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Component Service Optimization and Verification for Web Service Composition(Web服务组合中组件服务的优化和验证技术研究)

Component Service Optimization and Verification for Web Service Composition(Web服务组合中组件服务的优化和验证技术研究)
  • 书号:9787030498779
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  • 装帧:平装
  • 页数:240
  • 出版社:科学出版社
  • 所属分类:计算机网络
  • 定价: ¥95.00元
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  • Contents
    Preface Chapter 1
    Introduction 1
    1.1 Background 1
    1.1.1 Web service model and framework 1
    1.1.2 Web service composition definition 3
    1.1.3 Motivations and goals of Web service standards 4
    1.2 Related standards and technologies 5
    1.2.1 Web service-related standards and technologies 5
    1.2.2 Web service composition standards and technologies 9
    1.2.3 Sample for different standards supporting Web service composition 16
    1.3 Web service composition methods 20
    1.3.1 Web service composition methods based on workflow 21
    1.3.2 Web service composition methods based on semantics 23
    1.4 References 28
    Chapter 2 Different Phases of Web Service Composition 30
    2.1 Composite process design 30
    2.2 Deployment 31
    2.3 Component service discovery 31
    2.4 Component service selection 33
    2.4.1 Personal service selection 33
    2.4.2 Cooperative service selection 35
    2.4.3 Service selection based on QoS 37
    2.5 Web service composition verification 44
    2.5.1 Requirements for verification process 45
    2.5.2 Modeling the composition in MSCs 46
    2.6 Composite Web service execution 48
    2.6.1 An example for execution of service composition 49
    2.6.2 Compatible executions 51
    2.6.3 Guaranteeing a composite service execution 53
    2.7 References 55
    Chapter 3 What is Component Service Optimization and Verification for Web Service Composition 56
    3.1 Component service optimization 56
    3.1.1 Service optimization challenges 57
    3.1.2 Service optimization spectrum 59
    3.1.3 Optimization approaches 60
    3.1.4 Negotiation-based optimization 64
    3.2 Verification of Web service composition 68
    3.2.1 Verification architecture 69
    3.2.2 Verification properties 70
    3.2.3 Operationalization correctness verification 70
    3.3 References 72
    Chapter 4 A New Web Service Optimization with Memory Classifier 74
    4.1 Introduction 74
    4.2 Fuzzy C-means clustering algorithm 75
    4.2.1 Fuzzy C-means functional 76
    4.2.2 Fuzzy C-means clustering algorithm 77
    4.2.3 Parameters of the FCM algorithm 78
    4.3 Artificial immune network 80
    4.3.1 Resource limited artificial immune system 81
    4.3.2 AiNet 82
    4.3.3 iNet 83
    4.3.4 IPAisys 84
    4.4 Ontology-oriented evaluation model description of semantic Web service based QoS 85
    4.5 Evaluation algorithm of Web service based QoS 86
    4.5.1 The objective and subjective synthetic approach for weigh of evaluation attribute 86
    4.5.2 Fuzzy C-means artificial immune network memory classifier (FCMAINMC) 87
    4.6 Evaluation prototype system of Web service based QoS 91
    4.7 Simulation 93
    4.8 Conclusion 94
    4.9 References 94
    Chapter 5 Evaluation Model of Web Service Health Level on End-to-End Network Based on Artificial Immune 96
    5.1 Introduction 96
    5.2 Optimization using artificial immune systems 96
    5.3 ENHMM evaluation model construction 97
    5.3.1 Formation of dynamic evaluation tree 97
    5.3.2 Evaluation data acquired based on evaluation tree 98
    5.3.3 End-to-end network service health evaluation level designed 98
    5.3.4 Evaluation of network health level based on new aiNet immune network 99
    5.4 ENHMM simulations 102
    5.5 Conclusion 103
    5.6 References 103
    Chapter 6 Extended Evaluation for Quality of Service in the Community of Web Service 104
    6.1 Introduction 104
    6.2 Building of Web service community 105
    6.2.1 Basic concepts 105
    6.2.2 Dynamic building of Web service community 105
    6.3 Ontology-oriented extended evaluation model description of semantic Web service 106
    6.4 Triangular fuzzy analytic hierarchy process 107
    6.4.1 Triangular fuzzy numbers (TFNs) 107
    6.4.2 Algebraic operations on TFNs 107
    6.4.3 Construction of the FAHP comparison matrices 108
    6.4.4 Value of fuzzy synthetic extent 108
    6.4.5 Calculation of the sets of weight values of the FAHP 109
    6.5 A new evaluation algorithm based on triangular fuzzy number 110
    6.5.1 New triangular fuzzy analytic hierarchy process (NTFAHP) 110
    6.5.2 Assessing of improved fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method 111
    6.6 Evaluation examples 113
    6.6.1 Building of extended evaluation tree in the train booking service community 113
