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  • 书号:9787030519504
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  • 页数:420
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  • 目录
    第一部分 导论:制度经济地理学的哲学基础
    第一章 从经济人范式到制度人假说的演进 (3)
    一、本章问题的提出:目标函数抑或约束条件 (3)
    二、经济人的前古典与古典主义范式 (4)
    三、新古典主义的经济人范式:局部均衡与一般均衡的统一 (8)
    四、修正与革命:新制度主义经济人范式 (13)
    五、本章小结 (17)
    第二章 科斯范式与经济思想史革命 (19)
    一、本章问题的提出:何为“科斯革命” (19)
    二、科斯革命以外的五次经济学变革 (20)
    三、科斯革命站在哪里 (26)
    四、本章小结 (33)
    第三章 科斯经济思想的前因后果 (35)
    一、本章问题的提出:为何一次本科毕业实习引起了经济学的巨大变革 (35)
    二、科斯的企业与产权理论:在奈特与张五常之间 (37)
    三、科斯的交易成本思想溯源:回归图能 (40)
    四、本章小结 (42)
    第四章 经济解释范式:后科斯时代经济思想史中的又一次综合 (44)
    一、本章问题的提出:“经济解释”构成经济思想史上的一次综合吗 (45)
    二、经济思想史上的四次综合 (46)
    三、经济解释范式创造的新综合——科斯革命与马歇尔综合 (50)
    四、本章小结 (55)
    第五章 现代制度经济分析方法论:困惑、批判与反思 (59)
    一、本章问题的提出:概念还是模型 (59)
    二、批判:案例及其一般化 (62)
    三、反思:经验与理论的统一 (64)
    四、本章小结 (66)
    第六章 交易费用经济学方法论原则 (68)
    一、本章问题的提出:什么是交易费用方法论 (68)
    二、个人主义和实证主义结合的方法论原则 (69)
    三、有限理性和机会主义作为基本设定的非重要性 (71)
    四、简洁性与精确性之间权衡:交易费用范式的理论选择标准 (73)
    五、本章小结 (75)
    第七章 空间交易费用的研究范式、理论基础与研究展望 (78)
    一、本章问题的提出:空间交易费用属于新经济地理学抑或新制度经济学 (78)
    二、空间交易费用理论范式的内核及其保护带 (80)
    三、空间交易费用范式的理论基础:新经济地理学中的空间科斯定理 (82)
    四、本章的进一步讨论:新经济地理学转向制度经济地理学的研究展望 (84)
    第二部分 城市尺度下市场化制度变迁绩效
    第八章 制度变迁与经济增长 (89)
    一、本章问题的提出:制度重要吗 (89)
    二、渐进式改革与经济增长 (90)
    三、政府与经济增长 (92)
    四、产权、企业与经济增长 (95)
    五、本章小结 (97)
    第九章 市场化转轨、经济地理禀赋与城市经济绩效:来自广州的经验证据 (98)
    一、本章问题的提出:什么是广州市场化转轨模式 (98)
    二、理论假说及其验证的策略设计 (101)
    三、假说检验:来自广州的经验证据 (104)
    四、本章小结 (112)
    第十章 市场化改革对企业技术创新的影响:来自广州的证据 (113)
    一、本章问题的提出:制度抑或技术 (113)
    二、指标选取与统计描述 (114)
    三、市场化改革对广州企业技术创新影响的计量检验 (119)
    四、本章小结 (122)
    第十一章 产业结构变迁与广州城市经济长期增长 (124)
    一、本章问题的提出:产业结构也重要 (124)
    二、理论模型:产业结构变迁的演化博弈理论分析 (125)
    三、统计描述:方法与数据 (131)
    四、计量检验 (134)
    五、本章小结 (140)
    第十二章 信息产业、交易费用与经济绩效:来自广东21个样本城市数据的实证分析 (141)
    一、本章问题的提出:何为“城市的信息产业竞争力” (141)
    二、理论框架 (143)
    三、实证分析 (146)
    四、本章小结 (150)
    第十三章 交易成本视角下的区域中心城市竞争力:关于“广州模式”的理论分析 (152)
    一、本章问题的提出:什么是“广州模式” (152)
    二、理论范式:交易成本对区域中心城市竞争力的影响机理与内在逻辑 (156)
    三、本章小结 (159)
    第三部分 城乡尺度下非均衡发展机制
    第十四章 广东城乡非均衡发展的交易成本实证主义范式 (163)
    一、本章问题的提出:广东城乡发展均衡与否 (163)
    二、城乡非均衡发展的广义交易成本理论范式 (165)
    三、广东城乡非均衡发展的初始条件与特征事实 (171)
    四、广东城乡差距与经济增长之间的计量分析 (185)
    五、本章小结 (195)
    第十五章 城乡区域均衡演化与农业转移人口市民化:基于一个宏观制度供求转变的理论模型 (199)
    一、本章问题的提出:何谓“市民化制度创新” (199)
    二、城乡区域均衡演化的制度逻辑 (201)
    三、理论范式:城乡均衡演化背景下农业转移人口市民化的制度供求转变 (203)
    四、理论拓展:农业转移人口市民化制度供求均衡演化的比较静态分析 (205)
    五、本章小结 (207)
    第十六章 农业转移人口市民化制度供求均衡转变的微观理论视角 (209)
    一、本章问题的提出:市民化是否存在微观基础 (209)
    二、理论逻辑:农业转移人口市民化的制度供求均衡转变 (212)
    三、理论拓展:农业转移人口市民化制度供求均衡的微观契约模型 (214)
    四、计量检验:来自广州的经验证据 (217)
    五、本章小结 (222)
    第四部分 县域尺度下地方政府制度试验假说
    第十七章 分税制、政府博弈与制度创新:一个佃农理论的分析框架 (227)
    一、本章问题的提出:地方政府在制度变迁中扮演什么角色 (227)
    二、佃农理论下的分税制效应:地方政府竞争与制度创新动力 (228)
    三、税收—租金分成契约下中央与地方的制度供求转变 (230)
    四、央地政府间的租金分成:一个简单的纳什谈判博弈均衡解 (233)
    五、本章小结 (235)
    第十八章 财权管制变迁、税收分成博弈与城乡非均衡增长:来自广东县际自然实验的证据 (236)
    一、本章问题的提出:县际竞争机制是阿基里斯之踵吗 (236)
    二、制度环境演化 (239)
    三、理论框架 (241)
    四、理论模型 (247)
    五、空间面板计量分析:来自广东县域发展的经验证据 (255)
    六、本章小结 (263)
    第五部分 区域尺度下CEPA制度效应
    第十九章 经济全球化背景下的广东制度变迁研究 (267)
    一、本章问题的提出:全球化如何驱动广东制度变迁 (267)
    二、制度变迁理论的变迁 (268)
    三、全球化驱动制度环境整体性开放 (270)
    四、本土与外围制度的竞争 (271)
    五、本土制度的内生模仿 (272)
    六、外围制度的倾销出口 (273)
