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  • 书号:9787030255884
  • 外文书名:
  • 装帧:平脊精装
  • 页数:168
  • 出版社:科学出版社
  • 所属分类:G89 文体活动
  • 定价: ¥148.00元
    售价: ¥116.92元
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  • 玉斧 Axe
    玉玦 Silt Ring (jue)
    玉钩形器 Hook-shaped Objec
    玉管串饰(5件) Tubular Beads (5pieces)
    玉管 Tubular Bead
    三叉形玉饰 Forked Ornament
    冠状玉梳背 Comb Spine in the Shape of a Crest
    神人兽面纹玉琮 Tube (cong) with Human and Animal Mask Design
    玉琮 Tube (cong)
    玉璇玑 Notched Pendant (xuanji)
    玉璇玑 Notched Pendant (xuanji)
    鳄鱼形玉刀 Crocodile-shaped Carving Knife
    龙形玉刀 Dragon-shaped Carving Knife
    玉* Owl-shaped Pendant
    龙形玉佩 Dragon-shaped Pendant
    鱼形玉佩 Fish-shaped Pendant
    高领玉璧 Collared Disc (bi)
    龙凤纹玉璜组佩(4件) A Set of Arc-shaped Pendants with Dragon and Phoenix Decoration (4 pieces)
    高冠玉鸟 Bird-shaped Pendant with a High Crest
    人龙纹玉佩 Pendant with Human and Dragon Decoration
    龙纹玉管 Tube with Dragon Decoration
    人纹玉佩 Pendant with Human Decoration
    凤鸟纹玉柄形器 Handle-shaped Pendant with Phoenix Decoration
    龙纹玉* Pendant (xi) with Dragon Decoration
    蟠虺纹玉璧 Disc (bi) with Interlocking Dragons Decoration
    长方形玉管 Rectangular Tube-shaped Pendant with Interlocking Dragons Decoration
    玉组佩 A Set of Pendants with Interlocking Dragons Decoration (6 pieces)
    涡纹玉环 Ring with Whirlpool Decoration
    云纹玉环 Ring with Cloud Decoration
    谷纹玉环 Ring with Grain Decoration
    谷纹玉环 Ring with Grain Decoration
    32 透雕龙纹玉璧 Disc (bi) with Dragon Decoration in Openwork
    涡纹玉璧 Disc (bi) with Whirlpool Decoration
    兽面纹玉璧 Disc(bi) with Animal Mask Decoration
    涡纹玉璜 Arc-pendant (huang) with Whirlpool Decoration
    龙纹玉组佩 A Set of Pendants with Dragons Decoration (2 pieces)
    龙首形玉带钩 Dragon Head-shaped Belt Hook
    玉* Archer’s Thumb Ring
    透雕龙凤纹玉珩 Pendant (heng) with Dragon and Phoenix Decoration in Openwork
    卷云纹玉琮 Tube (cong) with Cloud Decoration
    猪形玉片饰 Pig-shaped Ornament
    龙凤形玉佩 Pendant with Dragon and Phoenix Decoration
    勾连云纹鸡心佩 Heart-shaped Pendant with Interlocking Cloud Decoration
    玉印 Seal
    玛瑙杯 Cup with Long Mouth
    玉戈 Dagger-axe (ge)
    玉牛 Cow
    蒲纹玉璜 Arc-shaped Pendant (huang) with Hexagonal Net Decoration
    玉蝉 Cicada
    螭虎纹玉璧 Disc(bi) with Feline Decoration
    玉剑首 Sword Pommel
    螭虎纹玉剑* Scabbard Slide with Feline Decoration
    螭虎纹玉剑* Scabbard Slide with Feline Decoration
    螭虎纹玉剑* Scabbard Slide with Feline Decoration
    兽面纹玉剑* Scabbard Slide with Animal Mask Decoration
    兽面纹玉剑* Scabbard Slide with Animal Mask Decoration
    兽面纹玉剑* Scabbard Slide with Animal Mask Decoration
    水晶鸳鸯佩 Mandarin duck-shaped Pendant
    玛瑙管串饰 (34颗) A Group of Tubular Beads (34 pieces)