    6.6.2 Service evaluation 114
    6.7 Conclusion 114
    6.8 References 114
    Chapter 7 Adaptive Evaluation and Selection of Information System by Triangular Fuzzy Number 116
    7.1 Introduction 116
    7.2 Reviews on information system evaluation theory 118
    7.2.1 User satisfaction research stream 119
    7.2.2 Taxonomy framework of information system evaluation methods 121
    7.3 A new information systems evaluation algorithm based on triangular fuzzy numbers 123
    7.3.1 Index of information system evaluation 123
    7.3.2 The weight obtained from NTFAHP 127
    7.3.3 Numerical examples 130
    7.4 Framework of evaluation system 131
    7.5 Discussion 132
    7.6 Conclusion 134
    7.7 References 134
    Chapter 8 Service Selection of Ensuring Transactional Reliability and QoS for Web Service Composition 136
    8.1 Introduction 136
    8.2 Web service transaction descriptions 138
    8.2.1 Transactions overview 138
    8.2.2 Web service transactional property 139
    8.2.3 Composite Web service transactional property 139
    8.3 Transactional automaton services selection 140
    8.3.1 Workflow patterns 140
    8.3.2 Definition of risk tolerance 147
    8.3.3 Transactional automaton services selection 147
    8.4 Transactional automaton model for services selection to Web service composition 150
    8.4.1 I/O automata 150
    8.4.2 Modelling transaction systems 150
    8.4.3 Transactional automaton model for services selection 152
    8.4.4 Example of service selection driven by transactional automaton model 153
    8.5 QoS-based Web service selection 154
    8.5.1 QoS-based Web service model 154
    8.5.2 Qos-based composite Web service 155
    8.5.3 QoS-based service selection for CWS 155
    8.6 Experimentation 157
    8.7 Conclusion 160
    8.8 References 160
    Chapter 9 A Formal Transaction Model for Reliable Web Service Composition 162
    9.1 Introduction 162
    9.2 A formal description to Web services composition 164
    9.3 Transaction model for WSC 165
    9.3.1 Transactional properties of Web service 166
    9.3.2 The set of control flow and transaction relationship 167
    9.4 Generating of transaction relationship in the workgroup 167
    9.4.1 Complete set of TF 168
    9.4.2 Automatic generating of TF 169
    9.4.3 Validation of transaction model for Web service composition 169
    9.5 Application of transaction model for Web service composition 170
    9.6 Conclusion 171
    9.7 References 171
    Chapter 10 Reliable Execution Based on CPN and Skyline Optimization for Web Service Composition 172
    10.1 Introduction 172
    10.2 Related work 174
    10.3 Reviews on the methodologies for reliable Web services 176
    10.3.1 Fault tolerance 176
    10.3.2 Redundancy 177
    10.3.3 Diversity 178
    10.3.4 Reliable Web services and composition 178
    10.4 A colored Petri-net model of Web service composition 180
    10.4.1 Colored Petri-net 180
    10.4.2 Formal definition of CP-nets 182
    10.4.3 Transactional property description 183
    10.4.4 Tolerance level 183
    10.4.5 TCWS-CPN definition 184
    10.4.6 Services selection of transactional property in the TCWS-CPN 185
    10.4.7 Composite sequence in the CPN 186
    10.5 Execution framework architecture of TCWS-CPN 187
    10.5.1 Execution framework architecture 187
    10.5.2 Example 189
    10.6 Skyline computation intruduction 193
    10.7 QoS-based skyline Web services 195
    10.7.1 The skyline computation problem 195
    10.7.2 Skyline Web services for QoS-based composition 195
    10.7.3 Skyline algorithm of QoS-based Web service selection 197
    10.8 Experimentation 198
    10.9 Conclusion 199
    10.10 References 200
    Chapter 11 Conformance Checking for Interaction of Web Service Composition with Temporal Logic 202
    11.1 Introduction 202
    11.2 Conformance checking approach 205
    11.3 Conformance verification and interaction of Web service composition 207
    11.3.1 Conformance verification 207
    11.3.2 Web service interactions 209
    11.4 Conformance checking framework of for Web service interaction behaviours 211
    11.5Web service composition interaction modeling: BPEL-CPN model 212
    11.5.1 Definition of BCPN model 213
    11.5.2 Transformation of BPEL into BCPN model 213
    11.6 Conformance checking for interaction of Web service composition 217
    11.6.1 Interaction fitness and appropriateness computation 218
    11.6.2 Temporal properties of BCPN model 219
    11.6.3 Conformance checking algorithm for interaction of Web service composition 220
    11.7 Examples and experiment 222
    11.7.1 Fitness and appropriateness computation of example 224
    11.7.2 Conformance checking with temporal logic 225
    11.8 Conclusion 225
    11.9 References 229