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  • 书号:9787030682598
  • 外文书名:
  • 装帧:圆脊精装
  • 页数:502
  • 出版社:科学出版社
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  • 目录
    绪论 (1)
    一、明清时期商业城镇研究概况 (1)
    二、本书的相关理论概念、资料特点与总体思路 (11)
    三、本书的框架结构 (14)
    第一编 明清时期华北的行政中心城市
    第一章 明清两代的国都及其商业发展 (19)
    第一节 明清两代京城空间布局的变化 (19)
    一、京城的城市形态及其内部空间划分 (20)
    二、京城人口及其空间分布 (25)
    第二节 京城的商业街市及其空间分布 (30)
    第三节 崇文门等税关及其税收 (44)
    一、崇文门税关及其商品来源 (44)
    二、左翼、右翼二关及其税收 (52)
    第四节 京城的消费结构与特点 (54)
    一、宫廷消费与官方采办 (54)
    二、奢侈性消费引领市场 (55)
    三、文化消费为全国最高水平 (56)
    第二章 省会城市及其商业 (59)
    第一节 河南省会开封及其商业变化 (59)
    一、明清两代开封空间结构、人口结构的变化 (60)
    二、明代开封的城市商业 (66)
    三、清代开封商业的变化 (72)
    第二节 山东省会济南及其商业特色 (80)
    一、明清两代济南的空间分布、人口结构与商业发展 (80)
    二、从《重修山陕会馆碑记》看济南的商业特色 (86)
    第三节 明清两代的保定及其商业发展 (93)
    一、明清两代保定行政地位的变化与人口增长 (93)
    二、明清两代保定商业的发展变化 (98)
    第三章 府级行政中心及其商业概况 (101)
    第一节 明清两代对府城的修建 (101)
    第二节 诸王就藩、八旗驻防对城市空间格局的影响 (105)
    第三节 府城街巷与商业概况 (112)
    第四节 各具特色的几个府级城市 (122)
    一、直隶宣府镇(清代为宣化府) (122)
    二、山东登州府 (127)
    三、河南南阳府 (132)
    第二编 明清时期华北商业城镇的发展
    第四章 各级行政中心的转化:设有税关的城市 (141)
    第一节 运河沿线的税关城市 (142)
    一、临清 (142)
    二、通州(坐粮厅) (153)
    第二节 沿海税关城市 (163)
    一、天津 (163)
    二、山海关 (186)
    第三节 内陆税关城市 (197)
    一、张家口 (198)
    二、多伦诺尔 (214)
    第五章 各级行政中心的转化:未设税关的城市 (221)
    第一节 运河沿线商业城市 (221)
    一、济宁 (222)
    二、东昌府治聊城 (229)
    三、德州 (238)
    第二节 沿海商业城市 (240)
    一、胶州 (241)
    二、莱阳 (246)
    三、黄县 (247)
    第三节 内陆商业城市 (248)
    一、洛阳 (249)
    二、青州府治益都 (257)
    三、潍县 (259)
    四、泰安 (262)
    五、博山(颜神镇) (267)
    第四节 华北的药都 (269)
    一、祁州 (269)
    二、怀庆府治河内 (283)
    三、禹州 (292)
    第六章 新兴商镇的崛起 (311)
    第一节 河南的新兴商镇 (312)
    一、朱仙镇 (312)
    二、周口 (323)
    三、赊旗 (334)
    四、北舞渡 (348)
    五、清化镇 (357)
    六、荆紫关 (365)
    第二节 直隶、山东的新兴商镇 (372)
    一、张家湾 (372)
    二、河西务 (379)
    三、张秋镇 (380)
    四、烟台 (384)
    五、周村 (387)
    第三编 明清时期华北商业城镇的空间分布与市场层级
    第七章 商业城镇的功能与特点 (399)
    第一节 城墙内外:城市形态与空间变化 (399)
    一、城墙的修筑 (400)
    二、商业发展对城市空间的影响 (402)
    第二节 人口规模及其职业构成 (407)
    一、冀鲁豫三省城市人口的估算 (407)
    二、城市人口的职业构成 (410)
    第三节 商业城镇的功能与特点 (415)
    第八章 商业城镇的空间分布与市场层级 (429)
    第一节 明清两代华北商业城镇的发展脉络及其空间分布 (431)
    一、直隶的商业城镇 (433)
    二、山东的商业城镇 (436)
    三、河南的商业城镇 (439)
    第二节 市场层级与行政等级 (441)
    一、对商业规模的初步估算 (441)
    二、地区性商业中心的腹地范围 (443)
    三、市场层级与行政等级——兼与施坚雅的1843年华北中心地的等级—规模分布图进行比较 (447)
    第三节 明清时期华北商业城镇发展的历史意义 (451)
    一、华北商业城镇发展的宏观背景与空间分布变化 (451)
    二、华北商业城镇发展的历史意义 (453)
    主要参考文献 (459)
    一、史籍 (459)
    二、近人论著 (465)
    索引 (478)
    后记 (501)
    Introduction (1)
    I.Summaries of the Researches on Commercial Cities of Ming and Qing Dynasties (1)
    II.Theories, Features of Sources and the Central Idea of This Book (11)
    III.Framework of This Book (14)
    Part 1: Administrative Cities in North China of Ming and Qing Dynasties
    Chapter 1: The Imperial City of Ming and Qing Dynasties and Their Commercial Development (19)
    Section I: Changes of the Geographic Layouts of the Imperial City of Ming and Qing Dynasties (19)
    1.The Imperial City’s Urban Pattern and Its Interior Space Division (20)
    2.The Imperial City’s Population and Its Spatial Structure (25)
    Section II: Commercial Streets & Markets and Its Spatial Structure (30)
    Section III: Chongwenmen and other Customs and Their Taxes (44)
    1.Chongwenmen Custom and Its Merchandise Sources (44)
    2.Zuoyi and Youyi Customs and Their Taxes (52)
    Section IV: The Imperial City’s Consumption Structure and Features (54)
    1.The Imperial Palace’s Consumption and Purchasing Commodities Officially (54)
    2.Luxurious Consumption Was the Market Lead (55)
    3.The Nation’s Highest Level on the Consumption of Culture (56)
    Chapter 2: Provincial Cities and Their Commerce (59)
    Section I: Kaifeng City (Capital of Henan Province) and Its Commercial Dynamics (59)
    1.Dynamics of Kaifeng City’s Spatial and Population Structures During Ming and Qing Dynasties (60)
    2.Urban Commerce of Kaifeng City During Ming Dynasty (66)
    3.Dynamics of the Commerce of Kaifeng City During Qing Dynasty (72)
    Section II: Jinan City (Capital of Shandong Province) and Its Commercial Features (80)
    1.Jinan City’s Spatial and Population Structures and Its Commercial Development During Ming and Qing Dynasties (80)
    2.Commercial Features Discovered Based on the Studies of the “Inscription of Re-building Shanxi and Shaanxi Commercial Guild.” (86)
    Section III: Baoding City and Its Commercial Development of Ming and Qing Dynasties (93)
    1.Changes of Baoding City’s Administrative Status and Its Population Growth During Ming and Qing Dynasties (93)
    2.Dynamics of Baoding City’s Commercial Development during Ming and Qing Dynasties (98)
    Chapter 3: Urban Prefectures and Their Commerce Overview (101)
    Section I: Building Prefectures in Ming and Qing Dynasties (101)
