- 目录
1 引言 1
2 职业健康监察服务的组织 3
3 职业健康监察员的主要职责 6
4 法律、法规的执行 6
5 咨询与信息告知 7
6 酌处权 8
7 对研究与立法的贡献 9
8 执法权 10
8.1 确保独立性 11
8.2 进入工作场所和开展质询不受限制 11
9 执法操守 12
9.1 保守专业秘密 12
9.2 企业中无个人利益 12
10 职业卫生和健康专业人员的伦理准则 13
11 应具备的知识 14
12 职业健康监察的类型 15
12.1 例行监察 16
12.2 定期监察 17
12.3 特殊监察 18
12.4 联合监察 18
13 监察前与监察期间的沟通与交流 19
13.1 监察通知 19
13.2 与管理层接触 20
13.3 与劳动者接触 21
14 职业健康监察员与工厂医务官、健康与安全部门接触 22
15 评估健康与安全条件 22
16 工作条件 23
17 工作厂房建筑与环境因素 23
18 职业性有害因素 24
19 工作组织 30
20 卫生设施与福利设施 31
21 工伤与急救 31
22 预防性健康体检 32
23 特殊类型的劳动者 33
23.1 未成年劳动者 33
23.2 女性劳动者 33
23.3 年长劳动者 34
23.4 残疾劳动者 34
23.5 接触特殊职业性有害因素的劳动者 35
23.6 流动劳动者 36
24 职业健康监察员与职业健康机构 37
25 特例 38
25.1 小型企业 38
25.2 农业企业 39
25.3 矿山 39
25.4 新建工厂 40
25.5 对邻近地区有危险或有毒的工厂 42
26 监察后应采取的整改措施 42
27 附带活动 43
27.1 调查 44
27.2 统计 45
27.3 专著 47
27.4 报告 48
27.5 专家意见与仲裁 49
28 国际劳工组织与职业健康监察 50
28.1 国际基本标准与基本原则 50
28.2 与医学监察有关的其他国际劳工组织健康和安全公约及建议书 52
附件1 第155号公约:职业安全和卫生及工作环境公约 55
附件2 第164号建议书:职业安全和卫生及工作环境建议书 61
附件3 第161号公约:职业卫生设施公约 67
附件4 第171号建议书:职业卫生设施建议书 71
附件5 第81号公约:工商业劳动监察公约 78
附件6 第81号建议书:劳动监察建议书 86
Table of Gontents
1 Introduction 1
2 0rganisation of occupational health inspection services 3
3 Main responsibilities of occupational health inspector 6
4 Enforcement oflaws and regulations 6
5 Advice and information 7
7 Contribution to research and the development oflegislation 9
8.1 Guarantees ofindependence 11
8.2 Unrestricted access to places of employment and power to conduct
9 0bligations 12
9.1 Professional secrecy 12
9.2 Absence of personal interest in undertakings 12
10 Code of ethics for occupational health professionals 13
11 Knowledge called for 14
12 Type ofinspection 15
12.1 Routine inspections 16
12.2 Periodic inspections 17
12.3 Special inspections 18
12.4 Joint inspections 18
13 Contacts before and during inspection 19
13.1 Notice ofinspection 19
13.2 Contacts with the management 20
1 3.3 Contacts with the workers 2 1
14 Contacts with the plant medical officer and the health and safety
15 Evaluation of health and safety conditions 22
16 Condition of work 23
17 Work premises and environmental factors 23
18 0ccupational hazards 24
19 0rganization ofwork 30
20 Sanitary installations and welfare facilities 31
21 0ccupational injuries and first aid 31
22 Preventive medical examinations 32
23 Special categories ofworkers 33
23.4 Handicapped workers 34
23.5 Workers exposed to special hazards 35
23.6 Migrant workers 36
24 The occupational health inspector and occupational health services 37
25.1 Small scale enterprises 38
25.2 Agricultural undertakings 39
25 .3 Mines 3 9
25.5 Plant that is dangerous and toxic to the neighbourhood 42
26 Measures to be taken after the inspection 42
27 Subsidiary activities 43
27.5 Experts opinions and arbitration 49
28 The ILO and occupational health inspection 50
28.1 International basic standards and principles 50
28.2 0therILO safety and health Conventions and Recommendations relating to occupational health inspection 52
Appendix l Convention concerning Occupational Safety and Health and the Working Environment, 1981 (No 155) 5 5
Appendix 2 Recommendation concerning Occupational Safety and Health and the Working Environment, 1981 (No 164) 61
Appendix 3 0ccupational Health Services Convention, 1985 (No 161) 67
Appendix 4 0ccupational Health Services Recommendation, 1985 (No 171) 71
Appendix 5 Labour Inspection Convention, 1947 (No 81) 78
Appendix 6 Labour Inspection Recommendation, 1947 (No 81) 86