    七、制度安排与制度环境的耦合 (274)
    八、本章小结 (276)
    第二十章 CEPA下中国内地与香港贸易管制放松博弈及其自然实验 (277)
    一、本章问题的提出:为什么提出CEPA,什么是CEPA (277)
    二、分析框架 (281)
    三、理论模型 (282)
    四、计量检验 (288)
    五、本章小结 (292)
    第六部分 结论:岭南地域文化的行为演进模式
    第二十一章 文化与制度耦合 (295)
    一、本章问题的提出:文化抑或制度 (295)
    二、古典社会科学家的视角:从斯密到马克思 (296)
    三、近现代社会科学家的视角:从韦伯到伯恩斯 (297)
    四、近代制度经济学家的视角:从凡勃伦到克拉克 (299)
    五、主流的观点:哈耶克和诺斯 (300)
    六、前沿观点:从青木昌彦到霍奇逊 (302)
    七、本章小结 (305)
    第二十二章 文化传统、经济转轨与岭南模式 (307)
    一、本章问题的提出:岭南地区在哪里 (307)
    二、文化与市场体制匹配:一个包含交易费用的博弈模型 (312)
    三、本章小结 (315)
    第二十三章 广州文化演进与经济制度转轨 (316)
    一、本章问题的提出:岭南文化是否视为改革开放前沿阵地的非正式制度情景 (316)
    二、经济制度转轨下的广州现代城市文化型构及其特点分析 (318)
    三、经济转轨时期广州文化演进的动力机制:内部濡化与外部播化 (321)
    四、广州经济制度转轨与文化价值观念演化 (324)
    五、本章小结 (326)
    第二十四章 文化资本、体制转轨与经济增长:兼论广州文化产业的发展 (327)
    一、本章问题的提出:文化为何重要 (327)
    二、制度是经济增长的重要但非决定性因素 (328)
    三、与文化资本匹配的体制转轨最有效率 (330)
    四、经济增长的文化资本理论逻辑 (335)
    五、本章小结 (336)
    第二十五章 岭南模式总结:一个制度关联性博弈视角 (339)
    一、本章问题的提出:岭南模式的制度特征是什么 (339)
    二、正式制度与非正式制度 (340)
    三、岭南文化与民间网络驱动型诱致性制度演化模式 (341)
    四、岭南地区正式制度的变迁:地方政府主导型强制性制度创新 (348)
    五、岭南模式的制度逻辑框架:对非正式制度与正式制度关联性博弈的理论解读 (353)
    六、本章小结 (362)
    参考文献 (364)
    索引 (383)
    后记 (387)
    Part 1 Introduction:Philosophy Base of Institutional Economic Geography
    Chapter 1 Evolution from Economic Man Paradigm to Institutional Man Hypothesis /3
    1. Question Raised from This Chapter:Target Function or Constraint Condition /3
    2. The Pre-classicalism and Classicalism Paradigm of Economic Man /4
    3. NeoClassicalism Economic Man Paradigm:Consistence of Partial Equilibrium and General Equilibrium /8
    4. Revise and Revolution:New Institutionalism Paradigm of Economic Man /13
    5. Conclusions of This Chapter /17
    Chapter 2 Coase Paradigm and Revolution of History of Economic Thought /19
    1. Question Raised from This Chapter:What is “Coase Revolution”/19
    2. Five Revolutions in Economics Except Coase Revolution /20
    3. Where does Coase Revolution Stand on /26
    4. Conclusions of This Chapter /33
    Chapter 3 Cause and Result of Coase’s Economic Thought /35
    1. Question Raised from This Chapter:Why did One Under-graduation Practice Make Great Revolution Happen in Economics /35
    2. Coase’s Firm and Property Rights Theory:Between Frank Knight and Steven Cheung /37
    3. The Origin of Coase’s Transaction Cost Thought:Returning to Türnun /40
    4. Conclusions of This Chapter /42
    Chapter 4 Paradigm of Economic Explanation:Another Synthesis of History of Economic Thought after Coase Era /44
    1. Question Raised from This Chapter:Does “Economic Explanation”Consti-tute One Syntheses in History of Economic Thought /45
    2. Four Synthesis in History of Economic Thought /46
    3. New Synthesis Created by Economic Explanation Paradigm:Coase Revo-lution and Marshall Synthesis /50
    4. Conclusions of This Chapter /55
    Chapter 5 Modern Institutional Economic Analysis Methodology:Confusion,Criticism,and Rethinking /59
    1. Question Raised from This Chapter:Concept or Model /59
    2. Criticism:Case and its Generalization /62
    3. Rethinking:The Unity of Experience and Theory /64
    4. Conclusions of This Chapter /66
    Chapter 6 Methodology Principle of Transaction Cost Economics /68
    1. Question Raised from This Chapter:What is the Methodology of Transaction Cost Economics /68