    Section II: Influences Towards Urban Spatial Structure Caused by Ming Dynasty’s Feudal Princes Governing Local and Qing Dynasty’s Eight Banners Guarding System (105)
    Section III: Streets Layouts of Prefectures and Their Commercial Overview (112)
    Section IV: Several Prefectures with Their Own Features (122)
    1.Xuanfu Town (Later became Prefecture Xuanhua in Qing Dynasty) of Zhili Province (122)
    2.Prefecture Dengzhou of Shandong Province (127)
    3.Prefecture Nanyang of Henan Province (132)
    Part 2: Development of Commercial Cities of North China during Ming and Qing Dynasties
    Chapter 4: Conversion from Administrative to Commercial—Cites with Customs (141)
    Section I: Cities with Customs along the Grand Canal (142)
    1.Linqing (142)
    2.Tongzhou (Zuoliangting) (153)
    Section II: Cities with Customs along the Coast (163)
    1.Tianjin (163)
    2.Shanhai Pass (186)
    Section III: Cities with Customs of the Inland Area (197)
    1.Zhangjiakou (198)
    2.Dolon Nor (214)
    Chapter 5: Conversion from Administrative to Commercial—Cities without Custom Houses (221)
    Section I: Commercial Cities along the Grand Canal (221)
    1.Jining (222)
    2.Liaocheng, Capital of Prefecture Dongchang (229)
    3.Dezhou (238)
    Section II: Commercial Cities along the Coast (240)
    1.Jiaozhou (241)
    2.Laiyang (246)
    3.Huangxian (247)
    Section III: Commercial Cities of the Inland Area (248)
    1.Luoyang (249)
    2.Yidu, Capital of Prefecture Qingzhou (257)
    3.Huaixian (259)
    4.Taian (262)
    5.Boshan (Yanshen Township) (267)
    Section IV: Traditional Chinese Medicine Cities in North China (269)
    1.Qizhou (269)
    2.Henei, Capital of Prefecture Huaiqing (283)
    3.Yuzhou (292)
    Chapter 6: The Rise of the New Commercial Towns (311)
    Section I: The New Commercial Towns of Henan Province (312)
    1.Zhuxianzhen (312)
    2.Zhoukou (323)
    3.Sheqi (334)
    4.Beiwudu (348)
    5.Qinghuazhen (357)
    6.Jingziguan (365)
    Section II: New Commercial Towns of Zhili and Shandong Provinces (372)
    1.Zhangjiawan (372)
    2.Hexiwu (379)
    3.Zhangqiuzhen (380)
    4.Yantai (384)
    5.Zhoucun (387)
    Part 3: Geographic Structure and Market Hierarchy of Commercial Cities of the Ming and Qing Dynasties
    Chapter 7: Functions and Features of Commercial Cities (399)
    Section I: Inside and Outside of the City Wall: City Structure and Spatial Dynamics (399)
    1.Building City Walls (400)
    2.Impacts on Urban Space by Commercial Development (402)
    Section II: The Scale of Population and Its Occupation Composition (407)
    1.An Estimation of Population of Zhili, Shandong and Henan Provinces (407)
    2.Occupation Composition of Urban Population (410)
    Section 3: Functions and Features of Commercial Cities (415)
    Chapter 8: Geographic Structure and Market Hierarchy of Commercial Cities (429)
    Section I: The Developmental Paths and Spatial Dynamics of Commercial Cities of North China during Ming and Qing Dynasties (431)
    1.Commercial Cities of Zhili Province (433)
    2.Commercial Cities of Shandong Province (436)
    3.Commercial Cities of Henan Province (439)
    Section II: Market Hierarchy and Administrative Levels (441)
    1.Preliminary Estimation of the Commercial Scope (441)
    2.Geographic Coverage of Regional Commercial Centers (443)
    3.Market Hierarchy and Administrative Levels—A comparison with Dr.George William Skinner’s Chart regarding the Hierarchy and Scope of North China’s Central Area in 1843 (447)
    Section III: Historical Significance of the Development of the Commercial Cities in North China during Ming and Qing Dynasties (451)
    1.The Macroscopic Background and the Spatial Changes of the Development of Commercial Cities of North China (451)
    2.Historical Significance of the Development of Commercial Cities in North China (453)
    Major References (459)
    I.Historical Records (459)
    II.Recent Publications of Studies (465)
    Index (478)
    Afterword (501)
    表1-1 明代京师五城三十六坊名称一览表 (22)
    表1-2 清代部分王府位置及其所属旗分对照表 (27)
    表1-3 明代京城军卫人口数量及其所占比例统计 (28)
    表1-4 清代京城八旗人口数量及其所占比例的变化 (29)
    表1-5 咸丰元年内城八旗住户、铺户统计 (30)
    表1-6 万历年间京师五城铺户及税银统计(一) (34)
    表1-7 万历年间京师五城铺户及税银统计(二) (35)
    表1-8 清代京城部分工商业会馆、公所一览表 (39)
    表1-9 明代后期八大钞关税收一览表 (45)
    表1-10 乾隆至道光年间崇文门税关实征税额的十年平均统计 (48)
    表1-11 嘉道年间左翼、右翼二关实征税额的十年平均统计 (52)
    表2-1 咸丰年间开封城市人口统计 (64)
    表2-2 明代开封商业行业、店铺示例 (68)
    表2-3 明代开封城隍庙会贸易商品一览表 (70)
    表2-4 明清两代开封各类商业店铺的分布地点及其变化 (73)
    表2-5 道光年间开封山陕会馆重修牌坊捐款商号分类统计 (77)
    表2-6 同治初年开封山陕会馆重修后道院捐款商号分类统计 (78)
    表2-7 乾隆中叶济南城乡人口统计 (83)
    表2-8 济南重修山陕会馆的官、商捐款统计 (88)
    表2-9 济南山陕会馆捐款商人的行业统计 (89)
    表2-10 济南山陕会馆11家首饰业店铺的捐款统计 (89)
    表2-11 济南山陕会馆24家金融字号的捐款统计 (90)
    表2-12 济南山陕会馆21家药业字号及其捐款统计 (92)
    表2-13 同治年间保定城乡人口统计 (97)
    表3-1 明代冀鲁豫三省府城沿革、修建和规模简表 (103)
    表3-2 清代新增各府城沿革、修建和规模简表 (104)