    水晶炉顶 Knob of an Incense-burner
    莲鹭纹玉炉顶 Knob of an Incense-burner with Lotus and Aigrette Decoration
    凌霄花玉佩 Pendant with Flower (lingxiaohua) Decoration
    螭虎纹玉璧 Disc (bi) with Feline Decoration
    童子持莲玉挂件 Pendant in the shape of a Boy Holding Lotus
    玉冠 Crown
    绳纹玉手镯 Bracelet with Rope Decoration
    云龙纹玉摆件 Boulder with Dragon Decoration
    “寿”字纹螭虎双耳玉杯 Cup with Feline-shaped Ears and Character 寿 (shou) Decoration
    云龙纹玉佩 Pendant with Dragon and Cloud Decoration
    玉发簪 Hairpin
    四喜娃娃玉挂件 Boy-shaped Pendant
    瑞兽衔灵芝玉把件 Waist Pendant in the Shape of an Animal Holding Gynophores in Mouth
    双鹅戏莲蓬玉挂件 Pendant in the Shape of Two Geese Holding Lotus in Mouth
    和合二仙玉佩 Pendant with Two Immortals Holding Lotus in Openwork
    凤穿花玉嵌件 Ornament with Phoenix and Flowers Decoration in Openwork
    双夔龙纹玉牌 Pendant with Double Dragons Decoration
    凤鸟纹玉指甲套 Nail Wrap with Phoenix Decoration
    瑞兽玉把件 Waist Pendant in the Shape of a Beast
    麻姑献寿玉把件 Waist Pendant in the Shape of a Fairy (magu) Holding Peach
    童子献寿玉把件 Waist Pendant in the Shape of a Boy Holding Peach
    荷叶形玉花插 Vase in the Shape of a Lotus Leaf
    福寿双全玉带穿 Belt Plaque with Bat and Character 寿 (shou) Decoration
    福瓜玉佩 Pendant in the Shape of Three Cucumbers
    山形笔架 Penholder in the Shape of a Mountain
    五福捧寿玉香囊 Sachet with Five Bats Decoration in Openwork
    福寿双全花鸟纹八棱玉嵌件 Octagonal Ring with Bat and Character 寿 (shou) Decoration in Openwork
    福禄寿纹玉手镯 Bracelet with Bat, Deer and Peach Decoration
    爷孙乐玉把件 Waist Pendant in the Shape of a Happy Old Man and His Grandson
    童子送财荷叶形玉笔洗 Water Cup in the Shape of Lotus-Leaf and a Boy Holding Fish
    五谷丰登瑞鸟玉佩 Pendant in the Shape of Two Birds Holding Millet Sprays in Mouth
    大威德金刚玉摆件 Boulder in the Shape of a Vajrabhairava in Tibetan Buddhism
    释迦牟尼玉佛造像 Boulder in the Shape of Seated Sakyamuni
    螭龙纹翡翠鼻烟壶 Snuff Bottle with Feline Decoration
    兽面衔环玉鼻烟壶 Snuff Bottle with Two Animals Holding Rings in Mouth
    蝉形玉佩 Cicada-shaped Pendant
    山形玉笔架 Penholder in the Shape of a Mountain
    童子牧牛玉摆件 Boulder in the Shape of a Boy Herding Cattle
    螭龙纹玉带钩 Belt Hook with Dragons (Chi) Decoration
    年年有余玉佩 Pendant in the Shape of a Fish with Gynophores
    松石灵芝形笔洗 Water Cup in the Shape of Gynophores and Lotus Leaf
    福禄玉童子 Pendant in the Shape of a Boy Holding Gourd
    麒麟送子玉摆件 Boulder in the Shape of a Beast (qilin) and a Boy Holding Bell
    松鹿人物纹玉摆件 Boulder with Old Man, Deer and Boy Decoration
    琴形玉佩 Pendant in the Shape of Six-stringed Plucked Instrument
    释迦牟尼莲座玉佛像 Boulder in the Shape of Seated Sakyamuni
    三童击鼓玉摆件 Boulder in the Shape of Three Boys Beating Drum
    玉猴 Pendant in the Shape of a Monkey
