“...For anyone who needs to go beyond the basic treatment of numerical methods for nonlinear equations given in any number of standard numerical texts this book is ideal.”
—Duncan Lawson, Mathematics Today, August 1998.
“With 206 exercises aiming to illustrate and develop the ideas in the text and 134 bibliographical references, this very well written and organized monograph provides the basic infiormation needed to understand both the theory and the practice of the methods for solving problems related to unconstrained optimization and systems of nonlinear equations.”
—Alfred Braier, Buletinul Institutului Politehnic Din Iasi, Tomul XLII(XLVI), Fasc. 3-4, 1996.
“This book is a standard for a complete description of the methods for unconstrained optimization and the solution of nonlinear equations.
...this republication is most welcome and this volume should be in every library. Of course, there exist more recent books on the topics and somebody interested in the subject cannot be sati~sfied by looking only at this book. However, it contains much quite-well-presented material and I recommend reading it before going to other publications.”
—Claude Brejinski, Numerical Algorithms, 13, October 1996.
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