    表3-3 洪武年间冀鲁豫三省的藩王封地及其就藩时间简表 (105)
    表3-4 永乐以降河南、山东二省藩王封地及其就藩时间简表 (106)
    表3-5 万历年间兖州府属各州县征收商税“课程”一览表 (119)
    表3-6 万历、乾隆年间莱州府属各州县商税一览表 (120)
    表3-7 乾隆年间河南府属各县征收商税一览表(不含房地税) (121)
    表3-8 乾隆年间怀庆府属各县征收商税一览表 (121)
    表3-9 嘉靖年间宣府镇商业行业、税银一览表 (125)
    表3-10 明代南阳府城主要衙署修建简表 (133)
    表4-1 明代临清城内主要店铺及其分布状况 (146)
    表4-2 乾隆至道光年间临清户、工二关实征关税统计 (149)
    表4-3 乾隆年间临清户关征收粮食税银及其所占比重统计 (151)
    表4-4 嘉道年间坐粮厅税关实征税银示例 (156)
    表4-5 清代通州所建会馆情况一览表 (158)
    表4-6 乾隆四年通州创建晋翼会馆捐款统计 (160)
    表4-7 道光十七年新建布业公所集资统计 (161)
    表4-8 明代天津设置武职、文职衙署时间表 (166)
    表4-9 道光年间天津城厢人口的分区统计 (168)
    表4-10 道光年间天津城市居民的职业构成统计 (171)
    表4-11 雍正九年53只抵津海船运载商品示例 (172)
    表4-12 清代各地客商在天津建立的会馆公所一览表 (174)
    表4-13 道光年间天津山西会馆修建春秋楼的捐款统计 (180)
    表4-14 乾隆至道光年间天津关实征税额的十年平均统计 (183)
    表4-15 嘉道年间天津关税、海税收入及其占比统计 (185)
    表4-16 嘉道年间天津关税中沿海贸易税收及其占比统计 (186)
    表4-17 乾隆后期山海关实征税银示例 (191)
    表4-18 嘉道年间山海关实征税银的十年平均统计 (192)
    表4-19 嘉庆二、三两年山海关海、旱各口征收税银统计 (194)
    表4-20 嘉庆二、三两年山海关主要税口征收税银统计 (195)
    表4-21 嘉庆初年张家口重修市台关帝庙的捐款统计 (204)
    表4-22 嘉庆初年张家口21家商号在恰克图开设的店铺及其贸易规模示例 (205)
    表4-23 道光三年张家口重修山神庙乐楼的直接捐款统计 (207)
    表4-24 清代中叶晋商在张家口开设的账局示例 (209)
    表4-25 乾隆中叶和嘉庆初年张家口税关实征税银示例 (211)
    表4-26 嘉庆十一至二十年分张家口税关实征税银示例 (212)
    表4-27 嘉道年间张家口税关实征关税的十年平均统计 (213)
    表4-28 光绪年间张家口关税缺额示例 (214)
    表4-29 多伦诺尔户、工二关关税定额 (218)
    表5-1 明清两代济宁城、厢各区街巷对照表 (227)
    表5-2 清代中叶济宁城、厢各区户数统计 (228)
    表5-3 聊城山陕会馆创建、重修工程及其集资状况简表 (233)
    表5-4 乾隆至道光年间聊城山陕商号的抽厘金额及其经营额折算 (235)
    表5-5 嘉道年间聊城年经营额万两以上的商号名称一览表 (236)
    表5-6 乾隆年间胶州与南方各省沿海贸易示例 (243)
    表5-7 乾隆前期江海关实征豆税银统计 (245)
    表5-8 乾隆年间洛阳创建潞泽会馆捐款商人的行业统计 (253)
    表5-9 捐银1000两以上的8家绸布商及其经营额折算 (253)
    表5-10 嘉道年间洛阳重修山陕会馆捐款商号的分类统计 (254)
    表5-11 万历、乾隆年间莱州府属各州县商税税额一览表 (260)
    表5-12 万历年间泰安商税的分类统计 (264)
    表5-13 泰安山西会馆创建、重修工程及其集资状况简表 (265)
    表5-14 同光年间祁州重修药王庙的商人捐款统计 (274)
    表5-15 同光年间祁州重修药王庙客帮商人捐款的逐年统计 (275)
    表5-16 同光年间祁州重修药王庙各地药材商帮的捐款统计 (276)
    表5-17 京通卫帮中的参局参店及其捐款一览表 (277)
    表5-18 武安帮成立之时39家首事的捐款统计 (279)
    表5-19 “邻封州县字号、人名捐施银钱”涉及地域范围一览表 (281)
    表5-20 同光年间重修药王庙祁州本地各行业的捐款统计 (282)
    表5-21 清代前期怀庆府属各县商税变化一览表 (286)
    表5-22 晋城怀庆会馆10家油业字号抽捐钱款及其销售油斤折算 (288)
    表5-23 道光十九年《创建三皇阁碑记》所镌捐款统计 (290)
    表5-24 怀庆府药业行店所收众字号“公捐银”统计 (291)
    表5-25 同光之际怀帮药商在祁州药王庙集资中捐款最多的10家商号示例 (292)
    表5-26 嘉庆初年禹州山西会馆集资中首事、社首的捐款统计 (295)
    表5-27 道光初年禹州重修山西会馆的10家首事及其捐款统计 (297)
    表5-28 道光初年禹州重修山西会馆集资的分类统计 (297)
    表5-29 同治年间余庆堂号在河南的部分购布地点及其运至禹州的脚价 (302)
    表5-30 乾隆二十九年《重兴清明盛会碑记》所镌洪山庙药商来源分布统计 (306)
    表5-31 光绪年间禹州修建十三帮会馆的部分捐款统计 (309)
    表6-1 乾隆年间朱仙镇重修山陕会馆捐款商号的行业分布统计 (317)
    表6-2 乾隆年间板烟商号移建戏楼的抽厘金额及其经营额折算 (319)
    表6-3 乾隆年间朱仙镇重修山陕会馆捐款商号的地域分布统计 (320)
    表6-4 周口山陕会馆建筑年表 (327)
    表6-5 嘉道年间周口三次重修山陕会馆的集资金额及其经营规模折算 (329)
    表6-6 道光年间周口山陕会馆各行抽厘金额及其经营额折算 (330)
    表6-7 道光年间周口山陕会馆行商抽厘及其经营规模的分类统计 (331)
    表6-8 道光年间周口山陕会馆经营额超过万两的大商号示例 (332)
    表6-9 道光年间周口山陕会馆坐贾捐款的分类统计 (332)
    表6-10 道光年间山西“天义正记”“茂盛德记”商号从南方输入的商品及其购销地点 (339)
    表6-11 道光年间“茂盛德记”商号从赊旗向南方输出的商品及其购销地点 (340)
    表6-12 同光年间赊旗重修山陕会馆抽厘商号的分类统计 (345)
    表6-13 抽厘金额超过500两的31家商号及其经营额折算 (345)
    表6-14 道光初年北舞渡陆陈行倡建牌坊的募捐统计 (350)
    表6-15 同治初年北舞渡重修山陕会馆周边城镇捐款商号的分布统计 (356)
    表6-16 咸丰初年北舞渡修建老君庙周边城镇捐款商号的分布统计 (356)
    表6-17 隆庆五年《创建金龙大王神祠记》所镌捐款商人的地域分布简表 (360)
    表6-18 嘉庆初年清化镇重修火神庙集资的分类统计 (362)
    表6-19 嘉庆初年清化镇重修火神庙集资中抽捐超过100两的花炮商人及其纸张贸易额折算 (362)
    表6-20 咸同之际清化重修镇城的经费来源统计 (364)
    表6-21 咸同之际清化修筑镇城捐款100千以上的35家商号示例 (365)
    表6-22 清末陕西商州经由荆紫关转运的主要商品 (366)
    表6-23 张家湾牙行、牙税一览表 (374)
    表6-24 通州牙行、牙税一览表 (375)
    表6-25 乾隆四十年张家湾重修山西会馆的捐款统计 (378)
    表6-26 咸丰九年山东沿海14州县海口征收税银一览表 (386)
    表6-27 道光四年周村重修关帝庙捐款100?千文以上的商行商号一览表 (389)
    表6-28 道光四年周村重修关帝庙参与集资的主要行业的捐款统计 (390)
    表7-1 兖州府城滋阳居民职业构成统计 (413)
    表7-2 临清居民职业构成举要 (414)
    表7-3 滋阳县御桥西大街商铺、住户状况简表 (416)
    表7-4 滋阳县府门西大街商铺、住户状况简表 (417)
    表7-5 道光初年北舞渡8家行店的募款统计 (423)
    表7-6 同治三年《重筑清化镇城记》所镌粮坊及其客商捐款统计 (424)
    表8-1 嘉道年间直隶、山东各关关税定额及实征税额简表 (442)
    Table Directory
    Table 1-1 Name Lists of the Thirty-six Lanes within the Five Boroughs of the Capital City in Ming Dynasty (22)
    Table 1-2 Locations of Some Princes’ Mansions and Their Status within the Eight Banners System in the Qing Dynasty (27)
    Table 1-3 Statistics of Military Population and Its Scale inside the Capital City of Ming Dynasty (28)
    Table1-4 Population and Changes of Its Scale of Eight Banners inside the Capital City of Qing Dynasty (29)
    Table 1-5 Statistics of Residents and Merchants of Eight Banners within the Inner City by the 1st Year of Xianfeng (30)
    Table 1-6 Statistics of Merchants, Businesses and Their Taxes within the Five Boroughs of the Capital City during the Years of Wanli (by geo-spatial and class) (34)
    Table 1-7 Statistics of Every Merchants, Businesses and Their Taxes within the Five Boroughs of the Capital City during the Years of Wanli (by Fang) (35)
    Table 1-8 A List of Some Commercial Guilds and Guild Halls in the Capital City of Qing Dynasty (39)
    Table 1-9 A List of Taxes for the Eight Major Customs in the Late Ming Dynasty (45)
