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Urban Metabolism:Theory, Methods, and Applications

Urban Metabolism:Theory, Methods, and Applications
  • 书号:9787030720993
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  • 装帧:圆脊精装
  • 页数:507
  • 出版社:科学出版社
  • 所属分类:环境科学理论
  • 定价: ¥279.00元
    售价: ¥220.41元
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  • Contents
    Part A Theoretical Framework
    Chapter 1 Connotations of Urban Metabolism 3
    1.1 The concept of an urban organism and ecosystem 3
    1.2 Multi-level similarity of urban systems to organisms 6
    1.2.1 Similarity of the structural hierarchy 6
    1.2.2 Similarity of the functional mechanisms 7
    1.3 Evolution of the concept of an urbanmetabolism 9
    1.4 Urban metabolic processes 12
    1.4.1 Metabolic phases 12
    1.4.2 External and internal flows 13
    1.4.3 Anabolism, catabolism, and regulatory metabolism 14
    1.4.4 Metabolic linkages 14
    1.4.5 Metabolic chains 16
    1.4.6 Classification of the metabolic actors 18
    1.4.7 Characteristics of the metabolic actors 19
    1.5 Urban metabolic characteristics 23
    1.5.1 Growth and development 24
    1.5.2 Openness and dependency 26
    1.5.3 Stability and robustness 27 References 29
    Chapter 2 Progress in Urban Metabolism Research 31
    2.1 The significance of urban metabolism research 31
    2.1.1 Feasibility 31
    2.1.2 Necessity 32
    2.1.3 Urgency 33
    2.2 CiteSpace knowledge mapping analysis 37
    2.2.1 The number of publications 38
    2.2.2 Collaborative network analysis 38
    2.2.3 Discipline co-occurrence analysis 41
    2.3 Research frontier analysis 44
    2.3.1 Timeline analysis 44
    2.3.2 Cluster analysis 49
    2.3.3 Burst analysis 51
    2.3.4 Cluster analysis for co-cited references 52
    2.3.5 Analysis of high-frequency co-cited literature 55
    2.4 Development stage of urban metabolism research 57
    2.4.1 Early period (1965-1980) 57
    2.4.2 Slow growth period (1981-2000) 59
    2.4.3 Rising period (2001-present) 61
    2.5 Historical evolution of urban metabolism research 64
    2.5.1 Accounting evaluation methods 64
    2.5.2 Model simulation 65
    2.5.3 Application research 67
    2.5.4 Scales and boundaries 69 References 72
    Chapter 3 Theory, Paradigms, and Technical Methods for Urban Metabolism 83
    3.1 Composite ecosystem theory 83
    3.1.1 Natural subsystem 83
    3.1.2 Socioeconomic subsystem 85
    3.1.3 Structural features 86
    3.1.4 Balance between pressure and support 89
    3.2 Thermodynamics theory 90
    3.2.1 Vitality metabolism 90
    3.2.2 Entropy 92
    3.3 System ecology theory 94
    3.3.1 Integration of holism and reductionism 94
    3.3.2 Urban metabolism research based on systems ecology 95
    3.4 Research paradigms 97
    3.4.1 The relationship among the three research paradigms 98
    3.4.2 Natural metabolism 99
    3.4.3 Socioeconomic metabolism 99
    3.4.4 Integrated (hybrid) natural and socioeconomic metabolism paradigm 100
    3.5 Technical framework 102 References 105
    Part B Methods
    Chapter 4 Accounting Evaluation of Urban Metabolism 111
    4.1 Material flow analysis 111
    4.1.1 Flow accounting 112
    4.1.2 Stock accounting 121
    4.2 Substance flow analysis 124
    4.2.1 Carbon accounting 124
    4.2.2 Nitrogen accounting 129
    4.3 Emergy analysis 133
    4.4 Measuring the system’s evolution 138
    4.4.1 Measurement index system 138
    4.4.2 Information entropy index 140
    4.4.3 Harmonious development model 142
    4.5 Measuring interactions between the natural and socioeconomic systems 144
    4.5.1 Measurement index system 144
    4.5.2 Sustainability index 145 References 147
    Chapter 5 Network Models to Simulate Urban Metabolism 150
    5.1 Network models based on physical metabolism 150
    5.1.1 Urban water metabolic network models 150
    5.1.2 Urban energy metabolic network models 154
    5.1.3 Urban carbon and nitrogen metabolic network models 158
    5.1.4 Urban material metabolic network models 163
