前言(PREFACE) (一)新品种选育 利用多因子分析鉴定二倍体中华猕猴桃品种果实品质相关挥发性物质种类(Identifying Volatile Compounds Associated with Sensory and Fruit Attributes in Diploid Actinidia chinensis(kiwifruit)Using Mutivariate Analysis)成灿红 等 猕猴桃育种中的倍性操作—2倍体中华猕猴桃品种的染色体离体加倍技术(Manipulation of Ploidy for Kiwifruit Breeding:in Vitro Chromosome Doubling in Diploid Actinidia chinensis Planch.)吴金虎 等 极耐贮、晚熟黄肉猕猴桃新品种‘金艳’(‘Jinyan’:A Superior Yellow-fleshed Kiwifruit Cultivar with Excellent Storage Quality)钟彩虹 等 彩色猕猴桃两性花品种的研究(Research on Hermaphrodite Flower Variety of Actinidia deliciosa var.coloris)王明忠 等 中华无籽猕猴桃新品种‘湘吉红’选育与栽培技术研究初报(Breeding and Ecological Cultivation Techniques of a New Strain‘Xiangji-Hong’of Seedless Actinidia chinensis)裴昌俊 等 全红型软枣猕猴桃品种‘天源红’的选育(New All-red Kiwifruit Cultivars:‘Tianyuanhong’)齐秀娟 等 适合江苏生态区域种植的红心猕猴桃杂交新品种选育( Cultivar Development of Red-flesh Kiwifruit Forecological Environment Planting in Jiangsu Province)杨声谋 等 美味猕猴桃特早熟品种‘海艳’的选育报告(Selection of a New Early-ripe Kiwifruit Cultivar-‘Haian’,from Actinidia chinensis var.deliciosa)张洪池 等 中华猕猴桃黄肉新品种‘豫皇1号’选育研究(Selection of a New Yellow-fleshed Cultivar‘Yuhuang No.1’,from Actinidia chinensis var.chinensis)田志刚 等 中华猕猴桃金黄果肉新品种‘豫皇2号’选育研究(Selection of a New Golden-fleshed Cultivar‘Yuhuang No.2’,from Actinidia chinensis var.chinensis)田志刚 等 晚熟中华猕猴桃新品种‘皖金’的选育(A New Late Maturing Kiwifruit Cultivar:‘Wanjin’)贾兵 等 美味无籽猕猴桃新品种‘湘吉’的选育与丰产栽培技术研究(Selection and Cultivation Technique of a New Seedless Cultivar ‘Xiangji’from Actinidia deliciosa)裴昌俊 等 (二)资源开发利用 猕猴桃植物新品种保护及转让现状(Study on the Protection and Transfer of New Kiwifruit Varieties)陈庆红 等 珍稀濒危植物金花猕猴桃优势群落结构特征分析(Analysis on the Stucture Charscteristcs of the Dominant Community of Actinidia chrysantha)龚弘娟 等 红肉猕猴桃品种开发与市场潜力探讨(Red-fleshed Kiwifruit Cultivar Development and Its Commercial Potential in China)姜正旺 等 辽宁地区软枣猕猴桃果实性状、次生物质鉴定及营养分析(The Actinidia arguta Fruit Character,Secondary Substance Identify and Nutrient Analyses in Liaoning)刘延吉 等 东北野生猕猴桃资源普查保护与开发利用(Studies on the Wild Actinidia arguta Resources Protection and Exploitation of Investigation in Northeast China)刘长江 等 软枣猕猴桃种质资源遗传多样性研究(Study on Genetic Diversity of Actinidia arguta Germplasm Resources)秦红艳 等 (三)栽培及生理 基于16S-23S核糖体DNA内转录间隔区间(ITS)和其他基因区间PCR引物比对,获得PCR引物用以鉴别PSA(猕猴桃溃疡病)不同菌株(Detection of Pseudomonas syringae pv.actinidiae Using Polymerase Chain Reaction(PCR)Primers Based on the 16S-23S rDNA Intertranscribed Spacer Region and Comparison with PCR Primers Based on other Gene Regions)J.Rees-George 等 猕猴桃功能性花粉发育中多胺类物质的生物合成与调控(Polyamine Biosynthesis and Control of the Development of Functional Pollen in