    Table 1-10 The Average Statistics for a Decade’s Actual Customed Taxes from Chongwenmen Custom from the Years of Qianlong to the years of Daoguang (48)
    Table 1-11 The Average Statistics for a Decade’s Actual Customed Taxes from the Left-Wing and Right-Wing Customs during the Years of Jiaqing and Daoguang (52)
    Table 2-1 Kaifeng City’s Population Statistics during Xianfeng Period (64)
    Table 2-2 Examples of Commercial Industries and Shops of Kaifeng in Ming Dynasty (68)
    Table 2-3 List of Trade Commodities of Kaifeng’s City God Temple Fair in Ming Dynasty (70)
    Table 2-4 Distribution Range and Its Changes of Various Commercial Businesses of Kaifeng in Ming and Qing Dynasties (73)
    Table 2-5 Classification and Statistics of Businesses as Donors for Rebuilding Memorial Archway of Shanshaan Guild Hall in Kaifeng during Daoguang Period (77)
    Table 2-6 Classification and Statistics of Businesses as Donors for the Reconstruction of Shanshaan Guild Gall’s back Daoyuan of Kaifeng in the Early Years of Tongzhi (78)
    Table 2-7 Population Statistics of Jinan’s City and Township in the Middle Period of Qianlong (83)
    Table 2-8 Statistics of Donations from Officials and Businessmen in Rebuilding Shanshaan Guild Hall in Jinan (88)
    Table 2-9 Industry Statistics of Businessmen that Donated for Jinan Shanshaan Guild Hall (89)
    Table 2-10 Donation Statistics of 11 Jewelry Stores in Jinan Shanshaan Guild Hall (89)
    Table 2-11 Donation Statistics of 24 Financial Businesses in Jinan Shanshaan Guild Hall (90)
    Table 2-12 Donation Statistics of 21 Pharmacies in Jinan Shanshaan Guild Hall (92)
    Table 2-13 Urban and Rural Population Statistics of Baoding City during the Tongzhi Period (97)
    Table 3-1 The Brief Table of Evolution, Construction and the Scale of the Prefecture Cities in Hebei, Shandong and Henan Provinces During Ming Dynasty (103)
    Table 3-2 The Brief Table of Evolution, Construction and Scale of Newly Added Prefecture Cities in Qing Dynasty (104)
    Table 3-3 The Brief Table of the Princes’ Fiefdoms and Their EnterTime in Hebei, Shandong and Henan Provinces during the Hongwu Period (105)
    Table 3-4 The Brief Table of the Princes’ Fiefdoms and The Start Time for Them Moving Into These Fiefdoms in Henan and Shandong Provinces since Yongle Period (106)
    Table 3-5 The List of “the Plan for Taxes” for Taxing Busineses within the Various Cities and Counties under Yanzhou Prefecture during Wanli Period (119)
    Table 3-6 List of Business Taxes of the Various Cities and Towns under Laizhou Prefecture During Wanli and Qianlong Period (120)
    Table 3-7 The List of Business Taxes Collected by Counties under Henan Province during Qianlong Period (excluding Housing Tax) (121)
    Table 3-8 The List of Business Taxes Collected by the Various Counties Huaiqing Prefectures in Qianlong Period (121)
    Table 3-9 List of Commercial Industries, Tax Silver in Xuanfu Town during Jiajing Period (125)
    Table 3-10 The Brief List of the Construction of the Major Government Offices of Nanyang Prefecture During Ming Dynasty (133)
    Table 4-1 The Major Shops and Their Distribution within Linqing City in Ming Dynasty (146)
    Table 4-2 Statistics of Customs Duties Levied by Linqing Hu Guan and Gong Guan from Qianlong to Daoguang (149)
    Table 4-3 Example of Grain tax’s Silver and Its Proportion Collected by Linqing Hu Guan in Qianlong Period (151)
    Table 4-4 Example of Tax Collection in Zuoliangting during Jiaqing to Daoguang Period (156)
    Table 4-5 List of Guild Hall of Tongzhou in Qing Dynasty (158)
    Table 4-6 Donation Statistics of Jinyi Guild Hall Established in Tongzhou in the 4th Year of Qianlong (160)
    Table 4-7 Statistics on Fund-raising of Newly-built Cloth Industry Office in the 17th Year of Daoguang (161)
    Table 4-8 Timetable of Setting up Military Office and Civil Office of Tianjin in Ming Dynasty (166)
    Table 4-9 Division Statistics of Tianjin’s Chengxiang Population during Daoguang Years (168)
    Table 4-10 Occupational Statistics of Tianjin Urban Residents during Daoguang Period (171)
    Table 4-11 Example of Fifty-three Ships Arriving in Tianjin to Carry Goods in the 9th Year of Yongzheng (172)
    Table 4-12 List of Guild Halls Established in Tianjin by Merchants in the Qing Dynasty (174)
    Table 4-13 Donation Statistics of Chunqiu Building Built by Shanxi Guild Hall in Tianjin during Daoguang Period (180)
    Table 4-14 Ten-year Average Statistics of Tianjin Customs Duties during Qianlong to Daoguang Period (183)
    Table 4-15 Statistics of Tianjin Customs and Marine Tax Revenue and Their Proportion during Jiaqing to Daoguang Period (185)
    Table 4-16 Statistics of Coastal Trade Tax and Its Proportion in Tianjin Customs during Jiaqing to Daoguang Period (186)
