment of the National Pharmacological Bureau
    3.Development of medical education
    Ⅱ.The Development of Pharmacology and Formulas
    Ⅲ.Progress in Different Medical Specialties
    2.Acupuncture and moxibustion
    5.Surgery and traumatology
    6.Forensic medicine
    Ⅳ.Medical Debates During Jin and Yuan
    1.Liu Wansu and“On Pathogenic Fire”
    2.Zhang Congzheng and his“On Downward Purgation”
    3.Li Gao and his Spleen and StomachDocrtrine
    4.Zhu Zhengheng and his“On Minister Fire”
    Ⅴ.Exchanges between China and Foreign Countries
    1.Medical exchanges between Korea and China
    2.Medical exchanges between Vietnam and China
    3.Medical exchanges between Arab countries and China
    Chapter Six New Developments in Medical Theory and Practice(Covering the Entire Ming Dynasty and Qing Dynasty Before the Opium War,1368-1840 A.D.)
    Ⅰ.A General Summary of Traditional Chinese Pharmacology
    1.Li Shizhen and his Ben Cao Gang Mu(Compendium of Materia Medica)
    2.Pharmacology After Ben Cao Gang Mu(Compendium of Materia Medica)
    Ⅱ.Unprecedented Development and Popularization of TCM Pharmacological Formulas
    1.A voluminous medical book:Pu Ji Fang(Prescriptions for Curing All People)
    2.Popularization of Chinese medical formulas
    Ⅲ.Formation and Development of the Doctrine of Epidemic Febrile Disease and Skills in Human Variolation
    1.Reform of epidemic febrile disease doctrine:Wu Youxing and his epidemic febrile factor theory
    2.Formation of the epidemic febrile disease doctrine and sect
    3.The forerunner of artificial immunization:Human variolation preventing smallpox
    Ⅳ.The New Medical Achievements of Clinical Practice
    1.Speciality of internal medicine
    2.Surgery and traumatology
    3.Obstetrics and gynecology
    5.Speciality of ophthalmology,stomatology and dentistry and laryngology
    7.Popular therapy
    Ⅴ.Ordering of and Research on Medical Classics and Compilation of Various Medical Works
    1.Textual research and annotation of ancient medical classics
    2.Compilation of medical works and reference books with material from various sources and arrangementaccording to subject in a series of books
    3.The treasure house of physicians'medical experience:medical records and notes
    Ⅵ.Medical Exchanges Between China and Foreign Countries
    1.Medical exchanges between China and Japan
    2.Medical exchange between China and Korea
    3.Medical exchange between China and European countries
    Chapter Seven Entrance of Modern Medicine and Its Development in China(From the Opium War to the Founding of the People's Republic of China,1840-1949)
    Ⅰ.The Introduction of Western Medicine and Its Development in China
    1.The establishment of missionary hospitals
    2.Starting schooling of Western medicine
    Ⅱ.The School of Integration of TCM and Western Medicine and Its Significance
    1.The School of integration of TCM and Western medicine
    2.The representative figures of the school of integration of TCM and Western medicine
    Ⅲ.The Continuous Development of TCM
    1.Adjustment,collection and textual research of the predecessors'works
    2.Accumulation of new experience of treatment in internal medicine,surgery,gynecology and pediatrics
    3.New developments in pharmacology and TCM formulas
    4.The rise of medical education in recent times
    Concluding Remarks:New Development in Contemporary TCM
    Index Ⅰ:Chronicle of Events Before Christ
    Index Ⅱ:Chronicle of Events During the Years A.D.
    Index Ⅲ:Pinyin-Chinese-English Cross Reference of Book Names