    2. Methodology Principle of the Combination of Individualism and Positivism /69
    3. The Non-importance of Boundary Ration and Opportunism as Basic Assu-mption /71
    4. Trade-off between Simplicity and Accuracy:Theoretic Choice Standard of Transaction Cost Paradigm /73
    5. Conclusions of This Chapter /75
    Chapter 7 Research Paradigm,Theoretic Base and Prospect of Spatial Transaction Cost /78
    1. Question Raised from This Chapter:Spatial Transaction Cost Belong to New Economic Geography or New Institutional Economics /78
    2. Internal Core and It’s Protect Belt of Spatial Transaction Cost /80
    3. Theoretic Base of Spatial Transaction Cost Paradigm:Spatial Coase Theorem in New Economic Geography /82
    4. Further Discussion of This Chapter:The Research Prospect of Transfer from New Economic Geography to Institutional Economic Geography /84
    Part 2 Marketization Institutional Change Performance under Urban Scale
    Chapter 8 Institutional Change and Economic Growth /89
    1. Question Raised from This Chapter:Is Institution Important /89
    2. Gradual Reform and Economic Growth /90
    3. Government and Economic Growth /92
    4. Property Rights,Firm and Economic Growth /95
    5. Conclusions of This Chapter /97
    Chapter 9 Marketization Transition,Economic Geographic Endowment and Metropolitan Economic Performance:The Empirical Evidence from Guangzhou /98
    1. Question Raised from This Chapter:What is the Guangzhou Marketization Transition Mode /98
    2. Theoretic Hypothesis and its Test Strategic Design /101
    3. Hypothesis Test:The Empirical Evidence from Guangzhou /104
    4. Conclusions of This Chapter /112
    Chapter 10 Marketization Reform Effect on Firm Technology Creation:Evidence from Guangzhou /113
    1. Question Raised from This Chapter:Institution or Technology /113
    2. Variable Choice and Statistical Description /114
    3. The Econometric Test of Influence of Marketization Reform on Firm Technology Creation in Guangzhou /119
    4. Conclusions of This Chapter /122
    Chapter 11 Industrial Structure Change and Metropolitan Economic Long-Run Growth in Guangzhou /124
    1. Question Raised from This Chapter:Industrial Structure Is also Important /124
    2. Theoretic Model:The Evolutionary Game Theoretic Analysis of Industrial Structure Change /125
    3. Statistic Description:Method and Data /131
    4. Econometric Test /134
    5. Conclusions of This Chapter /140
    Chapter 12 Information Industry,Transaction Costs and Economic Performance:The Empirical Analysis of 21 Sample Cities Data from Guang-dong /141
    1. Question Raised from This Chapter:What is “Urban Information Industrial Competitiveness”/141
    2. Theoretic Framework /143
    3. Empirical Analysis /146
    4. Conclusions of This Chapter /150
    Chapter 13 Regional Central Urban Competitiveness under Transaction Cost Perspective /152
    1. Question Raised from This Chapter:What is “Guangzhou Mode”/152
    2. Theoretic Paradigm:The Influence Mechanism and Internal Logic of Transaction Costs on Regional Central Urban Competitiveness /156
    3. Conclusions of This Chapter /159
    Part 3 Non-equilibrium Development Mechanism under Urban and Rural Scales
    Chapter 14 Transaction Costs Positivism Paradigm of Guangdong Urban and Rural Non-equilibrium Development /163