    Table 4-17 The Example of Collecting Tax Silver of Shanhaiguan in the Late Qianlong Period (191)
    Table 4-18 The Average Statistics for a Decade’s Actual Customed Taxes from Shanhaiguan Custom from the Years of Jiaqing to Daoguang (192)
    Table 4-19 Statistics of Tax Silver Collected in Shanhaiguan’s Marine and Land Ports in the 2th and 3th Year of Jiaqing (194)
    Table 4-20 Statistics on the Collection of Tax Silver at the Main Tax Ports of Shanhaiguan in the 2th and 3th Year of Jiaqing (195)
    Table 4-21 Donation Statistics of Rebuilding Guandi Temple of Zhangjiakou in the Early Years of Jiaqing (204)
    Table 4-22 Example of Shops and Their Trade Scale in Qiaketu Owned by Zhangjiakou’s 21 Businesses in the Early Years of Qing Dynasty (205)
    Table 4-23 Direct Donation Statistics of Zhangjiakou’s Reconstruction of the Mountain God Temple’s Music Temple in the 3th Year of Daoguang (207)
    Table 4-24 Example of the Accounting Bureau Owned by Shanxi Merchants of Zhangjiakou in the Middle of Qing Dynasty (209)
    Table 4-25 Example of Tax Collection in Zhangjiakou in the Middle of Qianlong and Early Jiaqing (211)
    Table 4-26 Example of the Actual Tax Collection in Zhangjiakou during the 11th to 12th Years of Jiaqing (212)
    Table 4-27 The Average Statistics for a Decade’s Actual Customed Taxes from Zhangjiakou Custom from the Years of Jiaqing to Daoguang (213)
    Table 4-28 Example of Zhangjiakou’s Tariff Vacancy during the Guangxu Period (214)
    Table 4-29 The Tariff Quota of Duolunnuoer’s Hu Guan and Gong Guan (218)
    Table 5-1 The Comparison Table of Streets and Alleys of Jining City during Ming and Qing Dynasties (227)
    Table 5-2 The Statistics of Households in Jining City Area in the Middle Qing Dynasty (228)
    Table 5-3 The Brief Table of Liaocheng Shanshaan Guild Hall, Reconstruction Project and Its Fund – raising (233)
    Table 5-4 The Chou-li Amount of Shanshaan Business Establishments in Liaocheng and Their Estimated Revenue of Business from Qianlong to Daoguang Period (235)
    Table 5-5 List of Business Establishments with more than Ten Thousand Liang Volume of Liaocheng in Jiaqing and Daoguang Period (236)
    Table 5-6 Cases of the Coastal Trade between Jiaozhou and the Southern Provinces during the Qianlong Period (243)
    Table 5-7 Statistics of Actual Levied Bean Tax Silver of Jiang Customs in Early Qianlong Period (245)
    Table 5-8 Industry Statistics of Merchants Donating for Founding Luoyang Luze Guild Hall during Qianlong Period (253)
    Table 5-9 Silk Cloth Merchants Who Donated more than 1,000 Taels and Their Estimated Business Volume (253)
    Table 5-10 Classification Statistics of Business Establishments Donating for Rebuilding Shanshaan Guild Hall in Luoyang during the Jiaqing and Daoguang Period (254)
    Table 5-11 List of Commercial Taxes in Laizhou Prefecture and Counties in Wanli and Qianlong Period (260)
    Table 5-12 Classified Statistics of Business Tax in Tai’an during the Wanli Years (264)
    Table 5-13 The Brief List of the Fundraising Status of the Creation, Rebuilding of Tai’an Shanxi Guild Hall (265)
    Table 5-14 Businessmen’s Donations Statistics for the Rebuilding of Yaowang Temple in Qizhou during Tongzhi to Guangxu Period (274)
    Table 5-15 Yearly Statistics on Donations Made by Travelling Merchants for Rebuilding Qizhou Yaowang Temple during Tongzhi to Guangxu Period (275)
    Table 5-16 Donation Statistics for the Rebuilding of Yaowang Temple from Medicine Business Group during Tongzhi to Guangxu Period (276)
    Table 5-17 The List of Beijing-Tongzhou-Tianjin Merchants’Groups Ginsen Bureaus &Shops and Their Donations (277)
    Table 5-18 Statistics of Donations by the 39 Heads of the Wu-an Merchant Group when It was Founded (279)
    Table 5-19 List of Geographical Areas of “Donations made by Merchants, Businesses and Individuals from the Surrounding Counties and Cities” (281)
    Table 5-20 Donation Statistics of Various Industries in Qizhou for Rebuilding Yaowang Temple during Tongzhi to Guangxu Period (282)
    Table 5-21 List of Commercial Taxes Changes in the Counties under the Huaiqing Prefecture in the Early Qing Dynasty (286)
    Table 5-22 Donations and Estimated Oil Sale of Ten Oil Industries In Jincheng’s Huai Qing Guild Hall (288)
    Table 5-23 Statistics of Donations Engraved on the Inscription of “The Creation of the Three Emperors Pavilion” in the 19th Year of Daoguang (290)
    Table 5-24 Statistics of “Donations as a Whole” by Various Businesses to Medical Business in Huaiqing Prefecture (291)
    Table 5-25 Case of the Top 10 Huaibang Medical Merchants Donating Most in the Fund Raising for Qizhou Yaowang Temple during the Turn of Tongzhi and Guangxu Period (292)
    Table 5-26 Statistics of Donations Made by the Leading Merchants of the Yuzhou Shanxi Guild Hall Fundraising and the Participating Business Association Heads in Early Jiaqing Period (295)
