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  • 书号:9787030166722
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  • 装帧:圆脊精装
  • 页数:638
  • 出版社:科学出版社
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  • Contents
    Preface to the Second Edition v
    Preface to the First Edition vii
    1. Measure Theory-Basic Notions 1
    Measurable sets and functions
    measures and integration
    monotone and dominated convergence
    transformation of integrals
    product measures and Fubinis theorem
    LP-spaces and projection
    measure spaces and kernels
    2. Measure Theory——Key Results 23
    Outer measures and extension
    Lebesgue and Lebesgue-Stieltjes measures
    Jordan-llahn and Lebesgue decompositions
    Radon-Nikodym theorem
    Lebesgues differentiation theorem
    functions of jinite varvation
    Riesz representation theorem
    Haar and invariant measures
    3. Processes,Distributions,and Independence 45
    Random elements and processes
    distributions and erpectatiorz
    zero-one laws
    Borel-Cantelli lemma
    Bernoulli seqzrences and existence
    moments and continuity of paths
    4. Random Sequences,Series,and Averages 62
    Convergence in probability and in Lp
    uniform integrability and tightness
    convergence in distribution
    convergence of random series
    strong laws of large numbers
    Portmanteau theorem
    continuous mapping and approximation
    coupling and measurability
    5. Characteristic Functions and Classical Limit Theorems 83
    Uniqueness afnd continuity theoretm
    Poisson convergence
    positive and symmetric terms
    Lindebergs condition
    general Gaussiatn conuergence
    weak laws of large numbers
    docmain of Gaussian attraction
    vague arnd weak compactness
    6. Conditioning and Disintegration 103
    Conditiotnal expectations and probabilities
    regular conditiotnal distributions
    conditional independence
    transfer and coupling
    existence of sequences and processes
    extension through conditioning
    7. Martingales and Optional Times 119
    Filtrrations atnd optional times
    random time-change
    martingale property
    optional stopping and sampling
    tmaxitmum and upcrossing inequalities
    martingale convergence regularity and closure
    limits of conditional expectations
    regularization of submartingales
    8. Markov Processes and Discrete-Time Chains 140
    Matrkov property and transition kernels
    finite-dimensional distributions atnd existence
    space and time homogeneity
    strong Mafrkou property arnd excursions
    invariant distributions and stationarity
    recurrence and transience
    ergodic behavior of irreducible chains
    mean recurrence times
    9. Random Walks and Renewal Theory 159
    Recurrecnce and transience
    dependence on dimensiotn
    general recurrence criteria
    symmetry and duality
    Wiener-Hopf factorization
    ladder time and height distn:bution
    stationary renewal process
    renewal theorem
    10- Stationary Processes and Ergodic Theory 178
    Stationanty invariance and ergodicity
    discrete-aud continuous-time ergodic theorems
    moment and maximum inequalities
    multivariate ergodic theorems
    sample intensity of a random measure
    subadditivity and products of random matrices
    conditioning ancl ergodic decomposition
    shzlt coupling and the invariant a-field
    11. Special Notions of Symmetry and Invariance 202
    Palm distn:butions atnd inversiorn formulas
    stationarity and cycle stationarity
    local hitting and conditioning
    ergodic properties of Palm measures
    exchangeable sequences and processes
    strong stationarity and predictable sampling
    ballot theorems
    entropy and information
    12. Poisson and Pure Jump-Type Markov Processes 224
    Random measures and point processes
    Cox processes randomization and thinning
    mixed Poisson and binomial processes
    independence and symmetry critert:a
    Markov transition and rate kernels
    embedded Markov chains and erplosion
    compound and pseudo-Poisson processes
    ergodic behavior of irreducible chains
    13. Gaussian Processes and Brownian Motion 249
    Symmetries of Gaussian distributiotn
    existence and path properties of Btrownian motion
    strong Markou and reflection properties
    arcsine atnd uniform laws
    law of the iterated logarithm
    Wiener integrals and isonormal Gaussian processes
    multiple Wiener-Ito integrals
    chaos erpansion of Brownian functionals
    14. Skorohod Embedding and Invariance Principles 270
    Embedding of random variables
    approximation of random walks
    functional central limit theorerm
    laws of the iterated logarithm
    arcsine laws
    approximation of rrefnewal processes
    empirical distribution jurtctions
    embedding afnd approximation of martingales
    15. Independent Increments and Infinite Divisibility 285