Kiwifruit)G.Falasca 等 采前除袋对‘金艳’猕猴桃成熟度及贮藏期品质变化的影响(Effects of Pre-harvest Debagging on Maturity and Quality Change in Storage of‘Jinyan’Kiwifruit)陈美艳 等 ‘金魁’猕猴桃适配雄株筛选试验研究(A Study on Selection of Superior Male Plant for Actinidia chinensis var.deliciosa ‘Jinkui’)顾霞 等 猕猴桃不同雄性品系染色体倍性与花性特征相关性研究(Study on Blooming and Pollen Germination in Kiwifruit Pollenizers of Different Ploidy Levels)韩飞 等 不同雄株花粉对‘华优’果实的影响(Effect of Male Vines to the Fruiting of‘Huayou’Kiwifruit)李永武 等 猕猴桃新害虫:斜纹夜蛾的研究(Study of a New Kiwifruit Pest Prodenia litura)彭俊彩 等 渍水处理对美味猕猴桃生理生化特性影响(Physiological and Biochemical Responses to Water Logging in Actinidia deliciosa cv Jinkui)孙丹柯 等 ‘华优’猕猴桃栽培技术(Cultivation Techniques for‘Huayou’Kiwifruit)王西锐 等 猕猴桃溃疡病防治研究(Study on the Control Techniques for Kiwifruit Bacterial Canker)王西锐 等 猕猴桃细菌性溃疡病综合防治技术(The Integrated Control Technique for Kiwifruit Bacterial Canker)王西锐 等 不同营养液浓度对‘徐香’猕猴桃果实发育和主要营养物质含量的影响(Effects of Nutrient Solution of Different Concentrations on Development and Mail Nutriment Contents ‘ Xuxiang’Kiwifruit)蔚玉红 等 猕猴桃叶片矿质元素变化规律及其与果实品质关系的研究(Study on the Change Pattern of Mineral Elements in Kiwifruit Leaves and Relation with Fruit Quality)徐爱春 等 红阳猕猴桃果实套袋试验(Fruit Bagging Test of‘Hongyang’)余中树 等 ‘红阳’猕猴桃不良表现及应对措施(The Problems and Solutions of‘Hongyang’)余中树 冰冻灾害对庐山植物园猕猴桃生长发育与产量的影响(The Effects of Cold Injury on the Growth and Yield of Actinidia in Lushan Botanical Garden)虞志军 等 猕猴桃品种‘金桃’和‘金艳’果实发育规律研究(Study on the Regulation of Fruit Development in Kiwifruit Cultivars-‘Jintao’ and ‘Jinyan’)张鹏 等 (四)生物技术 意大利中部获得的黄肉猕猴桃品种近期流行的猕猴桃溃疡病菌的分子及形态特征(Molecular and Phenotypic Features of Pseudomonas syringae pv.actinidiae lsolated During Recent Epidemics of Bacterial Canker on Yellow Kiwifruit(Actinidia chinensis)in Central ltaly)P.Ferrante 等 猕猴桃种间杂交后代不同倍性个体Vc,花色和倍性变异及SSR分析(Vitamin C,Flower Color and Ploidy Variation of Hybrids from a Ploidy-unbalanced Actinidia Interspecific Cross and SSR Characterization)张蕾 等 猕猴桃等果树抗坏血酸研究进展(Advances in Research of Ascorbic Acid on Kiwifruit and other Fruit Trees)高洁 等 海拔和经度连续渐变区域中华猕猴桃复合体形态和倍性变异研究(Morphological and Cytotype Variation of Wild Kiwifruit(Actinidia chinensis complex) Along an Altitudinal and Longitudinal Gradient in Central-west China)李大卫 等 秦岭区域中华/美味猕猴桃复合体遗传多样性及其景观遗传结构(Genetic Diversity and Landscape Genetic Structure of Actinidia chinensis var.chinensis /deliciosa Complex in the Qinling Mountains)廖利 等 辽宁地区5种野生软枣猕猴桃RAPD遗传多样性分析(A Primary Analysis on Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA in Five Actinidia arguta Species from Liaoning Province)刘延吉 等 不同栽培环境下‘红阳’内果皮着色的细胞学差异(Cytological