十大明王(东北壁、西北壁) Vidya-raja(on the northeast wall and the northwest wall)
左班(东壁、南壁东侧) The left rank(on the east wall and the east side of the south wall)
东壁 The east wall
东壁全景 The panorama of the east wall
左1 无色界四空天众 Akasanantyayatana,Vijnananantyyatana,Akimcanyyatana and Naivasamjnanasamjnayatana in Arupadhatu
左2 无色界四禅天众 Brhatphala in Arupadhatu
左3 天藏王菩萨圣众 Bodhisattva and other saints
左4 梵王天主圣众 Mahbrahm and other saints
左5 昊天玉皇大帝圣众 Emperor Jade and other saints
左6 天皇大帝圣众 The Great Emperor and other saints
左7 持国增长天王 Dhritarastra and Vidradhaka
左8 金刚密迹圣众Traces Spirits and other saints
左9 中斗三台星君 Three saints of stars in the central sky
左10 南斗六元星君 Six star saints of Sagittarius
左11 羊只留宝瓶磨 The white jade vase of Avalokitesvara
左12 十二宫辰圣众 Saints of zodiac signs
左13 七十二代天师众 Seventy-two generations of Taoists
左14 九曜天刚月孛星君 Star saints of the nine luminaries,Polaris and Lilith
左15 角亢底房心尾箕众 Seven of lunar mansions in the eastern sky—Jiao,Kang,Di,Fang,Xin,Wei and Ji
左16 斗牛女虚危室壁众 Seven of lunar mansions in the northern sky—Dou,Niu,Nv,Xu,Wei,Shi and Bi
左17 天地水府太阳圣众 Saints of the heaven,the earth,the water and the sun
左18 天蓬天猷翊圣玄武真众 Four saints—Tianpeng,Tianyou,Yisheng and Xuanwu
左19 罗*计都星君 Star saints of Rahu and Ketu
左20 三元水府扶桑大帝 Emperor Fusang of Sanyuan Water Palace
左21 天曹府君天曹掌众 The master of Heaven Palace and attendants
左22 天曹诸司主食判官 The judge on meal in a department of Heaven Palace
左23 天曹诸司掌算判官 The judge on calculation in a department of Heaven Palace
左24 年月日时四直功曹众 Four palace guards of years,months,days and hours
左25 大罗乂(叉)罗刹女众 Raksasi
左26 旷野大将军等众 General Wilderness and others
左27 般支迦大将军等众 General Banzhijia and others
左28 矩畔*神圣众 Saint Jupan and others
左29 诃利帝母圣众 Hariti and other saints
左30 一大药刹圣众 Raksasa of Medicines and other saints
左31 菩提树神圣众 Saints of Banyan and others
左32 东海龙王圣众 Dragon King of the eastern sea and other saints
左33 南海龙王圣众 Dragon King of the southern sea and other saints
左34 西海龙王圣众 Dragon King of the western sea and other saints
左35 北海龙王圣众 Dragon King of the northern sea and other saints
左36 中海龙王圣众 Dragon King of the middle sea and other saints
左37 波池井泉龙王众 Dragon King of pools and wells and other saints
左38 主风主雨主雷主电 Saints of the wind,the rain,the thunder and the lightning
左39 主苗主稼主病主药 Saints of seedling,crops,diseases and medicines
左40 守斋护戒龙神众 Dragon saints for protecting fast
左41 顺济龙王圣众 Dragon king for aid and prosperity and other saints
左42 安济夫人圣众 Lady for peace and aid and other saints
左43 往古帝王一切王孙众 Ancient emperors and all descendants
左44 往古后妃宫娥女众 Ancient queens and maids
南壁东侧 The east side of the south wall
南壁东侧全景 The panorama of the east side of the south wall
左45 山林石怪等众 Monsters of mountains,forests and stones
左46 往古文武官僚众 Ancient civil and military officers
左47 军阵杀伤等众 The wounded in array of troops
左48 房倒虎咬水淹等众 People suffered from fallen houses,tigers′bites and drowning
左49 往古比丘等众 Ancient Bhiksu
左50 往古比丘尼等众 Ancient Bhiksuni
左51 九流百家等众 People of all walks of life
左52 堕崖落马蛇伤远乡等众 People off cliffs or horses,bitten by snakes,far away from hometown
