Study on Reaction of (?3-CC02Et)C02M(C0)8 (CpMe) (M=Mo, W) with Na2[Fe(CO)4]. Synthesis of Two Kinds of the Novel Clusters Et02CCFeCoM(C0)8 (CPMe) H and (0CC)FeCoM(C0)8 (CPMe)…6
羰基钴簇络合物的合成(第一报) 10
新型桥联双四面体簇合物的合成与表征 14
2.含强键合面桥配体S或Se和Co2(C0)8 ,Ru3 (C0)8,Fe3 (C0)2等反应
Synthesis and Reduction of [RuCoMo(?3 -S) (C0)8RC5 H4][R=HC(0) (2),CH3C(0) (3),C6H5C(0) (4), CH30C(0)C6 H4C(0) (5)] Heterometal Clusters and Structure of [RuCoMo((?3-S) (C0)sC5 H4C(0)
C6H4C(0)0CH3] 19
Synthesis and Characterization of the Novel Type of Heterometal Clusters [ ((?3-S) RuCoM(C0)8 CpC(0)]2
C6H4(M=MO,W) and Crystal Structure of [(?3-S)RuCoW(C0)8CPC(0)]2C6 H4 26
Synthesis of Clusters containing Two C2Co2 Cores 67
双丙炔醇酯类化合物的合成与表征 70
6.阳离子簇合物和阴离子单核金属碎片反应,去NaX形成三角双锥型簇合物 Synthesis, Characterization and Crystal Structures of (?5 -CH3 C5 H4) M(C0) 2 N0 and (? 5-CH3C5 H4)
M(?3-NH)((??2-N0)(??2-C0)Fe2(C0)6(M=Mo or W) 73
Synthesis and Characterization of Chiral(|u3-S)FeCoM(CO)8 (RCp) [M=Mo,W;R=Ce H5 C(O),CH3OC(O) C6H4C(O)] Clusters and the Crystal Structures of (/u3-S)FeCoMo(CO)[CH3OC(O)C6H4C(O)Cp] and
(?3-S) FeCoW(CO)8 [CH3 OC(O)C6H4C(O)Cp] 76
Synthesis and Characterization of Chiral SFeCoM(CO) (RCOCp) (M=Mo,W;R=H,CH3,C2 H5 O)Clusters and the Crystal Structure of SFeCoW(CO)g (CH3COCp) 84
二、由四面体簇合物合成手征性簇合物手性四面体过渡金属簇合物 94
The Metal Fragment Exchange Reaction 104
三、制取光学活性簇合物手性原子簇合物与不对称催化反应 126
Regioselective Metal Exchange Reactions in Linked Clusters 136
四、簇合物催化的反应光学活性四面体过渡金属簇合物的诱导合成 150
Asymmetric Synthesis of Chiral Clusters Induced by Chiral Phase-Transfer Catalyst 156
高效液相色谱直接分离KFcCCHCoW(CO)(CpCOOC2H5)簇合物对映体 158
Synthesis and First Separation of Chiral Trimetal Carbonyl Clusters containing an
RuCoMo(p-S) Core 162
The Separation of the New Chiral Metal Cluster (?3-Se)RuCoW(CO)8-C5 H4C(O) CH3
on an Amylopectin tris--phenylcarbamate) Chiral Column by HPLC 166
Heterometallic Cluster Catalyzing Coordinative Hydrogenation Promoted by Oxygen
Transfer Reagent 174
(?3-S)Fe2CoCu(PPh3)2(CO)8催化苯乙烯环丙烷化反应研究 176
八 Novel Bimetallic Tetrahedron Cobalt Complex Promoting the Addition of Diethylzinc