    Regularity and integral representation
    Levy proces8es and subordinators
    stable processes and Jirst-passage times
    infinitely divisible distributions
    chatracterristics and convergence criteria
    approximation of Levy processes and ratndom walks
    limit theorems for null arrays
    convergence of extremes
    16. Convergence of Random Processes Measures and Sets 307
    Relative compactness and tightness
    uniform topology on C(K,S)
    Skorohods Ji-topology
    equicontinuity atnd tightness
    convergence of random measures
    superposition and thinning
    exchangeable sequences alnd processes
    simple point processes and random closed sets
    17. Stochastic Integrals and Quadratic Variation 329
    Continuous local martingales and semimartingales
    quadratic valriation and covariation
    existence atnd basic properties of the integral
    integration by parts and Itos formula
    Fisk-Stratonovich integral
    approximation and uniqueness
    random time-change
    dependence on parameter
    18. Continuous Martingales and Brownian Motion 350
    Real and complex exponentiat martingales
    martingale characterization of Brownian motion
    trandom time-change of martingales
    integral representation of martingales
    iterated and multiple integrals
    change of measure and Girsanovs theorem
    Cameron-Martin theorem
    Walds identity and Novikovs condition
    19. Feller Processes and Semigroups 367
    Semigroups resolvents and generators
    closure and core
    Hille-Yosida theorem
    eristence and regularization
    strong Markov property
    characteristic operator
    dibcusions and elliptic operutors
    conuergence and approrLmation
    20. Ergodic Properties of Markov Processes 390
    transition and contraction operators
    ratio ergodic theorem
    space-time invan:ance and tail trtviality
    mixmg and convergence in total variation
    Harris recurrence and transience
    eristence and uniqueness of invariarzt measure
    distrzbutional and pathwise limits
    21. Stochastic Differential Equations
    and Martingale Problems 412
    Linear equations and Ornstem-Uhlenbeck processes
    strong existence uniqueness and nonextplosion criten:a
    weak solutiotns and local martingale problems
    well-posedness and measurrability
    pathwise uniqueness and functional solution
    weak existence and continrrity
    transformation of SDEs
    strong Markov and Feller properties
    22. Local Time Excursions and Additive Functionals 428
    Tanakas formula and semimartingale local time
    occupation density continuity and approrimation
    regenerative sets and processes
    excursion local time and Poisson process
    Ray-Knight theorem
    excessive functions and additive functionals
    local time at a regrrlar point
    additive functionals of Brownian motion
    23. One-dimensional SDEs and Diffusions 450
    Weak existence and uniqueness
    pathwise uniqueness and comparison
    scale junction and speed measure
    time-change representation
    boundary class~cation
    entrance boundaries atnd Feller properties
    ratio ergodic theorem
    recurrence and ergodicity
    24. Connections with PDEs and Potential Theory 470
    Backward equation atnd Feynman-Kac formula
    uniqueness for SDEs from existence for PDEs
    harmonic functions and Dirichlets problem
    Green functions as occupation densities
    sweeping and equilibrium problems
    dependence on conductor and domam
    time reversal
    capacities and randotm sets
    25. Predictability Compensation and Excessive Functions 490
    Accessible and predictable times
    natural and predictable processes
    Doob-Meyer decomposition
    compensation of randocm measures
    excessive and superharmonic junctions
    additive functionals as compensators
    Riesz decomposition
    26. Semimartingales and General Stochastic Integration 515
    Predictable covafriation and L2-itntegral
    semimartingale integral and covariation
    general szrbstitution rule
    Doleans exponential and change of measure
    norm and exponential inequalities
    martingale integral
    decomposition of semimartingales
    quasi martingales and stochastic integrators
    27. Large Deviations 537
    Legeudre-Fenchel transform
    Cramers and Schilders theorems
    large-deviation principle and rate function
    functional form of the LDP
    continuous mapping and extension
    perturbation of dynamical systems
    empincal processes and entropy
    Strassens law of the iterated logarithm
    A1. Advanced Measure Theory 561
    Polish and Borel spaces
    measurable inverses
    projection and sections
    A2. Some Special Spaces 562
    Function spaces
    measure spaces
    spaces of closed sets
    measure-valued junctions
    projective limits
    Historical and Bibliographical Notes 569
    Bibliography 596
    Symbol Index 621
    Author Index 623
    Subject Index 629