    玉盒及扳指(一套) A Set of Box and Thumb Ring with Poem
    八骏图玉手镯 Bracelet with Eight Fine Horses Decoration
    持莲观音玉摆件 Boulder with the Image of Mother Buddha (guanyin) Holding Lotus
    刘海戏金蟾玉摆件 Boulder with the Immortal (Liuhai) and Toad Decoration
    螭龙纹玉璧 Disc (bi) with Dragons (Chi) Decoration
    云纹玉璧 Disc (bi) with Cloud Decoration
    观音像玉牌 Oval Pendant with the Image of Mother Buddha (guanyin)
    “推敲”玉牌 Pendant with an Old Man Knocking at the Door
    山水随形诗文玉牌 Pendant with Poem and Landscape Decoration
    观音像玉牌 Rectangular Pendant with the Image of Mother Buddha (guanyin)
    “四大美女”玉牌(4件)A Set of Pendant with Four Ancient Goddesses Decoration (4pieces)
    经幢形玉勒子(一对)A Pair of Tube with the Buddhist Scriptures
    仕女玉摆件 Boulder in the Shape of a Maiden
    童子戏弥勒摆件 Boulder in the Shape of Two boys and Buddha with Big Stomach (mile)
    事事平安如意玉牌 Rectangular Pendant with Bonsai and Vase Decoration
    安居乐业手把件 Waist Pendant with a Quail Feeding Food to Its’ Two babies Decoration
    天官送财手把件 Waist Pendant in the Shape of a Man and a Boy with Money
    吉羊献瑞手把件 Waist Pendant in the Shape of an Antelope with Lotus
    一夜得子手把件 Waist Pendant in the Shape of a Boy with Box on a Leaf
    婴戏祥云玉牌 Oval Pendant with Two Boys Holding Gynophores
    太师少师圆玉牌 Circular Pendant with Two Lions and Poem Decoration
    年年有余手把件 Waist Pendant in the Shape of a Fish with Lotus Leaf
    持莲观音玉佩 Pendant with the Image of Mother Buddha (gaunyin)
    福寿如意瑞兽手把件 Waist Pendant in the Shape of a Bat and an Animal
    龙凤纹玉牌(一对) A Pair of Rectangular Pendant with Dragon and Phoenix Decoration in Openwork
    “一团和气”手链 A Chain of Bracelets with Happy Man Decoration
    龙纹玉牌 Rectangular Pendant with Dragon Decoration in Openwork
    “府上有龙”玉佩 Axe-shaped Pendant with Dragon Decoration in Openwork
    “必定有福”手链 A Chain of Bracelets with Disc (bi) and Bat Decoration
    “踏雪寻梅”玉佩 Pendant with an Old Man Sitting on Donkey in Mountain
    “一生辉煌”玉佩 Pendant with Phoenix and Monkey Decoration
    “岁岁平安”玉佩 Pendant with Two Quails and Wheat Decoration
    灵芝形玉佩 Two-Gynophores-shaped Pendant
    独角兽钮玉印 Seal with Animal Finial
    “如虎添翼”玉扳指 Thumb Ring with Tiger Decoration
    “游龙四海”玉扳指 Thumb Ring with Four Fish-dragons Decoration
    “一品当朝”玉佩 Pendant with Crane Decoration
    “鸡衔灵芝”玉佩 Pendant in the Shape of a Cock Holding Gynophores in Mouth
    “双欢”玉佩 Pendant in the Shape of Two Animals
    “福寿双全”玉佩 Pendant with Character 寿 (shou) and Bat Decoration in Openwork
    母子情深双狗白玉摆件 Boulder in the Shape of Two Dogs
    双狗玉挂件 Pendant in the Shape of Two Dogs
    送财童子玉挂件 Pendant with a Boy Holding Coins
    年年有余有福玉牌 Rectangular Pendant with Three Fishes and Lotus Decoration
    勾连云纹玉勒子 Tube with Interlocking Cloud Decoration