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  • 书号:9787030511522
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  • 页数:174
  • 出版社:科学出版社
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  • 目录
    第一部分 竹材产品碳储量研究
    1 木竹材产品碳储量研究进展 3
    1.1 研究背景 3
    1.2 国内外木质林产品碳储量研究综述 4
    1.2.1 木质林产品碳储量计量方法 4
    1.2.2 木质林产品碳储量研究内容 5
    1.3 竹材产品碳储量研究综述 6
    1.4 综合评述 7
    2 竹材产品碳储量研究内容和方法 8
    2.1 竹材特征与研究内容 8
    2.2 数据来源和研究方法 9
    2.3 提高竹材产品碳储量思路 10
    3 竹集成板材碳储量分析 11
    3.1 材料与方法 11
    3.2 结果与分析 13
    3.2.1 不同规格刨片的粗刨、精刨和综合碳转移率分析 13
    3.2.2 单株毛竹分段的碳转移率分析 14
    3.2.3 不同胸径毛竹集成板材的整株综合碳转移率分析 15
    3.2.4 不同胸径毛竹集成板材的碳储量分析 15
    3.2.5 任意区域尺度伐后毛竹集成板材的碳储量估算方法 16
    3.3 小结 17
    4 竹重组板材碳储量分析 18
    4.1 材料与方法 18
    4.2 结果与分析 21
    4.2.1 不同规格刨片的碳转移率分析 21
    4.2.2 不同胸径毛竹的原竹段重组板材和综合碳转移率分析 22
    4.2.3 不同胸径毛竹的整株重组板材和综合碳转移率分析 23
    4.2.4 不同胸径毛竹重组板材的碳储量分析 25
    4.3 小结 25
    5 竹刨切板材碳储量分析 27
    5.1 材料与方法 27
    5.2 结果与分析 29
    5.2.1 不同规格刨片的粗刨、精刨和综合碳转移率分析 29
    5.2.2 不同胸径毛竹刨切板材的原竹段综合碳转移率分析 30
    5.2.3 不同胸径毛竹刨切板材的整株综合碳转移率分析 31
    5.2.4 不同胸径毛竹刨切片的碳储量分析 31
    5.3 小结 32
    6 竹展开板材碳储量分析 34
    6.1 材料与方法 34
    6.2 结果与分析 37
    6.2.1 不同规格去青竹板材生产过程的碳转移率分析 37
    6.2.2 不同规格带青竹板材生产过程的碳转移率分析 38
    6.2.3 不同胸径毛竹展开板材的原竹段综合碳转移率分析 39
    6.2.4 不同胸径毛竹展开板材的整株综合碳转移率 39
    6.2.5 不同胸径毛竹展开板材的碳储量分析 40
    6.3 小结 41
    7 竹拉丝材碳储量分析 42
    7.1 材料与方法 42
    7.2 结果与分析 44
    7.2.1 不同规格竹片拉丝材的碳转移率分析 44
    7.2.2 不同胸径毛竹拉丝材的原竹段综合碳转移率分析 45
    7.2.3 不同胸径毛竹拉丝材的整株综合碳转移率分析 46
    7.2.4 不同胸径毛竹拉丝材的碳储量分析 47
    7.3 小结 48
    8 竹材产品总碳储量及增汇潜力分析 49
    8.1 竹材产品碳转移率和碳储量比较 49
    8.2 竹材产品增汇潜力分析 51
    参考文献 53
    第二部分 竹材产品碳足迹研究
    9 国内外碳足迹研究进展 61
    9.1 研究背景 61
    9.2 国内外碳足迹研究综述 63
    9.2.1 碳足迹及相关概念 63
    9.2.2 国内外产品碳足迹研究现状 66
    9.2.3 综合评述 68
    10 竹材产品碳足迹评估内容和方法 69
    10.1 竹材产品二氧化碳排放计测内容及方法 69
    10.1.1 评估标准及碳足迹评估范围界定 69
    10.1.2 评估产品的选择 69
    10.1.3 功能单位的确定 69
    10.1.4 绘制过程图与确定估算系统边界 70
    10.1.5 碳排放数据的收集 70
    10.1.6 二氧化碳排放的计算 70
    10.2 竹材产品碳储量计测内容及方法 71
    10.3 竹材产品碳足迹评估及不确定性检查 71
    10.3.1 碳足迹评估 71
    10.3.2 不确定性检查 72
    10.4 竹材产品碳足迹影响因素及减排潜力分析思路 72
    11 带青竹展开地板碳足迹评估 74
    11.1 功能单位确定 74
    11.2 过程图绘制 75
    11.3 确定边界和优先事项 75
    11.4 数据收集和调查方法 76
    11.4.1 加工过程数据收集 77
    11.4.2 运输数据收集 78
    11.4.3 附加物数据收集 78
    11.5 带青竹展开地板的碳足迹评估 78
    11.5.1 运输过程化石能源碳排放计测 78
    11.5.2 加工过程电力能源碳排放计测 79
    11.5.3 附加物隐含碳排放计测 81
    11.5.4 竹废料燃烧的生物质能源碳排放计测 81
    11.5.5 带青竹展开地板中储存的碳储量计测 82
    11.5.6 带青竹展开地板碳足迹评估 82
    11.5.7 带青竹展开地板碳足迹的构成分析 83
    12 竹展开砧板碳足迹评估 85
    12.1 功能单位确定 86
    12.2 过程图绘制 87
    12.3 确定边界和优先事项 87
    12.4 数据收集和调查方法 88
    12.4.1 加工过程数据收集 89
    12.4.2 运输数据收集 90
    12.4.3 附加物数据收集 90
    12.5 竹展开砧板的碳足迹评估 90
    12.5.1 运输过程化石能源碳排放计测 90
    12.5.2 加工过程电力能源碳排放计测 92
    12.5.3 附加物隐含碳排放计测 94
    12.5.4 竹废料燃烧的生物质能源碳排放计测 96
    12.5.5 竹展开砧板中储存的碳储量计测 96
    12.5.6 竹展开砧板碳足迹评估 97
    12.5.7 竹展开砧板碳足迹的构成分析 97
    13 竹重组地板碳足迹评估 100
    13.1 功能单位确定 100
    13.2 过程图绘制 101
    13.3 确定边界和优先事项 101
    13.4 数据收集和调查方法 102
    13.4.1 加工过程数据收集 103
    13.4.2 运输数据收集 103
    13.4.3 附加物数据收集 103
    13.5 竹重组地板的碳足迹评估 104
    13.5.1 运输过程化石能源碳排放计测 104
    13.5.2 加工过程电力能源碳排放计测 105
    13.5.3 附加物隐含碳排放计测 108
    13.5.4 竹废料燃烧的生物质能源碳排放计测 108
    13.5.5 竹重组地板中储存的碳储量计测 109
    13.5.6 竹重组地板碳足迹评估 110
    13.5.7 竹重组地板碳足迹的构成分析 110
    14 竹刨切片碳足迹评估 112
    14.1 功能单位确定 112
    14.2 过程图绘制 113
    14.3 确定边界和优先事项 113
    14.4 数据收集和调查方法 114