    5.1.5 Urban emergy metabolic network models 169
    5.2 Spatially explicit models based on land use and cover change 171
    5.2.1 Principles for developingspatiallyexplicit carbon metabolic network models 171
    5.2.2 Spatially explicit models of an urban carbon metabolic network 175
    5.3 Network models based on input-output tables 178
    5.3.1 Development of an input-output table 179
    5.3.2 Compilation of the input-output table based on the material consumption intensity coefficient 183
    5.3.3 Analogy between trophic levels and metabolic network models 184
    5.3.4 Compilation of the input-output table based on the energy consumption intensity coefficient 188
    5.4 Simulation of network characteristics 193
    5.4.1 Network structure simulation 193
    5.4.2 Network function simulation 197
    5.4.3 Network path simulation 205 References 209
    Chapter 6 Regulation and Optimization of an Urban Metabolism 213
    6.1 Factor decomposition models 213
    6.1.1 Decomposition model for an urban carbon metabolism 214
    6.1.2 Refine the decomposition model for the social and economic factors 216
    6.1.3 Classification model forenergy-related carbon emission 219
    6.1.4 Decomposition model for an urban nitrogen metabolism 220
    6.1.5 Decomposition model of material metabolism 222
    6.2 Decoupling state criteria 224
    6.3 Center of gravity model 228
    6.4 System dynamics simulation model 230
    6.4.1 Optimization model for a city’s industrial structure 231
    6.4.2 Optimization model for human carrying capacity 234 References 237
    Part C Applications
    Chapter 7 Analysis of Material Metabolic Processes: Urban Weight 241
    7.1 Urban weight analysis from a flow perspective 241
    7.1.1 Analysis of urban flows’ weight and its structure 244
    7.1.2 Contributions of the metabolic components 247
    7.1.3 Identification of the driving forces behind the urban weight 250
    7.1.4 The significance of measuring urbanweight from the flowperspective 253
    7.1.5 Comparisons with other cities 253
    7.1.6 Diagnosis of and solutions to material metabolism problems in Beijing 255
    7.2 Urban weight analysis for Beijing from the perspective of stocks 256
    7.2.1 Analysis of urban stocks’ weight and its structure 257
    7.2.2 Structural analysis of the stock subtypes 260
    7.2.3 Changes in the relationship between the weights and socioeconomic factors 269
    7.2.4 The significance of measuring urbanweight from the stock perspective 272
    7.2.5 Comparison with other research 273
    7.2.6 Diagnosis of metabolic disorders in Beijing from a stock perspective and recommended solutions 276
    7.3 Identification of key entities in Beijing’s material metabolism 278
    7.3.1 Relevance analysis 280
    7.3.2 Analysis of the ecological relationships 284
    7.3.3 Identifying the key actors 285
    7.3.4 Conclusions and prospects 286 References 287
    Chapter 8 Analysis of a City’s Energy Metabolism 291
    8.1 Analysis of energy metabolic processes 291
    8.1.1 Analysis of a metabolic network 294
    8.1.2 Shifts of the centers of gravity for energy production and consumption 305
    8.1.3 Advantages of models with different precision 310
    8.1.4 Diagnosis of urban energy metabolism problems and potential solutions 312
    8.1.5 Spatial patterns of supply and demand forthe energytypes 313
    8.1.6 Conclusions related to the centers of gravity for energy supply and demand 314
    8.2 Analysis of the characteristics of urban emergy metabolic networks 315
    8.2.1 Metabolic characteristics 318
    8.2.2 Metabolic paths and relationships 322
    8.2.3 Management suggestions based on Beijing’s emergy accounting evaluation 327
    8.2.4 Suggestions for improving the urban energy metabolic network 328
    8.3 Analysis of the embodied energy metabolism network of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region 328
    8.3.1 Analysis of the embodied energy metabolism of the nodes 331
    8.3.2 Analysis of the embodied energy metabolism of paths 335