    1. Question Raised from This Chapter:Is the Urban and Rural Develop meat balanced in Guangdong /163
    2. Generalized Transaction Costs Theoretic Paradigm of Urban and Rural Non-equilibrium Development /165
    3. Initial Conditions and Characteristic Facts of Urban and Rural Non-equilibrium Development in Guangdong /171
    4. Econometric Analysis of Urban and Rural Difference and Economic Growth in Guangdong /185
    5. Conclusions of This Chapter /195
    Chapter 15 Urban and Rural Regional Equilibrium Evolution and Agricultural Migrant Population’s Urbanization:Based on A Theoretic Model of Macro-institutional Demand and Supply Changes /199
    1. Question Raised from This Chapter:What is the “Urbanization Institutional Creation”/199
    2. Institutional Logic of Urban and Rural Regional Equilibrium Evolution /201
    3. Theoretic Paradigm:Institutional Demand and Supply Change of Agricultural Migrant Population Urbanization under Urban and Rural Equilibrium Evolutionary Background /203
    4. Theoretic Extension:Comparative Static Analysis of Agricultural Migrant Population Urbanization Institutional Demand and Supply Equilibrium Evolution /205
    5. Conclusions of This Chapter /207
    Chapter 16 Institutional Demand and Supply Change of Agricultural Migrant Population Urbanization under Micro-theoretic Perspective /209
    1. Question Raised from This Chapter:Whether there is a Micro-base of Urbanization /209
    2. Theoretic Logic:Institutional Demand and Supply Change of Agricultural Migrant Population Urbanization /212
    3. Theoretic Extension:Micro-contracting Model of Institutional Demand and Supply Change of Agricultural Migrant Population Urbanization /214
    4. Econometric Test:Evidence from Guangzhou /217
    5. Conclusions of This Chapter /222
    Part 4 Local Government Institutional Experiment Hypothesis under County Scale
    Chapter 17 Tax Sharing System,Government Game,and Institutional Creation:Based on a Annalistic Framework of Tenancy Theory /227
    1. Question Raised from This Chapter:What is the Role for Local Government to Play in the Process of Institutional Change /227
    2. Tax Sharing System Effect under Tenancy Theory:Local Government Competition and Institutional Creation Dynamics /228
    3. Central and Local Government’s Institutional Demand and Supply Change under Tax-Rent Sharing Contract /230
    4. Rent Sharing between Central and Local Government:A Simple Nash Bargaining Game Equilibrium Solution /233
    5. Conclusions of This Chapter /235
    Chapter 18 Fiscal Rights Regulation Change,Tax Sharing Game,and Urban and Rural Non-equilibrium Growth:Evidence from Inter-county Natural Experiment in Guangdong /236
    1. Question Raised from This Chapter:Is Inter-county Competition Mechanism the Achilles’s Heel /236
    2. Institutional Environment Evolution /239
    3. Theoretic Framework /241
    4. Theoretic Model /247
    5. Spatial Panel Econometric Analysis:Evidence from County Development in Guangdong /255
    6. Conclusions of This Chapter /263
    Part 5 CEPA Institutional Effect under Regional Scale
    Chapter 19 Guangdong Institutional Change under Economic Globalization /267
    1. Question Raised from This Chapter:How Does Globalization Drive Institutional Change in Guangdong /267
    2. The Change of Institutional Change Theory /268