    14.4.1 加工过程数据收集 115
    14.4.2 运输过程数据收集 115
    14.4.3 附加物数据收集 115
    14.5 竹刨切片的碳足迹评估 116
    14.5.1 运输过程化石能源碳排放计测 116
    14.5.2 加工过程电力能源碳排放计测 117
    14.5.3 附加物隐含碳排放计测 118
    14.5.4 竹废料燃烧的生物质能源碳排放计测 118
    14.5.5 竹刨切片中储存的碳储量计测 119
    14.5.6 竹刨切片碳足迹评估 120
    14.5.7 竹刨切片碳足迹的构成分析 120
    15 竹拉丝产品碳足迹评估 122
    15.1 功能单位确定 122
    15.2 过程图绘制 123
    15.3 确定边界和优先事项 123
    15.4 数据收集和调查方法 125
    15.4.1 加工过程数据收集 126
    15.4.2 运输数据收集 126
    15.4.3 附加物数据收集 126
    15.5 竹拉丝产品的碳足迹评估 126
    15.5.1 运输过程化石能源碳排放计测 126
    15.5.2 加工过程电力能源碳排放计测 128
    15.5.3 附加物隐含碳排放计测 129
    15.5.4 竹废料燃烧的生物质能源碳排放计测 130
    15.5.5 竹拉丝中储存的碳储量计测 131
    15.5.6 竹拉丝产品碳足迹评估 132
    15.5.7 竹拉丝碳足迹的构成分析 132
    16 竹材产品碳足迹研究结论与减排建议 135
    16.1 主要结论 135
    16.2 不确定性检查 136
    16.3 竹材产品减排潜力及政策建议 137
    参考文献 141
    PartⅠ Research on bamboo product carbon stocks
    1 Progress of research on wood and bamboo product carbon stocks 3
    1.1 Research background 3
    1.2 Review of global research on wood forest product carbon stocks 4
    1.2.1 Methods of measurement on wood forest product carbon stocks 4
    1.2.2 Contents of research on wood forest product carbon stocks 5
    1.3 Review of research on bamboo product carbon stocks 6
    1.4 Comprehensive summary 7
    2 Contents and methods of research on bamboo product carbon stocks 8
    2.1 Bamboo characteristics and research contents 8
    2.2 Data sources and research methods 9
    2.3 Ideas on how to increase bamboo product carbon stocks 10
    3 Analysis of the carbon stock of laminated bamboo boards 11
    3.1 Materials and methods 11
    3.2 Results and analysis 13
    3.2.1 Analysis of the carbon transfer ratio obtained when producing planed bamboo boards with different specifications 13
    3.2.2 Analysis of the carbon transfer ratio of different sections of single Moso bamboo plants 14
    3.2.3 Analysis of the combined carbon transfer ratio of whole Moso bamboo plants with different DBHs when used to produce laminated bamboo boards 15
    3.2.4 Analysis of the carbon stock of laminated bamboo boards produced from Moso bamboo plants with different DBHs 15
    3.2.5 Method for estimating the carbon stock of laminated bamboo boards produced from harvested Moso bamboo plants in any area at any scale 16
    3.3 Summary 17
    4 Analysis of the carbon stock of reconstituted bamboo boards 18
    4.1 Materials and methods 18
    4.2 Results and analysis 21
    4.2.1 Carbon transfer ratio obtained when producing planed bamboo boards with different specifications 21
    4.2.2 Analysis of the combined carbon transfer ratio obtained when producing bamboo boards from original sections of single Moso bamboo plants 22
    4.2.3 Analysis of the combined carbon transfer ratio of whole Moso bamboo plants with different DBHs when used to produce reconstituted bamboo boards 23
    4.2.4 Analysis of the combined carbon stock of reconstituted bamboo boards produced from Moso bamboo plants with different DBHs 25
    4.3 Summary 25
    5 Analysis of the carbon stock of sliced bamboo veneers 27
    5.1 Materials and methods 27
    5.2 Results and analysis 29
    5.2.1 Analysis of the carbon transfer ratio obtained when producing roughly and finely planed bamboo boards with different specifications 29
    5.2.2 Analysis of the combined carbon transfer ratio obtained when producing sliced bamboo veneers from original sections of single Moso bamboo plants with different DBHs 30