    8.3.3 Relationships analysis 339
    8.3.4 Research innovations and comparison with previous research 344
    8.3.5 Policy recommendations 345
    8.3.6 Importance of multi-scale comparative analysis 346 References 347
    Chapter 9 Analysis of Carbon Metabolic Processes 350
    9.1 Identification of the key metabolic actors in the urban carbon system 350
    9.1.1 Changes of the carbon metabolism and its structure 353
    9.1.2 Identification of the key actors based on the carbon imbalance index 354
    9.1.3 Identification of key actors based on the carbon external dependence index 357
    9.1.4 Comparison with previous research 360
    9.1.5 Explanations of the research results 361
    9.2 Spatial analysis for the carbon metabolism of an urban agglomeration 365
    9.2.1 Carbon metabolism accounting and its spatial distribution 368
    9.2.2 Impact of land use changes on the carbon emission and absorption 374
    9.2.3 Comparison of carbon spatial variation with other studies 379
    9.2.4 Comparison of the impact of land use change on carbon throughput with previous research 380
    9.3 Spatial network analysis of Beijing’s carbon metabolism 381
    9.3.1 General spatial characteristics 384
    9.3.2 Ecological relationships and their spatial patterns 385
    9.3.3 Comparison with previous research on spatial distributions 388
    9.3.4 Comparison with previous research on ecological relationships 389
    9.4 Path analysis of the carbon involved in trade between the United States and China 390
    9.4.1 CO2 transfers in imports and exports 392
    9.4.2 Import links among sectors in the United States and China 395
    9.4.3 Export links among sectors in the United States and China 398
    9.4.4 Adjustment of the carbon mitigation targets to account for CO2 transfers in trade 402
    9.4.5 The importance of the research perspective 404
    9.4.6 Comparison with previous research 405 References 407
    Chapter 10 Analysis of the Urban Nitrogen Metabolism 412
    10.1 Accounting for nitrogen metabolism and its key influencing factors in Beijing 412
    10.1.1 Analysis of the total input of reactive nitrogen 413
    10.1.2 Analysis of the structural characteristicsof the reactive nitrogen inputs 416
    10.1.3 Analysis of anthropogenic nitrogen consumption 421
    10.1.4 Contributions of influencing factors 425
    10.1.5 Comparison with previous research on the total characteristics of urban nitrogen metabolism 430
    10.1.6 Comparison with previous research on the structural characteristics of urban nitrogen metabolism 432
    10.1.7 Comparison with previous nitrogen metabolism research 435
    10.2 Analysis of Beijing’s nitrogen metabolism network 436
    10.2.1 Direct-flow analysis of nitrogen metabolism 437
    10.2.2 Integrated flows of nitrogen 440
    10.2.3 The relationships between metabolic actors 443
    10.2.4 The utility of the metabolic sectors 446
    10.2.5 The structure of the flow hierarchy 450
    10.2.6 The structure of the utility hierarchy 452
    10.2.7 Significance of the network analysis 455
    10.2.8 Comparison with previous research on the ecological components and their relationships 456
    10.2.9 Comparison with previous research on metabolic utility and the hierarchical structure 459 References 462
    Chapter 11 Analysis of Metabolic Processes in Eco-Industrial Parks 465
    11.1 Symbiotic metabolic processes in an eco-industrial park 465
    11.1.1 A symbiotic metabolic network model 468
    11.1.2 Topology of the symbiotic metabolic networks 471
    11.1.3 Core-periphery structure analysis 472
    11.1.4 Degree of connectedness 476
    11.1.5 Importance of research modalities 480
    11.1.6 Findings and recommendations 481
    11.2 Analysis of the sulfur metabolism in an eco-industrial park 482
    11.2.1 Construction of the network model for the park’s sulfur metabolism 485
    11.2.2 Structure analysis 488
    11.2.3 Functional analysis 492
    11.2.4 Comparison with previous research 500
    11.2.5 Planning for future development 504
    References 505