    Table 5-27 Statistics of the 10 Heads of Business Establishments for Yuzhou Rebuilding Shanxi Guild Hall in Early Daoguang Dynasty and Their Donations (297)
    Table 5-28 Classified Statistics of Fundraising for Yuzhou Rebuilding Shanxi Guild Hall in the Early Years of Daoguang Period (297)
    Table 5-29 Some Cloth Purchase Area and Travel Fee of Yu Qingtang in the Tongzhi Period (302)
    Table 5-30 Distribution Statistics of Hongshan Temple Medical Merchants Engraved in the Inscription of “Revive the Splendid Gatherings of Qingming Festival” in the 29th Year of Qianlong (306)
    Table 5-31 Statistics of Partial Donations for the Thirteen-Group Guild Hall Construction in Yuzhou during the Guangxu Period (309)
    Table 6-1 Industry Distribution Statistics of the Donated Businesses in the Zhuxian Town for Rebuilding Shanshaan Guild Hall during Qianlong Period (317)
    Table 6-2 The Chou-li Amount for Relocating a Theater made by Banyan Merchants and Their Estimated Business Revenue in Qianlong Period (319)
    Table 6-3 Geographical Distribution Statistics of Business Establishments Donating to Rebuild the Zhuxian Town Shanshaan Guild Hall in the Qianlong Period (320)
    Table 6-4 The Architectural Chronology of Zhoukou Shan-shaan Guild Hall (327)
    Table 6-5 The amount of Three Fundraising for Rebuilding Shanshaan Guild Hall and the Estimated Business Revenue of Participating Business Establishments during Jiaqing to Daoguang Period (329)
    Table 6-6 The Chou-li Amount made by Every Industry of Zhoukou Shanshaan Guild Hall and the Estimated Business Revenue (330)
    Table 6-7 Distribution Statistics of Zhoukou Shanshaan Guild Hall chou-li amount from travelling merchants and the business Volume in Daoguang Period (331)
    Table 6-8 Case of Business Giant with More Than Ten Thousand Tales Volume in Zhoukou Shanshaan Guild Hall in Daoguang Period (332)
    Table 6-9 Classification Statistics of Shopkeepers Donating to Zhoukou Shanshaan Guild Hall in Daoguang Period (332)
    Table 6-10 The Goods Brought from the South and The Locations of the Buy and Sell Transactions by Tianyizheng Business and Maoshengde Business in Shanxi during Daoguang Period (339)
    Table 6-11 Goods from She-qi Exporting to the South and Their Purchase and Sale by Maoshengde Business during Daoguang Period (340)
    Table 6-12 Classification Statistics of Business Establishments Participating in Chou-li for Rebuilding Shanshaan Guild Hall in She-qi during Tongzhi to Guangxu Period (345)
    Table 6-13 The Thirty-one Business Establishments with More Than 500 Tales Chou-li Amount and Their Estimated Business Revenue (345)
    Table 6-14 Statistics of Donations Made by Beiwudu Luchen Industry for the Proposal to Build an Archway during Early Daoguang Period (350)
    Table 6-15 Distribution Statistics of Business Establishments from Towns around Beiwudu Donating to Rebuild Shanshaan Guild Hall during Early Tongzhi Period (356)
    Table 6-16 Distribution Statistics of Business Establishments from Towns around Beiwudu Donating to Build Laojun Temple during Early Xianfeng Period (356)
    Table 6-17 Geographical Statistics of Donating Business Establishments Engraved in the Inscription of “Creation of Gold Dragon King’s Temple” in the 5th Year of Longqing (360)
    Table 6-18 Classified Statistics of Fundraising for Rebuilding Fire God Temple in Qinghua Town in the Early Years of Jiaqing Period (362)
    Table 6-19 The Fireworks Merchants Who Donated More Than 100 Tales in the Fundraising for Rebuilding Fire God Temple in Qinghua Town and Their Estimated Paper Trade Revenue in the Early Years of Jiaqing (362)
    Table 6-20 Source Statastics of Funding for Rebuilding Qinghua Town City during Xianfeng to Tongzhi Period (364)
    Table 6-21 Example of 35 Business Establishments who Donated More Than 100 Thousand Wen for Building Town City during Xianfeng to Tongzhi Period (365)
    Table 6-22 The Major Commodities Transported Through Jingziguan in Shangzhou, Shaanxi in the Late Qing Dynasty (366)
    Table 6-23 List of the Intermediaries and Intermediary Tax in Zhangjiawan (374)
    Table 6-24 List of the Intermediaries and Intermediary Tax in Tongzhou (Beijing) (375)
    Table 6-25 Statistics of Donations for Rebuilding Shanxi Guild Hall in Zhangjiawan in the 40th Year of Qianlong (378)
    Table 6-26 List of Taxes Collected in 14 Coastal Prefectures and Counties in Shandong in the 9th Year of Xianfeng (386)
    Table 6-27 List of Business Establishments that Donated More Than 100 Thousand Wen for Rebuilding Zhoucun Guandi Temple in the 4th Year of Daoguang (389)
    Table 6-28 The Major Industries Involved in the Fund-raising for Rebuilding Zhoucun Guandi Temple in the 4th Year of Daoguang (390)
