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  • 书号:9787030148971
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  • 装帧:平装
  • 页数:364
  • 出版社:科学出版社
  • 所属分类:O31 理论力学(一般力学) 0801 力学
  • 定价: ¥69.00元
    售价: ¥55.20元
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  • 目录
    绪论 1
    0.1 理论力学的研究对象 1
    0.2 理论力学的研究方法 2
    0.3 力学发展简史 2
    第一章 静力学的基本概念和物体的受力分析 5
    1.1 静力学的基本概念 5
    1.2 静力学公理 6
    1.3 约束和约束反力 9
    1.4 受力分析和受力图 12
    习题 16
    第二章 基本力系 19
    2.1 力系的基本类型 19
    2.2 共点力系合成与平衡的几何法 19
    2.3 力的投影?力沿坐标轴的分解 22
    2.4 共点力系合成与平衡的解析法 25
    2.5 力偶及其性质 30
    2.6 力偶系的合成与平衡 33
    习题二 35
    第三章 任意力系 40
    3.1 力对点的矩和力对轴的矩 40
    3.2 空间任意力系的简化与合成 42
    3.3 空间任意力系的平衡 48
    3.4 平面任意力系的平衡 49
    习题三 59
    第四章 物(刚)体系的平衡及其在工程中的应用 65
    4.1 静定问题和静不定问题的概念 65
    4.2 物体系平衡的应用举例 66
    4.3 简单平面桁架 71
    4.4 重心 76
    习题四 82
    第五章 摩擦 86
    5.1 滑动摩擦 86
    5.2 考虑滑动摩擦时的平衡问题 88
    5.3 滚动摩阻 92
    习题五 94
    第六章 运动学基础 97
    6.1 运动学的任务和基本概念 97
    6.2 点的运动的矢量法 98
    6.3 点的运动的直角坐标法 100
    6.4 点的运动的自然法 102
    6.5 刚体的平动 112
    6.6 刚体的定轴转动 114
    6.7 角速度和角加速度的矢量表示法?刚体内各点的速度和加速度的矢积表示法 119
    习题六 122
    第七章 点的复合运动 126
    7.1 基本概念 126
    7.2 点的速度合成定理 129
    7.3 牵连运动为平动时点的加速度合成定理 133
    7.4 牵连运动为定轴转动时点的加速度合成定理 137
    习题七 144
    第八章 刚体的平面运动?运动学综合应用 151
    8.1 刚体平面运动的运动方程 151
    8.2 平面图形运动的分解 152
    8.3 平面图形上各点的速度 153
    8.4 平面图形的瞬时速度中心 158
    8.5 平面图形上各点的加速度 163
    8.6 运动学综合应用 168
    习题八 175
    第九章 刚体转动的合成 182
    9.1 刚体绕相交轴转动的合成 182
    9.2 刚体绕平行轴转动的合成 183
    9.3 刚体转动合成举例 186
    习题九 191
    第十章 质点动力学 195
    10.1 动力学的任务 195
    10.2 动力学的基本定律 195
    10.3 质点运动微分方程 197
    10.4 质点动力学的基本问题 198
    10.5 质点的相对运动微分方程 203
    习题十 209
    第十一章 质点的振动 212
    11.1 概述 212
    11.2 单自由度线性系统的自由振动 212
    11.3 单自由度线性系统的衰减振动 217
    11.4 单自由度线性系统的强迫振动 223
    习题十 232
    第十二章 动能定理 237
    12.1 动力学普遍定理概述 237
    12.2 力的功 237
    12.3 动能 243
    12.4 动能定理 246
    12.5 功率?功率方程 251
    12.6 势力场?势能?机械能守恒定理 253
    习题十二 258
    第十三章 动量定理 264
    13.1 动量 264
    13.2 质点系的动量定理 265
    13.3 质点系的冲量定理 270
    13.4 质心运动定理 273
    13.5 变质量质点的运动微分方程 277
    习题十三 282
    第十四章 动量矩定理?动力学普遍定理的综合应用 286
    14.1 动量矩 286
    14.2 质点系对任意点的动量矩定理 288
    14.3 质点系对固定点的动量矩定理 289
    14.4 刚体的定轴转动微分方程 294
    14.5 质点系相对于质心的动量矩定理 296
    14.6 刚体的平面运动微分方程 297
    14.7 陀螺力矩和陀螺效应 299
    14.8 动力学普遍定理的综合应用 302
    习题十四 307
    第十五章 达朗贝尔原理与动静法 312
    15.1 达朗贝尔原理 312
    15.2 惯性力系的简化 313
    15.3 动静法的应用举例 316
    15.4 定轴转动刚体对轴承的动压力 321
    习题十五 328
    习题答案 334
    参考文献 346
    附录A 转动惯量 347
    附录B 中英文名词对照表 360
    主编简介 365
    List of Symbols
    Introduction 1
    0.1 Subject of Theoretical Mechanics 1
    0.2 Study Method of Theoretical Mechanics 2
    0.3 Development History of Mechanics 2
    Chapter 1 Fundamental Concepts of Statics and Free-body Diagram 5
    1.1 Fundamental Concepts of Statics 5
    1.2 Axioms of Statics 6
    1.3 Constraints and Reactions of Constraint 9
    1.4 Free-body Diagram 12
    Exercises l 16
    Chapter 2 Fundamental Force System 19
    2.1 Fundamental Types of Force Systems 19
    2.2 Geometrical Method of Resultant and Equilibrium of Concurrent Force Systems 19
    2.3 Projection of Forces and Resolution of Forces in Coordinate Axes 22
    2.4 Analytical Method of Resultant and Equilibrium of Concurrent Force Systems 25
    2.5 Couple and its Characteristics 30
    2.6 Resultant and Equilibrium of Couple Systems 33
    Exercises 2 35
    Chapter 3 GeneraI Force Systems 40
    3.1 Moment of Force about a Point and a Axis 40
    3.2 Reduction and Resultant of the General Spatial Force System 42
    3.3 Equilibrium of the General Spatial Force System 48
    3.4 Equilibrium of the General Planer Force System 49
    Exercises 3 59
    Chapter 4 Equilibrium of (Rigid) Body System and Synthetic Application in Engineering 65
    4.1 The Concepts of Statics Determinable and Indeterminable Problems 65
    4.2 Illustrations of the Application of Equilibrium of (Rigid) Body System 66
    4.3 Simple Plane Truss 71
    4.4 Center of Gravity 76
    Exercises 4 82
    Chapter 5 Friction 86
    5.1 Sliding Friction 86
    5.2 Equilibrium Problem of the Body with Sliding Friction 88
    5.3 Rolling Resistance 92
    Exercises 5 94