Mechanism of Coloration Differences in Inner Pericarp of‘Hongyang’Cultivated in Different Conditions)骆彬彬 等 基于NCBI公共数据平台的软枣猕猴桃EST-SSR开发(Exploitation of EST-SSRs in Actinidia arguta Based on NCBI Public Data Platform)满玉萍 等 毛花猕猴桃果实L-半乳糖脱氢酶(GalDH)cDNA的克隆与序列分析(Cloning and Sequence Analysis of cDNA of L-galactose Dehydrogenase from Fruit of Actinidia eriantha)吴延军 等 基于猕猴桃EST序列的SSR引物开发(Mining of SSR Primers Based on EST Sequences in Kiwifruit)徐小彪 等 ^60Co-γ对三种猕猴桃辐射诱变适宜剂量的研究(Search for Proper Dose of^60Co-γRay in Three Varieties of Kiwifruit Radiation Breeding)叶开玉 等 SSR标记在猕猴桃属两个F_1群体中的分离研究(Inheritance of SSR Markers in Two F_1 Hybrid Population of Actinidia)张蕾 等 (五)贮藏保鲜与加工 贮藏猕猴桃果肉硬度测试中穿刺速度对测定结果的影响(Effect of Penetration Speed on Flesh Firmness Measured on Stored Kiwifruit)Jinquan Feng 等 新型商业开发软枣猕猴桃及其杂种果实采后性状与不同基因型间的差异分析I.品质鉴评特性与理化差异(Genotypic Difference in Postharvest Characteristics of Hardy Kiwifruit(Actinidia arguta and its Hybrids),as a New Commercial Crop Part I.Sensory Profiling and Physicochemical Differences)Piotr Latocha 等 ‘金艳’猕猴桃后熟过程中的品质变化(Quality Changes of‘Jinyan’Kiwifruit with Different Harvest Maturity during their Afterripening)李昆同 等 浅析川渝‘红阳’猕猴桃采收、运输中存在的问题(A Brief Analysis of Problems Existed in Harvesting and Transportation of ‘Hongyang’Kiwifruit in Sichuan & Chongqing )李昆同 等 软枣猕猴桃多糖降血糖降血脂活性研究(Polysaccharide of Actinidia arguta and Activity of Blood Glucose and Lipid of Decline)刘延吉 等 软枣猕猴桃多糖提取工艺及分离纯化研究(Study on the Extraction,Separation and Purification of Polysaccharide from Actinidia arguta)刘长江 等 采收期和贮藏温度对‘金艳’猕猴桃品质的影响(Effects of Harvest Date and Storage Temperature on Quality of‘Jinyan’Kiwifruit)钱政江 等 猕猴桃果实耐贮性的主要影响因子研究(Main Effects of Storage Characteristic of Kiwifruit Fruits)王仁才 等 (六)产业与市场 决定消费者购买意向:猕猴桃果实干物质含量、大小和价格(Determining Consumer Purchase lntentions:the lmportance of Dry Matter,Size,and Price of Kiwifruit)Sara R.Jaeger 等 当前影响我国猕猴桃产业健康发展的主要因素和对策(The Main Factors Influencing the Current Kiwifruit Industry and Strategies for Sustainable Development in China)黄仁煌 等 秦岭北麓猕猴桃产业现状及技术需求分析(The Kiwifruit Industry Status in the Qinling Mountains Region and Analysis on the Requirements of Technology)雷玉山 等 四川猕猴桃生产现状、存在问题及建议(The Present Situation,Problems and Some Suggestions of Kiwifruit Industry in Sichuan Province)涂美艳 等 浙江省猕猴桃产业技术发展现状(Present Situation of Industrial Technology Development of Kiwifruit in Zhejiang Province)谢鸣 等 眉县猕猴桃标准化示范区建设技术工作报告(Meixian County Demonstration Area of Technology Standardization Kiwi Report)严平生 GAP基地认证与食品安全体系建设经验(Ideas Exchange for GAP Certification and Food-safety System Construction)杨敏