    Table 7-1 Statistics on Occupational Composition of Residents in Ziyang, the Capital City of Yanzhou (413)
    Table 7-2 The Major Conclusion of the Occupational Composition of Linqing Residents (414)
    Table 7-3 The Summary Table of the Status of Shops and Households in Yuqiao West Street, Ziyang County (416)
    Table 7-4 The Summary of the Status of Shops and Households in Fumen West Street, Ziyang County (417)
    Table 7-5 The Eight Intermediary Shops in Beiwudu and the Donations They Raised (423)
    Table 7-6 Statistics of Donation Made by Grain Businesses and Their Merchants Engraved on the Inscription of “Rebuilding Qinghua Town” in the Third Year of Tongzhi (424)
    Table 8-1 Summary Table of Tariff Quotas and Actual Taxes Levied by Customs in Zhili and Shandong during Jiaqing to Daoguang Period (442)
    图1-1 明代京城五城三十六坊分布示意图 (23)
    图1-2 清代京城内城八旗驻防方位示意图 (25)
    图1-3 元大都主要商业区分布示意图 (31)
    图1-4 明代京城主要商业区分布示意图 (32)
    图1-5 清代京城主要商业区分布示意图 (43)
    图1-6 乾隆至道光年间崇文门关税收变动趋势图 (47)
    图2-1 明代开封城垣、城门与周王府位置示意图 (61)
    图2-2 清代开封满城和主要衙署、街道分布示意图 (63)
    图2-3 清代济南主要街市分布示意图 (86)
    图2-4 清代保定城四门、衙署及主要街道分布图 (95)
    图2-5 光绪初年保定府城图 (100)
    图3-1 万历年间兖州府城和鲁王府位置图 (107)
    图3-2 明代卫辉府城内藩王府第位置图 (108)
    图3-3 青州驻防城八旗分布示意图 (111)
    图3-4 清代开封城内之满城 (111)
    图3-5 章生道归纳的城市主干道形式示意图 (112)
    图3-6 明清大名府城十字街图 (114)
    图3-7 明代广平府城主要街巷图 (115)
    图3-8 明代宣府镇城街巷与谷王府位置示意图 (123)
    图3-9 明代登州府城与备倭城位置示意图 (128)
    图3-10 明代南阳府城主要衙署和唐王府位置示意图 (134)
    图3-11 清代南阳内城主要街道示意图 (135)
    图3-12 清代南阳“梅花城”图 (136)
    图4-1 明清时期临清商业街市分布示意图 (145)
    图4-2 乾隆至道光年间临清户、工二关实征税额的变化 (148)
    图4-3 通州新旧二城、漕仓及主要衙署位置图 (154)
    图4-4 道光年间天津城内街市图 (167)
    图4-5 道光年间天津北门外街市图 (168)
    图4-6 乾隆至道光年间天津关实征税额的变化 (182)
    图4-7 山海关城及其东西罗城、南北翼城图 (188)
    图4-8 山海关防御体系图 (188)
    图5-1 明清济宁城池图 (223)
    图5-2 东昌府城和光岳楼位置图 (230)
    图5-3 聊城山陕会馆山门与钟、鼓二楼 (231)
    图5-4 聊城山陕会馆的大殿与南、北二殿 (232)
    图5-5 聊城山陕会馆的碑廊 (232)
    图5-6 洛阳城池与城关的山陕会馆 (251)
    图5-7 洛阳潞泽会馆山门和钟鼓楼 (252)
    图5-8 明代青州府城内衡王府和衙署位置图 (258)
    图5-9 祁州药王庙的山门、牌坊和铁旗杆 (273)
    图5-10 祁州药王庙的碑廊 (274)
    图5-11 怀庆府城池、衙署与郑王府位置图 (284)
    图6-1 朱仙镇山陕会馆山门(1999年) (315)
    图6-2 朱仙镇山陕会馆碑铭的保存状况(1999年) (315)
    图6-3 朱仙镇山陕会馆碑铭的保存状况(2012年) (316)
    图6-4 清代周口南、北、西三寨示意图 (325)
    图6-5 周口山陕会馆大殿、牌坊、碑亭和铁旗杆 (326)
    图6-6 周口山陕会馆道光十八年碑 (326)
    图6-7 清代赊旗镇街巷图 (334)
    图6-8 赊旗山陕会馆的大殿和大殿前所立碑铭 (343)
    图6-9 赊旗山陕会馆的悬鉴楼 (343)
    图6-10 北舞渡山陕会馆牌坊 (349)
    图6-11 北舞渡山陕会馆碑铭保存状况(1999年) (353)
    图6-12 北舞渡山陕会馆碑铭保存状况(2011年) (354)
    图6-13 荆紫关山陕会馆院内保存的碑铭(2007年) (367)
    图6-14 张秋镇商业街市分布图 (383)
    图7-1 道光年间天津北门外和东门外商业街市图 (405)
    图7-2 道光年间胶州关厢街市图 (406)
    图8-1 明代后期冀鲁豫三省主要商业城镇的空间分布示意图 (432)
    图8-2 嘉庆年间聊城重修山陕会馆捐款客商的地域分布示意图 (444)
    图8-3 道光年间周村重修山陕会馆捐款客商的地域分布示意图 (445)
    图8-4 咸同之际清化镇铁货、杂货的转销范围示意图 (446)
    图8-5 同光之际祁州重修药王庙捐款药商的地域分布示意图 (446)
    图8-6 咸同年间北舞渡重修山陕会馆捐款客商的地域分布示意图 (447)
    图8-7 清代中叶冀鲁豫三省商业城镇的空间分布与市场层级示意图 (448)
    图8-8 施坚雅1843年华北中心地的等级—规模分布图 (449)
    Figure Catalogue
    FFigure 1-1 Schematic Diagram of the Distribution of Thirty-six Fang in Five Boroughs of Beijing in Ming Dynasty (23)
    Figure 1-2 Schematic Diagram of the Garrison Orientation of the Eight Banners in the inner City of Beijing in Qing Dynasty (25)
    Figure 1-3 Schematic Diagram of the Distribution of Major BusinessDistricts in DaDu of Yuan Dynasty (31)
    Figure 1-4 Schematic Diagram of the Distribution of Major Commercial Districts of Beijing in Ming Dynasty (32)
    Figure 1-5 Schematic Diagram of the Distribution of Major Commercial Districts of Beijing in Qing Dynasty (43)
    Figure 1-6 The Tax Change Trend Chart of Chongwenmen fromQianlong to Daoguang Period (47)
    Figure 2-1 Schematic Diagram of the Location of Kaifeng City Walls,Gates and Prince Zhou’s Palace in Ming Dynasty (61)
    Figure 2-2 Schematic Diagram of the Distribution of Kaifeng’s Manchu City, Main Offices and Streets in Qing Dynasty (63)
    Figure 2-3 Schematic Diagram of Distribution of the Major Streets of Jinan in Qing Dynasty (86)
    Figure 2-4 Distribution of Four Gates, Government Offices and Major Streets of Baoding City in Qing Dynasty (95)
    Figure 2-5 The Map of Baoding State City in Early Guangxu (100)
    Figure 3-1 Location Map of Yanzhou State City and Prince Lu’sPalace in Wanli Period (107)
    Figure 3-2 Location Map of the Princes’ Palace of Weihui State Cityin Ming Dynasty (108)
    Figure 3-3 Distribution of Eight Banners in Qingzhou City (111)
    Figure 3-4 The Manchu City of Kaifeng in Qing Dynasty (111)
    Figure 3-5 Schematic Diagram of Urban Major Roads form Inductedby Shengdao Zhang (112)
    Figure 3-6 The Map of Daming Prefecture City’s Cross Street in Ming and Qing Dynasties (114)
    Figure 3-7 The Map of Main Streets and Lanes of Guangping Prefecture City in Ming Dynasty (115)
    Figure 3-8 Schematic Diagram of the Location of the Streets and Lanes of Xuanfu Town and Prince Gu’s Palace in Ming Dynasty (123)