    5.2.3 Analysis of the combined carbon transfer ratio of whole Moso bamboo plants with different DBHs when used to produce sliced bamboo veneers 31
    5.2.4 Analysis of the carbon stock of sliced bamboo veneers produced from Moso bamboo plants with different DBHs 31
    5.3 Summary 32
    6 Analysis of the carbon stock of flattened bamboo boards 34
    6.1 Materials and analysis 34
    6.2 Results and analysis 37
    6.2.1 Analysis of the carbon transfer ratio obtained when producing de-green-barked bamboo boards with different specifications 37
    6.2.2 Analysis of the carbon transfer ratio obtained when producing green-barked bamboo boards with different specifications 38
    6.2.3 Analysis of the combined carbon transfer ratio obtained when producing flattened bamboo boards from Moso bamboo plants with different DBHs 39
    6.2.4 Combined carbon transfer ratio of whole Moso bamboo plants with different DBHs when used to produce flattened bamboo boards 39
    6.2.5 Analysis of the carbon stock of flattened bamboo boards produced from single Moso bamboo plants with different DBHs 40
    6.3 Summary 41
    7 Analysis of the carbon stock of drawn bamboo threads 42
    7.1 Materials and methods 42
    7.2 Results and analysis 44
    7.2.1 Analysis of the combined carbon transfer ratio obtained when producing drawn bamboo threads from bamboo slices with different specifications 44
    7.2.2 Combined carbon transfer ratio of single Moso bamboo plants with different DBHs when used to produce drawn bamboo threads 45
    7.2.3 Combined carbon transfer ratio of whole Moso bamboo plants with different DBHs when used to produce drawn bamboo threads 46
    7.2.4 Carbon stock of drawn bamboo threads produced from single Moso bamboo plants with different DBHs 47
    7.3 Summary 48
    8 Summary of bamboo product carbon stocks and analysis of the potential of bamboo products to increase carbon sequestration 49
    8.1 Comparison of the carbon transfer ratios obtained when producing different types of bamboo products and the carbon stock of different types of bamboo products 49
    8.2 Analysis of the potential of bamboo products to increase carbon sequestration 51
    References 53
    Part Ⅱ Research on bamboo product carbon footprints
    9 Progress of global research on carbon footprint 61
    9.1 Research background 61
    9.2 Review of global research on carbon footprint 63
    9.2.1 Carbon footprint and concepts related to carbon footprint 63
    9.2.2 Current situation of global research on product carbon footprints 66
    9.2.3 Comprehensive review 68
    10 Contents and methods of assessment of bamboo product carbon footprints 69
    10.1 Contents and methods of calculation and measurement of carbon dioxide emissions generated during the production of bamboo products 69
    10.1.1 Assessment of standard and the scope for carbon footprint 69
    10.1.2 Selection of assessment products 69
    10.1.3 Determination of functional units 69
    10.1.4 Process chart drawing and determine the boundaries for assessment system 70
    10.1.5 Collection of data on carbon emissions 70
    10.1.6 Calculation of carbon dioxide emissions 70
    10.2 Contents and methods of calculation and measurement of bamboo product carbon stocks 71
