序 一、水泥基复合材料的界面和界面效应 Study of the interface strength in steel fiber-reinforced cement-based composites Studies of the properties of the fiber-matrix interface in steel fiber reinforced mortar Mechanical behaviour and interfacial performance of steel fiber reinforced silica fume highstrength concrete Hydration process of interfacial transition in potassium polysialate(K-PSDS) geopolymer concrete 纤维间距对界面层的影响 硅灰及聚合物的掺入对钢纤维与水泥基材界面层的影响 钢纤维高强水泥基复合材料的界面效应及其疲劳特性的研究 粗合成纤维混凝土力学性能及纤维-混凝土界面粘结行为研究 水泥基复合材料集料与浆体界面研究综述(一):实验技术 水泥基复合材料集料与浆体界面研究综述(二):界面微观结构的形成、劣化机理及其影响因素 水泥基复合材料界面对材料宏观性能的影响 水泥基复合材料界面过渡区体积分数的定量计算 截面分析法对界面过渡区厚度的放大作用 二、高与超高性能水泥基材料的制备及关键性能 Analysis of mechanism on water-reducing effect of fine ground slag,high-calcium fly ash,and low-calcium fly ash Mechanical properties and durability of green reactive powder concrete (GRPC) Experimental study on the micro-aggregate effect in high-strength and super-high-strength cementitious composites Study on strength properties of HPC containing both fly ash and silica fume Hydration of high-volume fly ash cement pastes Prediction of compressive strength and optimization of mixture proportioning in ternary cementitious systems Water consumption of the early-age paste and the determination of "time-zero" of self-desiccation shrinkage Study on the self-desiccation effect in early-age concrete and the determination of "time-zero" of self-desiccation shrinkage Fly ash effects:I. The morphological effect of fly ash Fly ash effects II. The active effect of fly ash Fly ash effects III. The microaggregate effect of fly ash Research on improving the heat insulation and preservation properties of small-size concrete hollow blocks The drying shrinkage and freezethaw resistance of high performance concrete with high fly ash content 复合胶凝材料组成与混凝土抗压强度定量关系研究 粉煤灰砂浆自生收缩和干燥收缩关系的研究 粉煤灰对碾压高掺量粉煤灰砼强度的贡献分析 高掺量粉煤灰碾压混凝土路用力学性能的研究 粉煤灰混凝土冻融破坏机理研究 掺粉煤灰高性能桥用混凝土变形性能研究 水泥-粉煤灰浆体的水化反应进程 水泥、磨细矿渣、粉煤灰颗粒弹性模量的比较 水泥-矿渣-粉煤灰体系中矿渣和粉煤灰反应程度测定方法 用于图像分析的水泥基材料样品制备技术 超高程泵送钢纤维混凝土关键性能及试验研究 超高程泵送钢纤维混凝土的抗裂性能 索塔锚固区钢纤维混凝土的工艺试验 掺天然超细混合材高性能混凝土的制备及其耐久性研究 高性能混凝土自收缩测试方法探讨 基于毛细管负压技术测试混凝土最早期的自干燥效应 三、高性能混凝土与超高性能纤维增强水泥基复合材料的动载(动态)力学行为 Study of the fatigue performance and damage mechanism of steel fiber reinforced concrete Fatigue performance and equations of roller compacted concrete with fly ash The study on application of HPSFRCC to anti-penetration material Study of the dynamic mechanical properties on high performance SFRC Study on the anti-exploding characteristics of fiber reinforced cement based composite Dynamic mechanical behaviour of ultra-high performance cementitious composites under repeated impact The effect of silica fume and steel fiber on the dynamic mechanical performance of high-strength concrete Application of DSCM in prediction of potential fatigue crack path on concrete surface Latent crack path and service life predictions for unnotched concrete under bending by digital speckle correlation method Study on the flexural fatigue performance and fractal mechanism of concrete with high proportions of ground granulated blast-furnace slag Characteristics of high-performance steel fiber-reinforced concrete subject to high velocity impact Steel fiber reinforced high-performance concrete: a study on the mechanical properties and resistance against impact Static and dynamic mechanical behaviour of ECO-RPC 高强砼与钢纤维高强砼冲击和疲劳特性及其机理的研究 钢纤维超高强混凝土动态力学性能 钢纤维高强混凝土抗爆炸研究 钢纤维高强混凝土单轴受压本构方程 钢纤维高强混凝土的中应变率本构关系 预应力钢纤维高强混凝土特种轨枕的疲劳特性 高强及钢纤维高强混凝土K1C、δ1C的研究 生态型RPC材料的断裂力学行为研究 生态型RPC材料的动态力学性能 砼材料非线性多级疲劳损伤方程的建立 矿物掺和料对混凝土疲劳性能的影响 掺矿渣/粉煤灰混凝土的低周疲劳性能 基于混凝土基体和界面过渡区性质的疲劳方程 四、高强高性能混凝土的防火性能及爆裂机理 A study of behaviors of high performance concrete after subjected to elevated temperatures Effect of heating and cooling regimes on residual strength and microstructure of normal strength and high-performance concrete Residual compressive strength and microstructure of high performance concrete after exposure to high temperature Mechanical properties of high-strength concrete after fire 高强混凝土湿扩散与火灾爆裂关系研究 高性能混凝土火灾条件下抗爆裂性能的研究 材料参数对砂浆受火爆裂的影响及预测 五、纤维及纤维混杂对混凝土增强、增韧与阻裂机理 The effect of hybrid fibers and expansive agent on the shrinkage and permeability of high-performance concrete Impact behavior and microstructural