    Chapter 6 Fundamentals of Kinematics 97
    6.1 Task and Fundamental Concepts of Kinematics 97
    6.2 The Vector Method of Particle Motion 98
    6.3 Rectangular Coordinating Method of Particle Motion 100
    6.4 Natural Coordinating Method of Particle Motion 102
    6.6 Rotation of a Rigid Body about a Fixed-axis 114
    6.7 The Vector Expressions of Angular Velocity and Angular Acceleration?Vector Product Expressions of the Velocity and Acceleration of the Points a Rigid Body 119
    Exercises 6 122
    Chapter 7 Resultant Motion of a Particle 126
    7.1 Fundamental Concepts 126
    7.2 Theorem of Composition of the Velocity of a Particle 129
    7.3 Theorem of Composition of the Acceleration of a Particle when Transport is Motion of Translation Motion 133
    7.4 Theorem of Composition of the Acceleration of a Particle when Transport Motion is Rotation Motion 137
    Exercises 7 144
    Chapter 8 Planar Motion of a Rigid Body and Illustration of the Synthetic Application of Kinematics 151
    8.1 The Motional Equations of Planar Motion of a Rigid Body 151
    8.2 Resolution of the Plane Motion of a Rigid Body 152
    8.3 The Velocity of the Points of Plane Section 153
    8.4 The Instantaneous Center of Velocity of Plane Section 158
    8.5 The Acceleration of the Points of Plane Section 163
    8.6 Illustrations of the Synthetic Application of Kinematics 168
    Exercises 8 175
    Chapter 9 Composition of Rotation of Rigid Bodies 182
    9.1 Composition of Rotations of Rigid Bodies about Intersect-axes 182
    9.2 Composition of Rotations of Rigid Bodies about Parallel-axes 183
    9.3 Application Illustrations of Composition of Rotations of Rigid Bodies 186
    Exercises 9 191
    Chapter 10 Particle Dynamics 195
    10.1 The Task of Dynamics 195
    10.2 Fundamental Laws of Dynamics 195
    10.3 Differential Equations of Motion for a Particle 197
    10.4 Fundamental Problems of Particle Dynamics 198
    10.5 Differential Equations of Relative Motion for a Particle 203
    Exercises 10 209
    Chapter 11 Linear Vibration of a Particle 212
    11.1 Description 212
    11.2 Free Vibration of the Linear System of One Degree of Freedom 212
    11.3 Damped Vibration of the Linear System of One Degree of Freedom 217
    11.4 Forced Vibration of the Linear System of One Degree of Freedom 223
    Exercises 11 232
    Chapter 12 Theorem of Kinetic Energy 237
    12.1 Summary of General Theorems of Dynamics 237
    12.2 Work Done by Forces 237
    12.3 Kinetic Energy 243
    12.4 Theorem of Kinetic Energy 246
    12.5 Power and Power Equation 251
    12.6 Potential Force Field-Potential Energy and the Law of Conservation of Mechanical Energy 253
    Exercises 12 258
    Chapter 13 Theorem of Linear Momentum 264
    13.1 Linear Momentum 264
    13.2 Theorem of Linear Momentum of Particle System 265
    13.4 Theorem of the Motion of the Mass Center of Particle System 273
    13.5 Differential Equations of Motion of a Particle with Variable Mass 277
    Exercises 13 282
    Chapter 14 Theorem of Angular Momentum-Synthetic Application of General Theorems of Dynamics 286
    14.1 Angular Momentum 286
    14.2 Theorem of Angular Momentum of Particle System about an Arbitrary Point 288
    14.3 Theorem of Angular Momentum of Particle System about a Fixed Point 289
    14.4 Differential Equations of Rotation of Rigid Body about a Fixed-axis 294
    14.5 Theorem of Angular Momentum of Particle System about its Mass Center 296
    14.6 Differential Equations of Plane Motion for Rigid Body 297
    14.7 Gyroscopic Moment and Gyroscopic Effect 299
    14.8 Illustrations of the Synthetic Application of General Theorems of Dynamics 302
    Exercises 14 307
    Chapter 15 D'Alembert's Principle and Method of Dynamic Statics 312
    15.1 D'Alembert's Principle 312
    15.2 Reduction of Inertia Force System 313
    15.3 Illustration of the Application of Method of Dynamic Statics 316
    15.4 Dynamic Reactions on the Axis of a Rotating Rigid Body 321
    Exercises 15 328
    Key to Exercises 334
    References 346
    Appendix A Moment of Inertia 347
    Appendix B English-Chinese Terms List 360
    Brief Introduction of Chief Editor 365