    10.3 Bamboo product carbon footprint assessment and its uncertainty examination 71
    10.3.1 Carbon footprint assessment 71
    10.3.2 Uncertainty examination 72
    10.4 Analysis of factors affecting bamboo product carbon footprints and the potential of reducing carbon emissions 72
    11 Assessment of the carbon footprint of flattened green-barked bamboo flooring boards 74
    11.1 Determination of functional units 74
    11.2 Process chart drawing 75
    11.3 Determination of boundaries and issues of priority 75
    11.4 Data collection and investigation methods 76
    11.4.1 Processing process data collection 77
    11.4.2 Transportation data collection 78
    11.4.3 Additive data collection 78
    11.5 Assessment of the carbon footprint of flattened green-barked bamboo flooring boards 78
    11.5.1 Calculation and measurement of carbon emissions from fossil energy sources during the transportation process 78
    11.5.2 Calculation and measurement of carbon emissions from power sources during the processing process 79
    11.5.3 Calculation and measurement of carbon emissions embodied in the additives 81
    11.5.4 Calculation and measurement of carbon emissions from the burning of the biomass of bamboo scraps 81
    11.5.5 Calculation and measurement of the carbon stock stored in flattened green-barked flooring boards 82
    11.5.6 Assessment of the carbon footprint of flattened green-barked bamboo flooring boards 82
    11.5.7 Analysis of the composition of the carbon footprint of flattened green-barked flooring boards 83
    12 Assessment of the carbon footprint of flattened bamboo cutting boards 85
    12.1 Determination of functional units 86
    12.2 Process chart drawing 87
    12.3 Determination of boundaries and issues of priority 87
    12.4 Data collection and investigation methods 88
    12.4.1 Processing process data collection 89
    12.4.2 Transportation data collection 90
    12.4.3 Additive data collection 90
    12.5 Assessment of the carbon footprint of flattened bamboo cutting boards 90
    12.5.1 Calculation and measurement of carbon emissions from fossil energy sources during the transportation process 90
    12.5.2 Calculation and measurement of carbon emissions from power sources during the processing process 92
    12.5.3 Calculation and measurement of carbon emissions embodied in the additives 94
    12.5.4 Calculation and measurement of carbon emissions from the burning of the biomass of bamboo scraps 96
    12.5.5 Calculation and measurement of the carbon stock stored in flattened bamboo cutting boards 96
    12.5.6 Assessment of the carbon footprint of flattened bamboo cutting boards 97
    12.5.7 Analysis of the composition of the carbon footprint of flattened bamboo cutting boards 97
    13 Assessment of the carbon footprint of reconstituted bamboo flooring boards 100
    13.1 Determination of functional units 100
    13.2 Process chart drawing 101
    13.3 Determination of boundaries and issues of priority 101
    13.4 Data collection and investigation methods 102
    13.4.1 Processing process data collection 103
    13.4.2 Transportation data collection 103
    13.4.3 Additive data collection 103
    13.5 Assessment of the carbon footprint of reconstituted bamboo flooring boards 104
    13.5.1 Calculation and measurement of carbon emissions from fossil energy sources during the transportation process 104