    Figure 3-9 Schematic Diagram of the Location of Dengzhou Prefecture City and Anti-Japanese Pirates City in Ming Dynasty (128)
    Figure 3-10 Schematic Diagram of the Major Government Offices and Prince Tang’s Palace of Nanyang Prefecture City in MingDynasty (134)
    Figure 3-11 Schematic Diagram of the Major Streets of Nanyang’s Inner City in Qing Dynasty (135)
    Figure 3-12 The Map of “Plm Blossom City” of Nanyang in QingDynasty (136)
    Figure 4-1 Schematic Diagram of the Distribution of LinqingCommercial Street in Ming and Qing Dynasties (145)
    Figure 4-2 Changes in the Actual Tax Collection of the Two Customs, i.e. Linqing Hu Guan and Gong Guan, from Qianlong to Daoguang (148)
    Figure 4-3 The Location of the Old and New Cities, Caocang and the Major Offices in Tongzhou (154)
    Figure 4-4 The Market Map of Tianjin City during the Daoguang Period (167)
    Figure 4-5 The Street Market Map outside the North Gate of Tianjin during Daoguang Period (168)
    Figure 4-6 Changes of Tianjin Customs Tax Collection from Qianlong to Daoguang (182)
    Figure 4-7 The Map of Shanhaiguan City and Its East-West Luocheng and North-South Yicheng (188)
    Figure 4-8 The Map of Shanhaiguan Defense System (188)
    Figure 5-1 The Map of Jining City in Ming and Qing Dynasties (223)
    Figure 5-2 The Location of Dongchang Prefecture City and Guangyue Building (230)
    Figure 5-3 The Mountain Gate, Bell Tower and Drum Tower of Liaocheng Shanshaan Guild Hall (231)
    Figure 5-4 The Main Hall and the South and North Halls of Liaocheng Shanshaan Guild Hall (232)
    Figure 5-5 The Tablet Gallery of Liaocheng Shanshaan Guild Hall (232)
    Figure 5-6 Shanshaan Guild Hall in Luoyang City and Chengguan (251)
    Figure 5-7 The Mountain Gate, Bell Tower and Drum Tower of Luzhe Shanshaan Guild Hall in Luoyang (252)
    Figure 5-8 The Location of Prince Hen’s Palace and Government Office in Qingzhou State City in Ming Dynasty (258)
    Figure 5-9 Mountain Gate, Archway and Iron Flagpole of Yaowang Temple in Qizhou (273)
    Figure 5-10 The Tablet Gallery of Yaowang Temple in Qizhou (274)
    Figure 5-11 The Location of Huaiqing Mansion City, Government Office and Prince Zheng’s Palace (284)
    Figure 6-1 Mountain Gate of Shanshaan Guild Hall in Zhuxian Town (1999) (315)
    Figure 6-2 Preservation of Inscriptions of Shanshaan Guild Hall in Zhuxian Town (1999) (315)
    Figure 6-3 Preservation of Inscriptions of Shanshaan Guild Hall in Zhuxian Town (2012) (316)
    Figure 6-4 Schematic Diagram of Zhoukou’s South, North and West Villages in Qing Dynasty (325)
    Figure 6-5 Hall, Archway, Tablet Pavilion and Iron Flagpole of Zhoukou Shanshaan Guild Hall (326)
    Figure 6-6 The Eighteen Years Monument of Daoguang in Zhoukou Shanshaan Guild Hall (326)
    Figure 6-7 Streets and Lanes Map of Sheqi Town in Qing Dynasty (334)
    Figure 6-8 The Main Hall and the Inscription in front of the Main Hall of the Shanshaan Guild Hall in Sheqi (343)
    Figure 6-9 Xuanjian Tower of Shanshaan Guild Hall in Sheqi (343)
    Figure 6-10 Archway of Beiwudu Shanshaan Guild Hall (349)
    Figure 6-11 Preservation of Inscriptions in Beiwudu Shanshaan Guild Hall (1999) (353)
    Figure 6-12 Preservation of Inscriptions in Beiwudu Shanshaan Guild Hall (2011) (354)
    Figure 6-13 Inscriptions Preserved in the Courtyard of Jingziguan Shanshaan Guild Hall (2007) (367)
    Figure 6-14 The Scatter Diagram of Commercial Streets in Zhangqiu Town (383)
    Figure 7-1 Commercial Streets outside North Gate and East Gate of Tianjin during Daoguang Period (405)
    Figure 7-2 The Map of Guanxiang Market in Jiaozhou during Daoguang Period (406)
    Figure 8-1 The Schematic Diagram of Spatial Distribution of the Major Commercial Towns in Hebei, Shandong and Henan Provinces in the Late Ming Dynasty (432)
    Figure 8-2 The Schematic Diagram of Regional Distribution of Donated Merchants in Rebuilding Shanshaan Guild Hall in Liaocheng during Jiaqing Period (444)
    Figure 8-3 The Schematic Diagram of Regional Distribution of the Merchants that Donated in Rebuilding Shanshaan Guild Hall in Zhoucun during Daoguang Period (445)
    Figure 8-4 The Schematic Diagram of the Resale Range of Iron Goods and Groceries in Qinghua Town during the Xianfeng to Tongzhi Period (446)
    Figure 8-5 The Schematic Diagram of Regional Distribution of Donated Drug Dealers in Rebuilding Yaowang Temple in Qizhou during the Tongzhi to Guangxu Period (446)
    Figure 8-6 The Schematic Diagram of Regional Distribution of Donated Merchants in Beiwudu Rebuilding Shanshaan Guild Hall during the Xianfeng to Tongzhi Period (447)
    Figure 8-7 The Schematic Diagram of Spatial Distribution and Market Hierarchy of Commercial Towns in Hebei, Shandong and Henan Provinces in the Middle of Qing Dynasty (448)
    Figure 8-8 Grade-Scale Distribution Map of Skinner’s Central Area of North China in 1843 (449)