    3. Globalization Makes Institutional Environment Open as a Whole /270
    4. Local and Foreign Institutional Competition /271
    5. Endogenous Simulation of Local Institution /272
    6. Dumping Export of Foreign Institution /273
    7. Coupling of Institutional Arrangement and Institutional Environment /274
    8. Conclusions of This Chapter /276
    Chapter 20 Trade Deregulation Game between Mainland China and Hong Kong and its Natural Experiment under CEPA /277
    1. Question Raised from This Chapter:Why is CEPA,What is CEPA /277
    2. Analytic Framework /281
    3. Theoretic Model /282
    4. Econometric Test /288
    5. Conclusions of This Chapter /292
    Part 6 Conclusion:Behavior Evolutionary Mode of Lingnan Regional Culture
    Chapter 21 Coupling between Culture and Institution /295
    1. Question Raised from This Chapter:Culture or Institution /295
    2. Classical Social Scientists’ Perspective:from Smith to Marx /296
    3. Modern Social Scientists’ Perspective:from Weber to Burns /297
    4. Modern Institutional Economists’ Perspective:from Veblen to Clark /299
    5. Mainstream Perspective:Hayek and North /300
    6. Frontier Perspective:from Aoki to Hodgson /302
    7. Conclusions of This Chapter /305
    Chapter 22 Cultural Tradition,Economic Transition,and Lingnan Mode /307
    1. Question Raised from This Chapter:Where is the Lingnan Area /307
    2. Matching between Culture and Market System:A Game Model with Transaction Costs /312
    3. Conclusions of This Chapter /315
    Chapter 23 Guangzhou Cultural Evolution and Economic Institutional Transition /316
    1. Question Raised from This Chapter:Whether Lingnan Culture is the Informal Institutional Background as the Frontier Area for Reform and Openness /316
    2. Guangzhou Modern Metropolitan Culture Constitutes and its Characteristic Analysis under Economic Institutional Transition /318
    3. Dynamic Mechanism of Guangzhou Cultural Evolution during Economic Transition Era:Internal Enculturation and External Diffusion /321
    4. Economic Institutional Transition and Cultural Value Concept Evolution in Guangzhou /324
    5. Conclusions of This Chapter /326
    Chapter 24 Cultural Capital,System Transition,and Economic Growth:On Guangzhou Cultural Industrial Development /327
    1. Question Raised from This Chapter:Why Culture Is So Important /327
    2. Institution Is the Important but not the Determined Factor for Economic Growth /328
    3. System Transition Matching with Cultural Capital with Best Efficiency /330
    4. Cultural Capital Theoretic Logic of Economic Growth /335
    5. Conclusions of This Chapter /336
    Chapter 25 Conclusion for Lingnan Mode:A Perspective of Institutional Linkage Game /339
    1. Question Raised from This Chapter:What Are the Institutional Attributes of Lingnan Mode /339
    2. Formal Institution and Informal Institution /340
    3. Lingnan Culture and Folk Network Driving-type Induced Institutional Evo-lutionary Mode /341
    4. Formal Institutional Change in Lingnan Area:Local Government Leading-type Mandatory Institutional Creation /348
    5. Institutional Logic Framework of Lingnan Mode:A Theoretic Explanation for Linkage Game between Informal Institution and Formal Institution /353
    6. Conclusions of This Chapter /362
    References /364
    Index /383
    Postscript /387