    13.5.2 Calculation and measurement of carbon emissions from power sources during the processing process 105
    13.5.3 Calculation and measurement of carbon emissions embodied in the additives 108
    13.5.4 Calculation and measurement of carbon emissions from the burning of the biomass of bamboo scraps 108
    13.5.5 Calculation and measurement of the carbon stock stored in reconstituted bamboo flooring boards 109
    13.5.6 Assessment of the carbon footprint of reconstituted bamboo flooring boards 110
    13.5.7 Analysis of the composition of the carbon footprint of reconstituted bamboo flooring boards 110
    14 Assessment of the carbon footprint of sliced bamboo veneers 112
    14.1 Determination of functional units 112
    14.2 Process chart drawing 113
    14.3 Determination of boundaries and issues of priority 113
    14.4 Data collection and investigation methods 114
    14.4.1 Processing process data collection 115
    14.4.2 Transportation data collection 115
    14.4.3 Additive data collection 115
    14.5 Assessment of the carbon footprint of sliced bamboo veneers 116
    14.5.1 Calculation and measurement of carbon emissions from fossil energy sources during the transportation process 116
    14.5.2 Calculation and measurement of carbon emissions from power sources during the processing process 117
    14.5.3 Calculation and measurement of carbon emissions embodied in the additives 118
    14.5.4 Calculation and measurement of carbon emissions from the burning of the biomass of bamboo scraps 118
    14.5.5 Calculation and measurement of the carbon stock stored in sliced bamboo veneers 119
    14.5.6 Assessment of the carbon footprint of sliced bamboo veneers 120
    14.5.7 Analysis of the composition of the carbon footprint of sliced bamboo veneers 120
    15 Assessment of the carbon footprint of drawn bamboo thread products 122
    15.1 Determination of functional units 122
    15.2 Process chart drawing 123
    15.3 Determination of boundaries and issues of priority 123
    15.4 Data collection and investigation methods 125
    15.4.1 Processing process data collection 126
    15.4.2 Transportation data collection 126
    15.4.3 Additive data collection 126
    15.5 Assessment of the carbon footprint of drawn bamboo thread products 126
    15.5.1 Calculation and measurement of carbon emissions from fossil energy sources during the transportation process 126
    15.5.2 Calculation and measurement of carbon emissions from power sources during the processing process 128
    15.5.3 Calculation and measurement of carbon emissions embodied in the additives 129
    15.5.4 Calculation and measurement of carbon emissions from the burning of the biomass of bamboo scraps 130
    15.5.5 Calculation and measurement of the carbon stock stored in drawn bamboo thread products 131
    15.5.6 Assessment of the carbon footprint of drawn bamboo thread products 132
    15.5.7 Analysis of the composition of the carbon footprint of drawn bamboo thread products 132
    16 Conclusions of research on bamboo product carbon footprints and suggestions on how to reduce carbon emissions 135
    16.1 Main conclusions 135
    16.2 Uncertainty examination 136
    16.3 Potential of reducing carbon emissions from the production of bamboo products and suggestions on relevant policies 137
    References 141