characteristics of PVA fiber reinforced fly ash-geopolymer boards prepared by extrusion technique Preparation and application of super-high pumping steel fiber reinforced concrete Mechanical properties of steel fiber-reinforced,high-strength,lightweight concrete The effect of high content of fly ash on the properties of glass fiber reinforced cementitious composites 钢纤维对高强砼的增强、增韧与阻裂效应的研究 路面钢纤维混凝土特性和路面结构形式的研究 纤维网片复合方式对纤维增强水泥基材料性能的影响 短纤维和织物增强混凝土薄板试验研究 碳纤维织物增强混凝土薄板的界面粘结性能试验 钢纤维掺量和类型对混凝土性能的影响 纤维混杂与微膨胀复合对混凝土阻裂性能的影响 六、生态型高性能混凝土和地聚合物及其结构性能与机理 In situ monitoring of the hydration process of K-PS geopolymer cement with ESEM Synthesis and microstructural characterization of fully-reacted potassium-poly(sialate-siloxo)geopolymeric cement matrix Preparation and microstructure of K-PSDS geopolymeric binder Synthesis and heavy metal immobilization behaviors of slag based geopolymer In situ observing the hydration process of K-PSS geopolymeric cement with environment scanning electron microscopy Semi-empirical AM1 calculations on 6-memebered aluminosilicate rings model:implications for dissolution process of metakaoline in alkaline solutions Hydration process of potassium polysialate(K-PSDS) geopolymer cement The influence of mineral admixtures on resistance to corrosion of steel bars in green highperformance concrete Impact properties of geopolymer based extrudates incorporated with fly ash and PVA short fiber Mechanical properties of high performance concrete made with high calcium high sulfate fly ash The analysis on strength and fly ash effect of roller-compacted concrete with high volume fly ash Leaching properties of cement-based solidified zinc sludge by sequential chemical extraction Dry shrinkage,frost resistance and permeability of rubber included concrete Study on properties of rubber included concrete under wet-dry cycling 用IR探索地聚合物水泥硬化产物的组成和结构 地聚合物胶凝材料的组成设计和结构特征 生态型超高性能混凝土的弯曲行为研究 七、现代混凝土的耐久性评价和服役寿命预测 Damage and damage resistance of high strength concrete under the action of load and freeze-thaw cycles Effect of chloride salt,freeze-thaw cycling and externally applied load on the performance of the concrete Quantitative analysis on the degradation characteristics of high strength concrete subjected to freezing and thawing cycles Durability of fly ash concrete subjected to the combined external load and freeze-thaw cycles Durability and service life prediction of concrete under coupling action of chloride penetration and carbonation in sea air The influence of mineral admixtures on resistance to corrosion of steel bars in green high-performance concrete Two and three dimensional carbonation of fly ash concrete Interaction between sulfate and chloride solution attack of concretes with and without fly ash Performance evaluation of binary blends of Portland cement and fly ash with complex admixture for durable concrete structures Effect of steel fiber and air-entraining admixture on the frost resistance of high strength concrete Effect of sulfate solution on the frost resistance of concrete with and without steel fiber reinforcement Interaction between loading,freeze-thaw cycles,and chloride salt attack of concrete with and without steel fiber reinforcement 弯曲荷载对混凝土抗卤水冻蚀性的影响 高强混凝土抗冻性的理论和实验研究 基于可靠度与损伤理论的混凝土寿命预测模型Ⅱ:模型验证与应用 基于可靠度与损伤理论的混凝土寿命预测模型Ⅰ:模型阐述与建立 应用模糊控制理论综合评定高强混凝土的抗冻性能 混凝土使用寿命预测方法的研究Ⅰ——理论模型 混凝土使用寿命预测方法的研究Ⅱ——模型验证与应用 混凝土使用寿命预测方法的研究 Ⅲ——混凝土使用寿命的影响因素及混凝土寿命评价 在冻融或腐蚀环境下混凝土使用寿命预测方法Ⅰ——损伤演化方程与损伤失效模式 普通混凝土在盐湖环境中的抗卤水冻蚀性与破坏机理研究 弯曲荷载、化学腐蚀和碳化作用及其复合对混凝土抗冻性的影响 在盐湖环境中高强与高性能混凝土的抗冻性 混凝土在多重因素作用下的氯离子扩散方程 盐湖地区侵蚀性离子在混凝土中的扩散及其相互作用 盐湖地区混凝土的长期腐蚀产物与腐蚀机理 基于Monte Carlo随机计算的海工混凝土使用寿命预测 与钢筋脱钝化临界孔溶液pH值相关联的混凝土碳化理论模型 冻融循环对混凝土碱硅酸反应二次损伤的影响 碱硅酸反应作用下混凝土中氯离子扩散规律和结合能力 粉煤灰混凝土的多因素寿命预测模型 混凝土在硫酸盐、氯盐溶液中的损伤过程 氯盐对混凝土硫酸盐损伤的影响研究 荷载作用下混凝土的碳化深度 矿物掺合料对高强砂浆抗化学侵蚀性能的影响 弯拉应力作用下粉煤灰混凝土的1D和2D碳化 粉煤灰掺量对高性能混凝土徐变性能的影响及其机理 钙矾石晶体热分解的动力学 八、水泥基复合材料微观结构的分析与数值模拟 Overestimation of the interface thickness around convex-shaped grain by sectional analysis Effects of fiber curvature on the microstructure of the interfacial transition zone in fresh concrete 引气混凝土气泡尺寸分布的三维重构 混凝土中邻近集料表面最近间距分布的计算机模拟 计算混凝土中邻近集料表面间距平均值的体视学方法 计算混凝土中平均最邻近集料表面间距的正十二面体模型 水泥基复合材料浆体厚度分布的定量表达 水泥基复合材料邻近集料表面最近间距分布的解析解 砂浆中邻近集料表面最近间距分布的数值模拟 新拌水泥浆体中邻近胶凝材料粒子表面最近间距分布的解析解