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  • 书号:9787030435965
    作者:史文霞 著
  • 外文书名:
  • 装帧:平脊精装
  • 页数:192
  • 出版社:科学出版社
  • 所属分类:
  • 定价: ¥76.00元
    售价: ¥60.04元
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  • Contents
    Chapter 1 Introduction 1
    1.1 Rationale 1
    1.2 Methodology and Data for the Research 4
    1.2.1 Data Collection 5
    1.2.2 Corpus Building 6
    1.3 Data Analysis 7
    1.3.1 Analysis Instruments 7
    1.3.2 Analysis Procedures 8
    Chapter 2 Linguistic Economy and Pragmatic Strategy 11
    2.1 Introduction 11
    2.2 Linguistic Economy 11
    2.2.1 Origin of Linguistic Economy 11
    2.2.2 Syntactic Economy 14
    2.2.3 Pragmatic Economy 16
    2.3 Pragmatic Strategy 19
    2.3.1 Definition of Pragmatic Strategy 19
    2.3.2 Classification of Pragmatic Strategies 21
    2.4 Integration of Pragmatic Strategy with Linguistic Economy 24
    2.5 Summary 26
    Chapter 3 Motivation for Implementing Strategies of Pragmatic Economy in RAs 28
    3.1 Introduction 28
    3.2 Intention and Some Similar Words 29
    3.2.1 Intention and Intentionality 29
    3.2.2 Intention and Goal 31
    3.3 Intentional Explanation of Meaning 34
    3.3.1 Philosophical Orientation 34
    3.3.2 Pragmatic Orientation 37
    3.3.3 Discoursive Orientation 40
    3.4 Scientific Communication 43
    3.4.1 Scientific Discourse Community 43
    3.4.2 Scientific Communication as Intentional Interaction 45
    3.5 Intention, Meaning and Strategies for Pragmatic Economy 48
    3.6 Summary 51
    Chapter 4 The Carrier of Strategies for Pragmatic Economy in RAs 52
    4.1 Introduction 52
    4.2 Intentional Network of Discourse Meaning Formation 54
    4.2.1 Concept of Intentional Network 54
    4.2.2 Intentionality 56
    4.2.3 Complexity 61
    4.2.4 Three-dimension Dynamics 63
    4.2.5 Cognitive Mechanism of Intentional Network 64
    4.3 Definition of Strategies for Pragmatic Economy in RAs 66
    4.4 Summary 69
    Chapter 5 Explicit Strategies for Pragmatic Economy in RAs 70
    5.1 Introduction 70
    5.2 Definition of Explicit Pragmatic Strategies 71
    5.3 Pragmatic Macro-structure Strategies 73
    5.3.1 Definition of Pragmatic Macro-structure 73
    5.3.2 Division of an RA into Sections 75
    5.3.3 Length of RAs 79
    5.3.4 Pragmatic Macro-structures of RA Sections 81
    5.4 Thematic Organization Strategies 92
    5.4.1 Thematic Choice 92
    5.4.2 Thematic Progression 104
    5.5 Information Manipulation Strategies 107
    5.6 Meta-pragmatic Framing Strategies 111
    5.7 Summary 115
    Chapter 6 Implicit Strategies for Pragmatic Economy in RAs 117
    6.1 Introduction 117
    6.2 Definition of Implicit Strategies for Pragmatic Economy 118
    6.3 Pragmatic Presupposition Strategy 119
    6.3.1 Pragmatic Presupposition and Pragmatic Strategy 119
    6.3.2 Norminalization as Presupposition Trigger 121
    6.4 Knowledge Structure Strategy 125
    6.4.1 Schemata Strategy 126
    6.4.2 Frame Strategy 130
    6.5 Transitivity Structure 132
    6.6 Shift of Information Attribution 136
    6.7 Summary 143
    Chapter 7 Integration of Explicit and Implicit Strategies for Pragmatic Economy in RAs 144
    7.1 Introduction 144
    7.2 Persuasion as Psychological Interaction 144
    7.3 Persuasive Effect of Style 146
    7.3.1 Persuasion and Style 146
    7.3.2 Contextual Constraints on Style 148
    7.4 Comprehensive Application of Strategies 153
    7.5 Summary 157
    Bibliography 158
    Appendix 168
    List of Tables
    Table 5.1 Pragmatic macro-structure of RAs across journals 76
    Table 5.2 Examples of unconventional RA section headings 77
    Table 5.3 Variability in the number of sections 79
    Table 5.4 Absolute length of the sections across journals 79
    Table 5.5 Three-move structure for the RA Introduction section (Swales, 1990)82
    Table 5.6 Revised CARS model (Swales, 2004) 82
    Table 5.7 Frequency of pragmatic macro-structure of the Introduction section in the corpus 84
    Table 5.8 Pragmatic macro-structure of the Method section in the corpus 88
    Table 5.9 Move structure for RA Results section (Brett, 1994)89
    Table 5.10 Pragmatic macro-structure for the Discussion section 90
    Table 5.11 Frequency of the pragmatic macro-structure of the Results and Discussion section in the corpus 91
    Table 5.12 Distribution of simple and multiple themes across sections 93
    Table 5.13 Percentages and frequent cases of textual themes across sections 94
    Table 5.14 Topical marked and unmarked themes across sections 98
    Table 5.15 Percentages of contextual marked themes across sections 98
    Table 5.16 Percentages of types of subject heads of unmarked themes across sections 100
    Table 5.17 Frequency of specialized structures per 1000 words 109
    Table 5.18 Metapragmatic markers across sections per 1000 words (% of total)115
    Table 6.1 Frequency of norminalization in other-sourced reports per 1000 words 124
    Table 6.2 Transitivity structure across sections 134
    Table 6.3 Frequency of source types per 1000 words 140
    Table 6.4 Frequency of reporting verbs per 1000 words in the self-sourced hidden clauses with a non-human subject 141
    Table 6.5 Frequency of source types in other-sourced reports per 1000 words 142
    List of Figures
    Figure 2.1 Direct Action (Leech, 1983) 22
    Figure 2.2 Indirect Action (Leech, 1983) 23
    Figure 2.3 Complex Indirect Action (Leech, 1983) 24
    Figure 3.1 Intentional interaction in scientific communication 46
    Figure 3.2 Intention, meaning and strategies for pragmatic economy 50
    Figure 4.1 Intentional network of discourse meaning formation in RAs 56
    Figure 4.2 The position of sentence connectors in academic English 60
    Figure 4.3 Communicative intentions in the model text 60
    Figure 4.4 Structural relations of communicative intentions in the model text 61
    Figure 5.1 Structure of an experimental scientific article (Renkema, 1993) 75
    Figure 5.2 Relative length of each section across journals 80
    Figure 5.3 Frequency of the pragmatic macro-structure of the Theoretical Analysis section 86
    Figure 5.4 Frequency of the pragmatic macro-structure of the Method section in the corpus 88
    Figure 5.5 Frequency of the pragmatic macro-structure of the Conclusions section in the corpus 92
    Figure 5.6 Progressive cline of writer visibility 103
    Figure 6.1 The origin of schemata (Swales, 1990) 127
    Figure 6.2 Schemata used in discourse production 129
    Figure 6.3 Frame for measurement environment of a device 132
    Figure 6.4 Reporting sources 138
    Figure 6.5 Frequency of clause types in self-sourced reports per 1000 words 140
    Figure 7.1 Comprehensive application of strategies 155
    List of Graphs
    Graph 5.1 Comparison of the general tendency of each section to appear in RAs across journals 81
    Graph 5.2 Dynamics of unmarked themes 103