左53 往古优婆塞众 Ancient Upasaka
左54 往古优婆夷众 Ancient Upasika
左55 往古儒流等众 Ancient scholars
左56 往古女冠道士众 Ancient female Taoist
右班(西壁、南壁西侧) The right rank(on the west wall and the west side of the south wall)
西壁 The west wall
西壁全景 The panorama of the west wall
右1 色界五净天 Suddhavasa in Rupadhatu
右2 欲界上四天众 Parinirmita-vasavartin,Nirmanarati,Tusita and Yama in Kamadhatu
右3 西方昆仑金母众 Golden Lady of Kunlun in the west and other saints
右4 太乙诸神五方五帝 Saints Taiyi and Emperors of Five Directions
右5 勾辰紫微圣众 Emperor Ziwei and other saints
右6 北极大帝圣众 Emperor of Dipper and other saints
右7 广目多闻天王 Virapaksa and Vaisravana
右8 金刚密迹圣众 Traces Spirits saints
右9(榜题不清)(Title unknown)
右10 西斗四圣星君 Four star saints in the western sky
右11 北斗七星星君 Saints of Big Dipper
右12 人马天蝎天秤双女狮子巨蟹宫神 Saints of Sagittarius,Scorpion,Libra,Virgin,Leo,Cancer
右13 三天三代除邪天师众 Taoists dispelling evil
右14 五山五岳天齐大帝 Emperors of five Sacred Mountains
右15 奎娄胃卯毕觜参众 Seven of lunar mansions in the western sky—Kui,Lou,Wei,Mao,Bi,Zi and shen
右16 井鬼柳星张翼轸众 Seven of lunar mansions in the southern sky—Jing,Gui,Liu,Xing,Zhang,Yi and Zhen
右17 诸天太阴圣众 Lunar saints in Svarga
右18 夜摩天主圣众 The host in Suyma and saints
右19 太乙东华老人星君 Saints of stars
右20 先天后土圣母众 Goddess of the Earth and other saints
右21(榜题不清)(Title unknown)
右22 金木水火土五德星君 Five saints of the gold,the wood,the water,the fire and the soil
右23 江河四渎圣众 Saints of four Great Rivers
右24 大将太煞日游太阴众 Saints of the moon—Dajiang,Taisha and Riyou
右25 宅龙蚕官伏兵博士五鬼 Five ghosts of plague—Zhailong,Canguan,Fubing and Boshi
右26 阴奏归忌九坎力士众 Powerful men of stars—Yinzou,Guiji and Jiukan
右27 地藏王菩萨圣众 Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva and saints
右28 北阴丰都大帝众 Emperor Fengdu,the master of the first palace in Naraka and others
右29 秦广五王圣众 Five kings of Qinguang and other saints
右30 阎罗五王圣众 Five kings and others in Naraka
右31 天地三曹等众 Officials in Svarga and Manuslya
右32 冥府六案等众 Six officials in Naraka
右33(榜题不清)(Title unknown)
右34 冥府管死司官 The judge on death in Naraka
右35 冥府禄司判官 The judge on emolument in Naraka
右36 冥府十八狱主众 Hosts of eighteen layers in Naraka
右37 冥府狱主众 Hosts of layers in Naraka
右38 冥府八寒等众 Eight layers of extreme cold in Naraka
右39 冥府八热等众 Eight layers of extreme heat in Naraka
右40 诸司判官等众 Judges of various departments in Naraka
右41 狱司恶业等众 The layer of evil in Naraka
右42 狱司残苦等众 The layer of cruelty and bitter in Naraka
右43 面然鬼王等众 The king of ghosts and others
右44 五瘟使者等众 Devils of plague
南壁西侧 The west side of the south wall
南壁西侧全景 The panorama of the west side of the south wall
右45 巧嘴巨舌臭口大腹众 People glib,gossip,slanderous and greedy
右46 疾病饿鬼等众 Devils of sickness and hunger
右47 横死鬼社等众 Devils of sudden deaths
右48 自作横死等众 People suddenly dead of their own wicked actions
右49 冤孽刀伤杀害等众 People dead of sins,cuts or murder
右50 冤枉苦死等众 People dead of being wronged or of suffer
右51 自刺身亡等众 People suicidal
右52 车辇身亡等众 People dead of accidents
右53 往古药伤等众 Ancient people suffer from hurts or sickness
右54(榜题不清)(Title unknown)
右55 往古贤夫烈女众 Ancient eminent men and virtuous women
右56 往古孝子顺孙众 Ancient filial sons and obedient grandsons